Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 98 Equipment Upgrade

Yang Xiao took out ten enhanced gene discs and handed them to Gu Bo. Gu Bo took it and looked at it and said:

"This is dropped from the enhanced genetic creature. The cost of synthesis also requires 2 enhanced genetic fragments. Of course, you can also pay with the original genetic fragments, and the number is doubled."

"Well, that's fine."

Yang Xiao said, took out 40 genetic fragments and handed them to Gu Bo.

Gu Bo turned around and put ten enhanced gene discs into the mysterious device specially used to synthesize gene potions. After a while, a beam of light flashed on the box, making a "ding" sound.

"All right!"

Gu Bo walked over, opened the mysterious device, and took out a large crystal bottle containing red liquid.

Gu Bo handed the crystal bottle to Yang Xiao,

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, drink it ten times, don't drink it in one breath."

The last time Yang Xiao drank several bottles of genetic potion in one breath, he was dizzy and almost fainted on the spot. This time, he would naturally not be so anxious.

Yang Xiao nodded, then took out the twenty complete original gene discs found from the bodies of Xiao Hei and others, and threw them to Gu Bo, including 4 gene discs with the red power attribute.

"Give him these four synthetic gene potions."

Yang Xiao pointed at Long Yongjun beside him, and when Long Yongjun heard it, he almost jumped up.

In addition, there are 3 purple gene discs and 3 black gene discs. After Yang Xiao asked Gu Bo to synthesize the potion, he took them to a table in the store lobby and sat down to drink slowly.

Long Yongjun took the gene potion, and also came to Yang Xiao's table and drank it.

Chen Fei, Qin Yu, and Deng Xiao now have more than 800 gene fragments in their hands. Together, the three of them spent 720 gene fragments to synthesize 60 gene potions, with an average of 20 copies per person.

The remaining more than 100 gene fragments were all replaced with crystal coins, and each person was divided into more than 40 crystal coins.

The three girls also came to Yang Xiao's table with their respective genetic potions, and began to drink excitedly.

Each person's genetic evolution level is different, and the number of gene potions required to improve the gene attribute again is also different.

Yang Xiao's genetic evolution level is higher than everyone else's. Drinking ten copies of the strengthening gene potion only increases his strength by 1 point. Drinking three points of the agility gene potion has no effect at all, and three copies of the defense gene potion can't improve defense. value.

However, after Long Yongjun drank four copies of the gene potion, his power increased from 3 to 4. In this way, with the addition of 5 points of his dog blood knife, he could instantly increase his strength to 9 points.

Yang Xiao's current Strength is 8, Agility is 9, Defense and Wisdom are both 5.

Yang Xiao took Long Yongjun to the counter again.

"Gu Bo, I want to buy some equipment and jewelry. What can I introduce?"

Gu Bo smiled:

"What, made a fortune? Well, the equipment mainly includes breastplates, pants, helmets and shoes, and the jewelry mainly includes necklaces, two earrings, two rings, bracelets, and the card is only for girls. However, I only have cloth here. Armor and boots, hairpins, bracelets, and the rest are not available yet."


"This has something to do with your level of genetic evolution. The higher your level of evolution is, the more gene fragments you trade with me, and my gene store will be upgraded accordingly, so that you can sell more items and advanced items, such as hardware A, Xianan University's gene store sells it, but I don't have it here, I have to wait until the overall evolution level here reaches 4 before the hard armor will appear."

Gu Bo said, and suddenly stared at Yang Xiao,

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Friends please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading of the novel:

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

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"You've been in the store for more than 8 minutes, and you have 3 minutes left,"

He pointed at Long Yongjun again and said:

"He only has 2 minutes left, what he wants to buy, decide quickly, or he will be forcibly kicked out by the gene store when the time is up, and he will have to wait 2 hours before he can come in again. Of course, you two can also go out now, On the walls of the gene store, the prices of various equipment and jewelry are displayed, and when you decide, come directly to me to buy them, so that everyone can save time for each other."

Now more and more people come to the gene store to trade, Gubo and his little guy are very busy, in order to avoid everyone standing in the gene store for a long time, so this rule of only staying for 10 minutes at a time is from one It was established from the beginning.

However, the more transactions you have with the gene store, the higher your personal reputation will be, and the time you spend in the store will gradually increase.

Yang Xiao can now stay in the gene store for about 11 minutes.

Yang Xiao was taken aback for a while,

"And this operation?"

Pulled Long Yongjun and ran out of the gene store.

At this time, Qin Yu and Deng Xiao had raised their agility to 5 points, Chen Fei had raised their intelligence to 6 points, and the three of them also ran out of the store and watched the equipment price list on the wall.

This is an LED-like electronic display that shows the price of various equipment and jewelry.

Yang Xiao glanced at it, all of them were the most basic black long sword, staff and cloth armor, as well as some bracelets and hairpins.

There is a long sword with +3 strength in the list, and the price jumps to 1 crystal immediately.

Compared with the ordinary long sword with +2 strength, it suddenly increased by 97 crystal coins.

"Nima, this dance is too outrageous, isn't it?"

Yang Xiao muttered.

A young man next to him glanced at Yang Xiao and said:

"I once heard Gu Bo say that the most basic equipment is to help everyone have basic combat power so that they can fight mutant creatures, so the price is very cheap."

Yang Xiao nodded and understood.

In the early days of the cataclysm, the evolution of human genes was slower than that of other creatures. If there is no suitable equipment to arm human beings and improve their combat power, human beings cannot fight against mutant creatures.

Yang Xiao originally had wind boots with +2 movement speed. Now he has seen a new boot, also called wind boots, with +3 movement speed, but the price has also jumped from 3 crystal coins to 1 crystal coin.

The strange thing is that there is no hard armor on it, only cloth armor. The price of +2 defense point cloth armor is 10 crystal coins, and the price of +3 defense point is 1 crystal coin.

The Helmet and Pants column is empty, without any items.

There are only two types of jewelry, one is a bracelet, which is unisex, and the other is a card, which can only be worn by girls.

Bracelets and cards have a maximum of +2 points, 3 crystal coins, and all four attributes.

As for the rings, earrings and necklaces mentioned by Gu Bo, they seem to be out of stock.

"Why is there no hard armor here? No higher-level equipment?"

When Yang Xiao said this question, Qin Yu next to him said:

"I asked Gu Bo this question. He said that it has something to do with our development level. Our current overall genetic evolution level is 3, and the store can only sell low-level equipment for the time being.

He also said that if we open a teleportation station with other sites, we can go to a higher-level gene store to buy advanced equipment. Of course, the price is also very expensive. "

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