Super Finding App

Chapter 966: New God (2)


What is a fairy?

From the people's point of view, the immortal can have the ability to turn the river and turn the sea, cover his hands into clouds, and turn his hands into rain. He can get the way to immortality, immortality, and possess immense immortal magic.

But no matter it is in the eastern mythological system or the western mythological system, although the names are different, they have one thing in common, that is, they need to be worshipped.

This is called incense in Eastern mythology.

This is called the power of faith in Western mythological systems.

After all, it's just the same thing after all, it requires people's faith, it needs people's dedication.

With the continuous passage of time, people advocate technology. For the cow, the ghost, the snake, the legend, the myth, and the gods, it is not trust. The gods who lost these offerings gradually disappeared because they had no power and turned into earthly dust.

But the death of the old **** is accompanied by the birth of a new god.

People ’s minds and people ’s spirits need to be entrusted. Without the worship and worship of the devil, the gods, and the gods, they put their spiritual needs on other things. In this age of technological prosperity, people ’s hearts need to be entrusted. Pinned on tablets, TV stars, money, and so on.

These high-tech products have been worshipped by human beings, and new gods have gradually emerged.

They are legendary.

New God!

Born because of human desires and offerings, born because of human needs, it is completely different from the new **** born in the new era by ancient gods.

"Just kidding, all of what you said is fake, all of them are jokes, what a new god, just like a joke, do n’t tell me these messy things, I do n’t believe it at all, do you mean that Are you two the new gods of this new era? How is that possible? Immortals should not go to the mountain to retreat and practice, absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and then become the immortal and rise to the immortal world! "

Cheng Yiping feels like he is listening to the heavenly books. He feels that his three views have completely collapsed and blurted out. In his mind, the old man ’s explanations and the so-called immortals in books and TV series are not all supposed to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth. Essence of the moon, and then the Tao becomes immortal, and rise to the immortal world?

"My dear friend, Cheng Yiping, your thoughts are so meaningful. Anyone who can see the real gods? Yeah, gods, superhumans, super powers, super people. They are just a name. People in ancient times did not have modern thoughts. They, those who have surpassed their own strength, are worshipped as immortals. However, for present people, immortals may just be mortals who surpass the power of ordinary people. That ’s why it ’s called Superman, Transcendent, Capable. It ’s all just a name and a title. Although you are a candidate, we need your help ... ”

The fairies in casual clothes laughed and laughed. For them in the new era, it does n’t matter whether they are called as immortals, or transcendents, or even superpowers. A name.

This also shows from the side that for modern humans, the people who have accompanied Changming with technology have lost their awe of the gods.

It is not immortals who possess extraordinary powers, but people who are stronger than humans.

Perhaps this is the inferiority of human beings. From the bones, the ultimate goal of human beings is to play the role of savior, surpass God, control God, and even create God!

"Can you be sure I will help you?"

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath, pressed his irritable mood, raised his eyes, and looked at the fairy wearing casual clothes in front of him and the junior high school girl with two ponytails and princess costumes and licking a lollipop.

Cheng Yiping is very clear, regardless of whether the other party is true or false, there is the existence of the so-called old **** and new god, at least the strength and strength possessed by the other party is far from what Cheng Yiping now resists.

To put it bluntly, the super-hunting app possessed by Cheng Yiping today is a person's ability to find things. Even with the help of finding things, at most it is only Jeet Kune Do and Tai Chi that are very powerful for mortals. It can really fly in the sky. The immortal deities did not have any chance of resistance.

He needs to protect everyone on Dongping Flight 7348, but also Zhang Xiaona.

"You will go, Cheng Yiping, I can feel that the forbidden place of life we ​​are entering is also a place with cause and effect for you, a place you must go!"

With two ponytails and princess costumes and licking lollipops, the starry sky in the beautiful pupils of junior high school girls seemed to be aware of something, and the voice was as clear as a lark.

"This is your choice, this is your choice of destiny, be level, whether you choose to go down with us, pursue your destiny, reach a new road, or choose to leave. This is the key point. This is the part of your life. Fork, your choice will definitely affect your future life ... "

"Sheng Yiping, now you are in a place where cause and effect meet ..."

"Your choice will determine your life!"

"I know you are gods, but do n’t tell me these clouds and mists, with fantasy words, I do n’t understand and do n’t want to listen, since you want me to help you find people, find things, and find the so-called Life is forbidden, that's no problem at all ... "

"But I have a request ..."

Cheng Yiping snorted, full of vigilance towards the fairy in casual clothes and the junior high school girl with two ponytails in princess costumes and licking a lollipop, although it has not been seen so far The two of them threaten themselves, but the way is to sail carefully for thousands of years.

"O is interesting, okay, I don't know what kind of requirements do you have, Mr. Cheng? Is it immortal? Or is it a cure for cancer?"

The fairy wearing casual clothes had bright eyes and asked with interest.

"Not so exaggerated. There is only one requirement that I have requested, and that is to bring me all the people on Dongping Flight 7348, including Zhang Xiaona and the Eagle, to take them out of the Devil's Land!"

"As long as you can send them to a safe place to help you find people and objects, not to say that it is a forbidden place in life, I can help you find it even in a dangerous place, but my only requirement is to send all People safely send out this devil's land "

"Don't tell me you can't do it, don't you call yourself immortals? If the immortals can't even do this, it seems that what you say is nothing more than grandiose!"

Cheng Yiping is very clear that to this day, no matter what, the safety of Zhang Xiaona and those trapped on Dongping Flight 7348 must be guaranteed first.

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