Super Finding App

Chapter 967: Prehistoric Sea Beasts (1)

The fairy in casual clothes and this inexplicable appearance, wearing a princess costume with two ponytails, and licking a lollipop like a fairy of a junior high school girl, do not know what their purpose is.

But Cheng Yiping knew that with his own strength now, it was impossible to compete with the two.

Could it be possible to tell them directly that I would not turn around and leave? Chengyi didn't know.

So the only thing he can do now is to rely on the other party to ask him to do something, and then send the trapped people on Dongping Flight 7348, even Zhang Xiaona and everyone on the Eagle ship safely out of this devil zone.

Cheng Yiping believes that for these two so-called immortals, these things should not be a big deal.

If the other party ca n’t even do this, then Cheng Yiping really has to doubt the two so-called gods and so-called new gods in front of them. What is their ultimate purpose?

"Bring all the people out of the Devil's Zone? This is no problem at all. Anyway, my purpose from the beginning to the end is to send everyone out of the Devil's Zone after you. After all, our task is only to find, forbidden life, is not Murderer ... "

The fairy dressed in casual clothes laughed lightly. He didn't seem to care about Cheng Yiping's careful thinking, and saw that he tapped a finger, and all of the people on Dongping Flight 7348 all of a sudden. Then it floated, and entered the damaged aircraft in an instant like a line, and the bodies of Zhang Xiaona, Fan Qiang, Benas, and Sailor Anthony floated into the air, and landed not far away. Above the Eagle.

"The presence of sea beasts in the Devil's Zone is very dangerous. Even if there is a magnetic field that disturbs various instruments in the sky, this is just a hand for our deities. Send it all out of this devil zone ... "

The next moment, Cheng Yiping seemed to see a miracle

The huge airplane and the eagle ship flew up in the air, and under the control of the fairy dressed in casual clothes, they flew into the distance like a plane in the air and broke into the endless clouds.

"I have sent the plane and the ship out of the Devil's Land and docked on an island. If you don't believe it, I can take you to see it ..."

The fairy in casual clothes shrugged and chuckled, for him, it was really just a hand.

[Super Finding App starts ...]

[Super sensory search in connection ...]


Cheng Yiping kept his eyes closed tightly, and instantly opened the Super Finder of the Super Finder in his mind. He immediately sensed where Dongping 7348 and the Eagle ship were located. They have been sent out. The Devil's Zone has broken through the vortex of mist, and has now fallen on an isolated island above the sea.

This is the power of the immortal, and even airplanes and ships can easily make it fly in the sky and control it.

This is simply not what ordinary people should have.

There are only two people in front of her, and they are really real fairies ...

"No need, I already know that they were indeed sent out of the Devil's Zone. In that case, what exactly do you two want me to help you find? Where is the forbidden area of ​​life?"

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and turned around. Since Zhang Xiaona and others have safely left the devil's area, even the trapped people of Dongping Flight 7348 have been completely rescued. Now Cheng Yiping can stay and concentrate. Help these two so-called fairies to find people and things.

"Interesting, interesting, Cheng Yiping, you really deserve to be a candidate. Although you have not completely become a new god, but your strength already has some of the capabilities of the new god. I didn't expect that we don't need to take you to watch, you will Can you know that the plane and the Eagle have been sent out of the Devil's Zone intact? "

The fairy dressed in casual clothes pinched his mouth and smiled. In fact, he was able to agree to help Cheng Yiping remove Dongping 7348's aircraft and the eagle ship from the devil's area. It is necessary to test Cheng Yiping's so-called tracing. The ability to find things, now it seems that the ability to level up is indeed very powerful. When people stand in front of him, they can know things thousands of miles away.

It is interesting.

"Relax, Mr. Cheng, before I send them out, I have completely cleared all the memories of these people. Their memory will only stay after the plane crash, and the memory I have instilled in them within this week is It is a false memory, they will think that they are living on an island, and then they will not remember what happened in the Devil's Zone, and they will not remember us! "

That's it.

Cheng Yiping's pupils shrank fiercely. The devil's zone was terrifying, but no matter how many people appeared alive from the devil's zone, but the most heard from them was the devil. There was no such thing as a fairy. Among them, I am afraid that there are hands and feet made without the so-called fairy.

Now Cheng Yiping is very skeptical of how many gods there are on this aquamarine star.

He can perceive his peaceful life, which gradually collapses everyday, and seems to gradually enter a very strange and strange world of glass.

"Well, since that's the case, please come with me."

The fairy in casual clothes laughed slightly and raised her hands. Cheng Yiping found that her body floated up and flew up to the sky. On the other side, she was wearing a princess costume with two ponytails and licked. The junior high school girl with a lollipop also floated without wind, and the three of them even flew in the air.

"Fly, fly, I can really fly, just kidding ..."

What would it feel like if one could fly? Is it as exciting as it was on TV?

Do not.

It was panic.

Cheng Yiping flew in the volley. For the first time, he had the feeling that his feet were lost and his feet did not touch the ground. The weightlessness brought by this volley made his heart beating fiercely. He trembled with fear, for fear of falling down on the ground if he carelessly falls down.

"No need to worry too much, let me evoke the sea beast now, the intersection of life forbidden land is at our feet ..."

"Cheng Yiping, you can pay attention. Don't be scared by the action of this big monster below. Every time it wakes up, it will be upset. The timid will really be scared."

The fairy wearing casual clothes laughed slightly, stretched out her finger and hit a ring finger gently. The next moment, in the sound of Cheng Yiping's horror, I saw the earth under my feet instantly boiled and boiled. Mammoth, gradually waking up ...

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