Super Finding App

Chapter 994: Dig (1)


Dig from here?

Guo De was stunned and looked at where Cheng Yiping was pointing, but at the foot of Cheng Yiping was the corner of the morgue, which was already covered with floor tiles.

"Yes, Guo De, if you want to find Zhao Kexin, dig it from here, Zhao Kexin's body is here ..."

Cheng Yiping at this moment had no regard for how shocking what he said, flashing in his eyes was the intense and unsettling sadness.

Through the belief of the Super Find App, Cheng Yiping has seen more than once how the murderer killed the innocent and lovely Zhao Kexin himself, and then buried in the empty backyard of Tianhong Mental Hospital, after 18 years of Over the years, the former Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital has become Dekang Hospital. After being expanded and abandoned, the manhole cover has already become a morgue. Zhao Kexin was buried under the ground and a morgue was built on it.

I am afraid that the murderer Han Ting left Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital and came to this Dekang Hospital. I am afraid that Zhao Kexin's body was not closely guarded to see if anyone found any signs of failure.

"Mr. Cheng, are you telling the truth? Zhao Kexin's body is really here, aren't you kidding me? Or do you just find a place and show it to me, this is the morgue of Dekang Hospital, now You and I have no formal procedures for how to dig. Am I telling the dean that a corpse is buried below? "

Guo De hesitated. He originally thought that Sheng Yiping would lead him to find Zhao Kexin's body, but he did not expect that it was in a corner in the morgue of Dekang Hospital, and he still needed to dig. Then the problem came. It was commonplace. Is it true or false?

"It's been eighteen years, Guo De thought about it a bit, it's been really eighteen years. Before eighteen years ago, this place originally belonged to the backyard of the Tianhong Mental Hospital, but after eighteen years, it became a German Kang Hospital, at the same time Dekang Hospital has also been expanded, and Zhao Kexin is buried underneath this ground. If you want to find Zhao Kexin, dig this ground for me, there must be a satisfactory result ... "

Cheng Yiping said one word at a time that Jing Jing had made up his mind. Even if Guo De was not willing, Cheng Yiping would dig the ground.

Although he had no relationship with Zhao Kexin, he really watched Zhao Kexin, seven or eight years old, being tortured by a kidnapper and buried under the cold.

Cheng Yiping couldn't do nothing.

"What the **** are you doing? Who brought you here? This is the morgue of the hospital. Who are you ..."

Between words.

The doctor in charge of the morgue came in frowning, his face full of doubts.

The morgue is where the hospital is crying. Generally speaking, unless it is the family of the deceased, no doctor or nurse is willing to come to the morgue, but now two people suddenly appear, so that the doctor in charge of the morgue has some doubts. Did they come to recognize Is it dead?

"Hello, I'm a police consultant in Jiangzhen City. This is Guo De, a policeman from Dongzhou City. We are here today to investigate a murder case!"

Looking at the doubtful face, Guo De, undecided, Cheng Yiping smiled, turned to look at the doctor in charge of the morgue, and the murder was the opening.

"Murder? How is that possible? Could it be that the latest corpses were delivered? But no, no corpses were delivered today. Did you find the wrong place ..."

The identity of the police is still very useful in the Tang Dynasty. Cheng Yiping showed his identity and Guo De. The vigilant doctor in the morgue who had been vigilant was relieved of the vigilance. He picked up the records on the side. A careful reader showed a look of doubt. After all, he has not accepted any corpses today, let alone the corpses of a murder.

"Of course there is no record, because this homicide has been a full eighteen years, and the victim's body is underground in this morgue ..."


Just kidding.

You are teasing me.

The doctor in charge of the morgue widened his eyes. If it was n’t for the police officer ’s identification that he had determined that Cheng Yiping and Guo De were real, he really thought that the two were from the mental hospital. Eighteen years ago,

how is this possible?

"Okay, okay, if you don't believe it, or if you can't solve it, I think you'll still invite the Dean, and by the way bring two spades ..."

Cheng Yiping knows that if he really wants to carry out excavation in this hospital, he must inform the dean, instead of being bombarded by that time. Might as well let the doctor guarding the morgue directly approach the director, Cheng Yiping believes that with his and Guo De's police officer certificate and homicide, the hospital director must cooperate.

"I know, I know ..."

The doctor who was in charge of the morgue at all times was completely aggressive, and hurried to the place where the inside line was called and dialed the inside line of the manager.

"Mr. Cheng, you are serious, is Zhao Kexin really underneath?"

Guo De's face became very tangled and hesitant. Although he was very skeptical of Cheng Yiping, it was not fake to look at the action in front of him.

If it's really fake, then the joke is a big deal.

"Of course it is true, Guo De, you said that you have been guilty for 18 years. Although I have not seen Zhao Kexin 18 years ago, I can already know how pathetic Zhao Kexin is. For eight years, she has been buried in the cold ground, and now she has a rare opportunity to see the sun again and bring the murderer to justice. Wouldn't Guo De want to ... "

Guo De's face became very hesitant and entangled. The day that he could never forget 18 years ago emerged in his mind. In the heavy rain, he rushed out of the playground to support him. A woman in white wearing an umbrella, wearing red high heels, and Zhao Kexin gradually disappearing in front of him.

It was his nightmare for eighteen years.

"I see, Mr. Cheng, I said that as long as I can find Zhao Kexin, I will not give up even if it is a one-tenth chance. Since you said that Zhao Kexin is below this morgue, it is considered to be a digging of this morgue. Now, I must find Zhao Kexin ... "

"To see people in life, to see corpses in death ..."

"No exaggeration, no morgue hollowing ..."

Cheng Yiping's mouth went up. It seems that Guo Dede made the right choice.

"Just dig it according to the location I gave you. It won't be long before Zhao Kexin's body will be found. At that time, as long as the body is found, evidence can be found. As for whether Fang Murderer can be brought to justice, it depends. Can you find hard evidence! "

"But I believe Skynet is full and unobtrusive. As long as I find Zhao Kexin's body, I will be able to catch the prisoner!"

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