Huang Wen took a dozen people to search and fly in a carpet pattern. They had already flown several times around the hill near the water pool. The thick fog covering the hill was constantly forced back, and the outline of the entire hill became clearer and clearer.

When Huang Wen and the others flew to the sky near the water pool again, they vaguely saw a few figures on the ground, so they flew over excitedly.

Yang Xiao's senses are very sensitive, and when he heard the sound of flying in the distance, he quickly turned his head to look and saw several big birds flying.

Chen Fei and others also turned their heads and looked at them together.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Wen flew within 100 meters of everyone, and they could clearly see each other.

Huang Wen was excited, flapped her wings, and swooped towards Yang Xiao and the others.

"Huang Wen?"

Yang Xiao and others were surprised to see Huang Wen landing on the ground and standing in front of them.

Huang Wen looked at Yang Xiao, her eyes were red, and she choked:

"Where did you guys go last night? Why didn't you return overnight? Do you know that we are all in a hurry? Everyone is looking for you all over the world!"

As he spoke, tears fell uncontrollably.

Yang Xiao and others were stunned for a few seconds.

Chen Fei, Qin Yu, Deng Xiao, and Huang Wen are all good friends. The three of them hurried over and hugged each other. Thinking of the moment of life and death last night, Qin Yu and the three of them were a little scared at the moment, and the four girls were so excited that they cried. .

Chen Fei and the others briefly explained to Huang Wen, and Huang Wen listened, and only then did she feel relieved.

Yang Xiao looked at Huang Wen and felt a little moved. In the last days, there are still people worried about his life and death, so he stepped forward and said softly:

"Huang Wen, I'm sorry, I really couldn't go home last night, which made you worry."

Seeing that Yang Xiao and others came back safely, Huang Wen's inner stone had already fallen to the ground, she glanced at Yang Xiao, snorted, and said:

"Now that you are accompanied by beautiful women, you are naturally happy to spend the night outside. Where do you want to come back?"

The grief is beyond words.

Yang Xiao immediately made an innocent look of being wronged:

"It's really impossible,

You don't know how dangerous last night was, and you almost couldn't come back. "

"It's better if you don't come back, save me from worrying about you in the future."

"Sister Huang Wen, it seems that you are only worried about Yang Xiao, not me at all!"

Chen Fei joked aside.

Huang Wen rolled her eyes and smiled:

"What's there to worry about? You and Yang Xiao are outside, I don't know how happy you are, hee hee"

In the end, Huang Wen also laughed.

Yang Xiao quickly took out a piece of hard armor to please:

"This is for you, it's hard armor, +4 defense,"

Seeing that there are two holes on it, I added a sentence:

"You can go to the gene store to repair it later, and you can spend a dozen crystal coins."

After thinking about it, I don't think it shows the importance attached to Huang Wen, because the better hard armor was picked by Chen Fei and others. down, so he added:

"There are only two pieces left, and this one is specially reserved for you."

How can this be false.

God knows, what Yang Xiao thought at the time was to give it to Zhao Gang and Xiao Zhe. Both of them are close-combat warriors and need high defense. Now they can only give it to Huang Wen. After all, they shed tears for themselves, so the inner guilt will be less. .

Chen Fei also immediately echoed:

"Sister Huang Wen, this was specially given to you by the boss, no one gave it to you."

Huang Wen chuckled and took the hard armor.

Everyone crowded down the mountain, Huang Wen let the rest of the companions fly back, and told everyone that Yang Xiao had been found.

Chen Fei kept telling Huang Wen about the thrills of last night, and Huang Wen was also trembling.

As soon as Yang Xiao and his party went down the mountain and entered the campus of Hunan University, they saw a group of people standing there, led by Xiao Zhe, Zhao Gang, Fei Fei, Dai Yun, Chen Fei and others.

The dinosaur team that Huang Wen had brought before had basically all arrived.

"Haha, this is so grand, are you all here to greet me?"

Yang Xiao laughed at himself.


