Super Finding App

Chapter 995: Digging (2)

"What? Are you kidding me? What the hell? We have corpses underground in the morgue? And we still have the corpse of the murder for eighteen years. Do you know what you are talking about? Is it in the morgue? It's been too long for a ghost ... "

The dean of Dekang Hospital is stunned. His work is very busy. After all, the entire Dekang Hospital needs his overall control. Sometimes even important personnel needs him to operate and make decisions. At this moment, he was as calm as he heard it. Tian Fang Ye Tan.

"It's true, it's true, Dean, now the two police officers are already in the morgue. You should hurry up and come, do you really let them dig in the morgue?"

The doctor in charge of the mortuary wants to cry without tears. To be honest, he doesn't think this is true, but the other person is so sure, and he is still a criminal policeman. If the homicide is really involved, it will definitely be considered to be Obstructing the case may be arrested.

"I know, I know, come here now ..."

As the dean of Dekang Hospital, his connections are quite extensive, or the two police officers do not care about the dean of Dekang Hospital, but even if he is connected again, he must act in accordance with rules and regulations, at least This is so on the bright side, so if the two policemen really came to handle the case, looking for the murder case eighteen years ago, the dean himself could really only co-operate with them. Of course, if the so-called policemen just wanted to borrow With this matter in mind, then the director of the Kant Hospital will let them know what it means to steal chicken without counter-etching rice.

When the dean of Dekang Hospital and several doctors in charge rushed to the morgue, they saw that Cheng Yiping and Guo De had begun to dig up with a **** in a corner of Taiping Street.

"Hello, please stop, stop. Hello, I'm the dean of Dekang Hospital. May I ask ..."

"I'm Cheng Yiping, a police adviser in the six major cases of Jiangzhen City."

"I'm Guo De from Dongzhou Interpol Brigade ..."

Cheng Yiping and Guo De stopped at the same time and took out the police officer's card. After careful inspection by Dekang Dean, it was indeed true, and he looked up at the excavated ground road.

"Since the two are police, then we must cooperate fully with Dekang Hospital, but can the two really be sure that the body is hidden in our hospital?"

"Hello Dean, I know that Dekang Hospital was originally a Rainbow Hospital, eighteen years ago. After the Rainbow hospital was moved to the suburbs ten years ago, it was converted into a Dekang Hospital. At that time, if the dean can find it, it will not be dragged to the present, but it is understandable to think about it. After all, it is just a transformation, not a new one, so I did n’t find this understandable. , After all, it's about a human life "

Cheng Yiping said.

"Here, okay, if a homicide is really involved, we at Dekang Hospital will definitely cooperate fully, but whether the two really find the right place, we are here as a hospital, and now it is a morgue. Two people can dig anywhere casually, otherwise, if two people dig in the east and dig in the west, my Dekang Hospital is still open ... "

The dean of the Dekang Hospital squinted his eyes. He thought that the two men were coming to engage in extortion and blackmail to disrupt the normal operation of the Dekang Hospital. However, it seems that there really is a homicide.

After all, the two people dug in the most remote corner of the morgue, and it was underground, which did not affect the normal operation of Dekang Hospital.

"Please be assured that the dean will definitely not affect your normal business ..."

Cheng Yiping nodded, and at this moment he did not care about the shock of the world and Guo De gave a glance, and immediately began to dig.

Cheng Yiping and Guo De are very clear that their police officer certificate is true. They can flicker to the director of Dekang Hospital and say that there is a homicide here, and the body is excavated first. In other words, Cheng Yiping and Guo De's actions could not be approved at all.

Now all Cheng Yiping and Guo De have to do is to find Zhao Kexin's body before the Thunder is furious after the people above know it.

As long as Zhao Kexin's body can be found, everything will be revealed.




Cheng Yiping and Guo De are digging desperately with a shovel. If you do n’t know the situation, you definitely ca n’t know how long it will take to dig down before you can dig up the corpse. He knows very well how long it has been digging at this moment, and how long it will take.


The sound of a shovel hitting a metal hit him, and his eyes became bright, and he said quickly.

"I dug it ..."

Really dug it.

true or false?

Guo De was surprised. Although he agreed with He Cheng Yiping's excavation this time, he still had no idea. Now he heard that Yi Yiping had dug the excavation tools in his hand and came to the place where Cheng Yiping excavated. He quickly removed the dirt below with his hands and felt the metal touch.

Manhole cover!

Guo De looked at the manhole cover that had been buried for decades, and the ominous feeling in his heart sprang up. His hands were shaking constantly, and he seemed to think of something terrifying.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Guo De became equal, and the manhole cover that had rusted out was removed little by little.

Just after the manhole cover was removed, a moldy, foul-smelling breath was blown at his face. After waiting for the air to pass around, Guo De quickly looked at the probe, and the white bone under the manhole cover was under the help of the light. What?

[Success in finding things, earning 12 points of faith. 】

In Cheng Yiping's mind, the sign of the faith-seeking success was instantaneously appeared. At the same time, the soul avatar disappeared instantly in his mind.

There are only 12 points of faith. It seems that they are really very few. After the evolution of the super-hunting app, the value obtained will not be 20 points of faith, but the faith is really invisible and intangible.

Cheng Yiping sighed sighingly, feeling a little frustrated with obtaining only 12 points of faith, but he seemed to clearly feel in his mind that there was a subtle line connecting with Guo De.

Is this the line of faith?

Just as his mind was full of thinking about the power of faith obtained after the success of the super-hunting app and faith-seeking and his own guessing, Guo De had jumped out of the manhole cover and knelt on the ground and hugged it Bones cried.

Although it is not clear whether this bone belongs to Zhao Kexin's bones, Guo De cried holding the white bone in front of him like a child, and his intuition told him that the pile of white bones in front of him was really eighteen years old. Former Zhao Kexin.

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