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Qin Yu and Deng Xiao saw Yang Xiao and stood up to greet him.

"How is your injury?"

"Thank you for your concern, I just took Xiaoxuedan, and I feel much better."

Yang Xiao nodded and said:

"Hurry up to rest and regain your strength as soon as possible. Today was delayed by the mutant dog. It's already late. If you want to rush back, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult."

When it got dark and the dense fog shrouded the mountains, even Qin Yu and Deng Xiao couldn't find their way, let alone Yang Xiao and the others walking on the ground.

"Then what?"

The four looked at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao pondered the film and said:

"Deng Xiao, immediately fly into the air and force the surrounding thick fog to retreat. How much can be forced back is counted, at least let us see the surrounding terrain clearly."

"it is good."

Deng Xiao immediately turned into a bird and rose into the air, continuously dispersing the surrounding dense fog. After a while, the surrounding dense fog of one or two hundred meters was dissipated.

At this moment, the young man known as Brother Qing came over with Heizi and others, carrying the mutant dog.

Deng Xiao dispelled the thick fog around, and everyone could see each other.

The mutant dog was bound on all fours and kept howling.

Yang Xiao immediately raised his guard when he saw Heizi and the others approaching.

The young man walked up to Yang Xiao and said:

"My name is Kong Tianqing, the vice-chairman of the Xianan University Student Union. It's getting late, so I guess you won't be able to go back. Let's be friends and spend the night in the valley, how about that?"

Yang Xiao nodded and said:

"How to be company?"

"It's simple. If there are no mutant monsters attacking us at night, everyone will be at peace. If there is an attack by a monster, let's fight back together. How about it? The seven of us, the five of you, in the end, you take advantage."

Yang Xiao smiled:

"Okay, but I have a condition."


"You rest in your circle, I rest in our circle, 30 meters away from each other, and everyone does not disturb each other."

Kong Tianqing glanced at Qin Yu who was resting beside him, and said with a smile:

"Although that girl is beautiful, she is not in my eyes. Don't worry."

After speaking, he turned around and explained a few words to Heizi and the others, so Heizi stayed to guard the mutant dog, while the rest went to the nearby woods to chop down trees.

Yang Xiao asked Chen Fei to take care of Qin Yu, and took Long Yongjun to the nearby woods to cut down trees.

"Boss, what are you cutting trees for?"

"Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? You need a bonfire to illuminate the night in the wild, and you can also disperse some mutant creatures that are afraid of fire. Cut more."

After Deng Xiao dispelled the dense fog in the range of 200 to 300 meters, he flew back to the place and joined the ranks of cutting down trees.

Kong Tianqing really kept his word. He chose a relatively flat terrain about 30 meters away from Yang Xiao and others, and built a bonfire.

Xiao Hei and the others lit the bonfire, took out the food for barbecue, and chatted while eating, which was very lively.

Yang Xiao is still cutting down trees here.

"Boss, that's enough, how much more need to be cut, we have cut a lot more trees than they have."

Yang Xiao and others chopped down more than a dozen trees with thick bowls one after another, cut off the thick branches and trunks, and asked Qin Yu and Chen Fei to use these trunks and branches to build three large fires in the shape of finished characters. The pile is about ten meters away.

In addition, a bonfire was built in the middle of the fire.

"Boss, do you need to be so exaggerated for one night?"

Chen Fei also asked.

"Be prepared, I don't want to die here, you all should be vigilant at night, Qin Yu and Deng Xiao, both of you, remember that if there is a special situation that everyone can't survive,

You two quickly fly away. "

"Yang Xiao, don't say such unlucky words."

Qin Yu looked at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao smiled and said:

"Don't be so nervous, I'm just taking precautions in case, we won't be so bad luck, okay, everyone is tired, light the bonfire in the middle, eat something, and rest early."