--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Friends please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading of the novel:

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

Sorry for worrying everyone. "

Yang Xiao bowed to Xiao Zhe, Zhao Gang and the others.

Fatty rushed up directly and gave Yang Xiao a bear hug.

"Boss, where have you been? You haven't returned overnight. I thought something happened to you, and I'll never see you again, uuuuuuuuuuuuu."

Speaking of the back, Fatty suddenly choked and cried.

Fei Fei is a person with a true temperament. As soon as she cried, Dai Yun, Chen Fei and the rest of the girls all had their eyes wet.

Yang Xiao hugged his plump body, never felt so warm, and his eyes became a little wet.

Yang Xiao patted the waist of the fat bucket, pushed her away gently, and said:

"Look, I'm fine, don't you? Don't worry, my life is on the line. With your sisters here, brother, I don't want to die so soon, Long Yongjun, and bring the gift I prepared for Sister Feifei. "

When Fatty heard this, he quickly wiped away his tears:

"Ah? And a gift?"

Yang Xiao took a dark iron chain from Long Yongjun and handed it to Feifei.

This iron chain has +3 agility and is twenty meters long.

The fat beast soul is a unique plant soul system. Apart from a head of hair that is more than ten meters long, there is no suitable weapon for the time being. Yang Xiao's iron chain is just right for her.

Holding the chain, Feifei stretched out his hand, and immediately turned into a long snake, dancing nimbly in the air.

Fei Fei received the chain and was very happy,

"Thank you boss, or boss knows how to care about me!"

"Hehe, of course, who called you my fat sister?"

Huang Wen and others laughed.

Yang Xiao took another +3 strength long sword to Dai Yun, and gave her another +4 defense hard armor. Dai Yun is a werewolf beast soul, just in need.

There were still a few weapons left, which were given to Xiao Zhe and Zhao Gang each, and Zhao Gang chose the long spear.

The remaining two pieces were given by Huang Wen to the other two melee beast souls among the girls.

When Yang Xiao came back, everyone rejoiced and got busy again.

Huang Wen and Dai Yun went to the gene store and spent more than a dozen crystal coins to repair the hard armor. They left happily. Now they have to take the team out to fight, and they are relatively busy.

Yang Xiao brought Long Yongjun, Chen Fei, Qin Yu and Deng Xiao to the gene store.

Long Yongjun took out the dog-blood knife and the dog-blood knife method for identification.

Gu Bo glanced at it with a surprised look on his face:

"This thing can only be exploded by strengthening genetic organisms. How did you get it?"

Long Yongjun was about to speak when Yang Xiao said first:

"We were lucky. Two monsters fought, one was killed, and the other went away. We happened to pass by and saw three things on the ground and picked them up."

Gu Bo smiled and did not continue to ask.

"The appraisal fee is 2 crystal coins."

Yang Xiao threw two genetic fragments to Gu Bo, Gu Bo held the dog-blood knife in his hand, his eyes glowed, and he swept it. A golden light emanated from the knife, flowing through the entire blade like water.

"All right."

Gu Bo handed it to Yang Xiao, and Yang Xiao took it and felt it.

"+5 Strength, +2 Fire Damage."

Really a good knife.

Yang Xiao handed it to Long Yongjun. Long Yongjun was ecstatic and waved it a few times. Every time he waved, there was a flame accompanied by the shadow of the knife.

Gu Bo again identified the dog blood knife technique and handed it to Yang Xiao, who handed it directly to Long Yongjun.

Gu Bo was taken aback and said:

"This thing suits you, don't you learn it?"

"Hehe, there are so many things that suit me, I can't learn it!"

Gu Bo nodded and cast an approving look at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao first filled up the arrows in the quiver, and after thinking about it, he bought another quiver, so that he had 2 arrows, so he didn't have to worry about lack of arrows in field battles.

"After you break through the enhanced gene stage, you can equip a quiver with a larger capacity, a quiver with a thousand arrows."


Yang Xiao was startled, a thousand arrows were equivalent to infinite.

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