Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 91 Strengthening genes

The night watchman did not hear the howl of the mutant dog and turned his head to look.

"Hey, this guy still eats these bugs."

"Let it eat, as long as it doesn't howl, there is so much on the ground, we take it over and eat it, so that our ears will be clean."

So, the three threw the corpses of a bunch of mutant insects to the mutant dog.

Long Yongjun's side didn't have anything special until the early morning, but a lot of insects were killed.

Yang Xiao was awakened by the smell of barbecue. He sat up and saw that Deng Xiao poked a large piece of meat with a branch and sent it to him.

Yang Xiao took a sniff.

"It's delicious, what kind of meat?"

"A mouse, weighing at least 30 pounds, was cut by me with one knife."

Deng Xiao said it easily, she was a weak and gentle girl more than a month ago, but now she has become a female man.

Yang Xiao took a bite and felt that it tasted good.

Deng Xiao had a small packet of salt on him, and the barbecue had been sprinkled with salt.

Long Yongjun held a roasted rat's leg in his left hand and gnawed at it, and in his right hand held a short golden knife. When he saw insects on the firelight, he took a knife.

Yang Xiao followed the fire of the bonfire and saw that the insects hacked to death by the two had piled up like a hill around them.

"Boss, let me tell you, we have harvested at least 50 gene fragments. Sister Deng Xiao and I are competing to see who can harvest the most gene fragments."

The firelight attracted a large number of various mutant insects, but inadvertently made the two of them collect genetic fragments. Compared to fighting in the woods, it was more fun here.

"Call Qin Yu and Chen Fei up, you two should rest, nothing special, right?"

"No, it's just that there are fewer insects, it's not as much as at the beginning."

Long Yongjun looked unfinished, his eyes searched for flying insects around him.

A big mosquito buzzed and flew over. Long Yongjun was about to swing his knife when he saw the shadow of the knife flash, and the mosquito split in half and fell.

"Boss, you are too perverted, how come you shot so fast?"

Long Yongjun has to be convinced even if he is not convinced, Yang Xiao's speed with the knife is too fast.

"Okay, stop playing, go to sleep, you're not tired after a day of fighting?"

At this time, Qin Yu and Chen Fei were also woken up by Deng Xiao, and the two gathered around the bonfire and began to enjoy delicious supper.

Long Yongjun imitated Yang Xiao, lying on two tree trunks to sleep, and after a while he snored loudly.

Yang Xiao, Qin Yu, and Chen Fei chatted while eating barbecue around the bonfire. They also had a competition to see who killed the most insects. The three suddenly realized that such a night seemed to be not bad.

"Fuck, what the hell did you do?"

Suddenly, a roar came from a distance, it was Xiao Hei's voice.

"Brother Hei, we didn't do anything. We just killed some insects. Seeing that the mutant dog likes to eat it, it doesn't bark after eating it, so we just eat it all..."


A loud slap.

With a gloomy face, Xiao Hei pointed at the three of them fiercely and said:

"You guys are all looking for death, you know? This mutant dog has eaten so many mutant insects, and the energy in the body has greatly increased. If it breaks through to the enhanced genetic state at this moment, we may all have to die."

"Ah? Little black brother, we don't know either..."

The three young men on the night watch were terrified.

Kong Tianqing and others also woke up.

Kong Tianqing waved his hand to Xiao Hei and said:

"Okay, it's useless to scold anything now, let's see how lucky we are."

After speaking, he glanced at the mutant dog lying on the ground nearby, his expression suddenly changed, and he said:


"Brother Qing, what's wrong?"

Blackie asked.

"Did you look at the dog's four paws discolored?"

Xiao Hei was stunned,

He pulled out a burning log from the bonfire and held it up beside the mutant dog. In the flickering firelight, he saw that the four paws of the mutant dog had turned pale gold and were still extending upwards.

Kong Tianqing pulled out a golden long sword and looked at the mutant dog on the ground with a solemn expression.

"Everyone pay attention, this mutant dog is about to break through the enhanced gene stage. Once it breaks through, its combat power will increase exponentially. We may not be its opponents. The only way now is to take advantage of the moment when it breaks through the enhanced gene stage, everyone. Let's kill it together."

"Boss, can't you just kill it now?"

someone asked.

Xiao Hei glared at it and scolded:

"MD, we sacrificed five brothers and wasted so much time and energy chasing this mutant dog, just to kill it when it breaks through the enhanced gene stage, so that it can burst into wolf skin and golden armor, now If you kill it, it will only be an ordinary wolf-skin hard armor, and you will not lose your life?"

The rest of them didn't dare to talk too much. They all held weapons and stared nervously at the mutant dogs on the ground.

At first, only the four legs of the dog turned pale golden, and slowly, the golden color began to spread to the body, and golden rays of light began to appear on the mutant dog.

What Kong Tianqing said here, Yang Xiao and others could hear clearly.

"Boss, are the monsters in the enhanced gene stage very powerful?"

Chen Fei asked.

"Of course, I once heard Gu Bo from the gene store say that the current mutant creatures are only in the original mutation stage, they are all constantly evolving, but I didn't expect the evolution speed to be so fast that this mutant dog will break through and strengthen. Genetic stage."

"What if they can't kill this genetically enhanced dog?"

Qin Yu asked.

Yang Xiao looked at the direction of Kong Tianqing and others in the distance, and saw the seven of them surrounded the mutant dogs on the ground, and golden rays of light flashed on the ground.

Kong Tianqing and others are betting that they can kill the mutant dog the moment it completes the mutation, and get the cherished equipment.

"Wake up Deng Xiao and Long Yongjun, we are ready to go."

Qin Yu and Chen Fei woke them up respectively, and the four of them looked at Yang Xiao.

"Boss, why are we leaving? It's midnight, where can we go?"

Yang Xiao glanced at Qin Yu and said:

"If you two are flying now, can you identify the direction?"

The two shook their heads,

"There was thick fog everywhere, and there was no starlight at night, so it was impossible to identify the direction."

"What if we hide in the woods?"

"There is a dangerous killing field in the woods at the moment. You can't see the tops of the trees, around you, and various mutant creatures in the grass. A spider bites you, a mosquito bites you, and various unknown insects bite you. It is estimated that We have to die too."

Yang Xiao thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Then we'll bet our fate!"


The four looked at Yang Xiao.

"You think, if the mutant dog breaks through the genetic enhancement stage, its skill increases greatly, and it kills Kong Tianqing and the others, will it immediately come to us for revenge?"

The four nodded, especially Long Yongjun, thinking that he had cut so many knives on mutant dogs during the day, it would be strange not to seek revenge for themselves, dogs are especially vengeful animals.

In the middle of the night, even if they were hiding in the woods, they could be found with the dog's strong sense of smell.

"What if Kong Tianqing and the others killed the mutant dog?"

Qin Yu asked.

"The result may be more terrifying than the mutant dog, especially you and Deng Xiao, Xiao Hei's evil eyes have been staring at you for a long time, once they kill the mutant dog and get the equipment exploded by the mutant dog, we will immediately suffer."


Qin Yu and Deng Xiao shuddered.

"Boss, you want to bet on the third outcome, right?"

Chen Fei turned to look at Yang Xiao.

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