Chen Fei took out the prepared lighter, lit the bonfire, and said:

"I miss Chen Lu now. If she was here, a ball of fire could light a bonfire without a lighter."

Everyone took out the steamed buns and barbecued them on the bonfire, and chatted while eating.

The sky was completely dark, and two bonfires in the valley were illuminating each other, about 30 meters apart, and everyone could only see the silhouette in the firelight.

Hei Zi approached Kong Tianqing and said:

"Boss, where is the other party? Shall we ask?"

"Don't ask, it's the closest to Shonan University, and they all look like they're from Shonan University."

"Those two girls are good looking, hehe."

"Xiao Hei, don't be so crooked, I can leave you alone if you're somewhere else, but tonight is in the wild valley, which is a few hills away from Xianan University, if anything unexpected happens, we all have to die. ,

Besides, the other five, especially the leader, have good skills, you are not necessarily his opponent, and, in case of an attack by mutant monsters, the five of them can be considered a good strength.

You are still optimistic about this mutant dog. When it evolves to the stage of strengthening genes, we will kill it immediately. When the equipment explodes, I only need the wolf skin gold armor, and the rest will be distributed to you. "

Hei Zi and a few young men stared at Yang Xiao and the others with evil eyes, saw the vague figures of Qin Yu and Deng Xiao in the firelight, and swallowed their saliva reluctantly.

Yang Xiao ate some food and felt tired, and said:

"Long Yongjun and Deng Xiao were on duty in the middle of the night, Chen Fei, Qin Yu and the three of us are going to rest now, and the three of us will be on duty in the second half of the night."

Yang Xiao found two tree trunks and put them on the ground, sleeping near the bonfire.

Qin Yu and Chen Fei sat on a section of tree trunk, resting back to back with their eyes closed.

Night is the time when all kinds of beasts on Yueshan come out and move, and the calls of various birds, beasts and insects can be heard from the woods in the distance.

Deng Xiao spent the night in the wild for the first time, and was a little flustered. Seeing Yang Xiao and the three fell asleep, he had to look at Long Yongjun, who smiled honestly and said:

"Sister Deng Xiao, don't be afraid. With me, my hometown is in the mountains. It's like this at night in the mountains. Don't pay attention to these calls."

Deng Xiao hummed, and suddenly asked:

"Is there a spider the size of a basin on the mountain in your hometown?"

Deng Xiao didn't ask, but Long Yongjun's expression changed when he asked, he twitched a few times, and said in horror:

"No, no."

After speaking, he glanced at the surrounding darkness, and then said to Deng Xiao:

"Sister Deng Xiao, you look behind me, I look behind you, let's look at each other."

Deng Xiao was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said:

"Why are you more timid than me? Didn't you just say that your family is a mountain habit?"

Long Yongjun scratched his head, smiled awkwardly, and quickly took some branches and put them on the bonfire to make the bonfire burn even more vigorously.

A few palm-sized insects flew over after seeing the firelight. Long Yongjun hurriedly waved his knife and hacked all the insects to death after counting them.

Deng Xiao and Long Yongjun each held their swords and had to deal with flying insects from time to time. After more than an hour, the corpses of various insects fell by the bonfire. Because these insects were relatively large, some of them looked fleshy, so they would be slaughtered. It was thrown into the bonfire for barbecue by Long Yongjun, and it became a late night snack.

On Kong Tianqing's side, it was the same situation. Insects kept flying over. They sent three people to watch the night in the middle of the night. The three kept waving their weapons to kill these mutant insects that flew over. After a while, they killed several people. ten.

Kong Tianqing, Xiao Hei and the others were lying on the tree trunk and sleeping.

The huge mutant dog was tied up with chains and unable to move. It lay about 3 meters away from the bonfire and howled in a low voice.

A beetle that was split in half fell to the mouth of the mutant dog. The mutant dog stuck out its tongue and rolled it directly into the mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

Moments later, the mutant dog ate a dozen of the downed insects.

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