Youth in white.

Throne of Steel.

In this high-tech Atlantis, it seems a bit nondescript. But the breath radiating from the opponent is a Practitioner who has reached the supreme and unparalleled Realm.

"he is?"

Qin Yang, Yang Jingtian and others stared at the white-clothed youth.

"Isn't he one night in the Nangong of the Federation of China?" Chabas looked at the white-clothed young man in surprise.

One night in Nangong, the Practitioner of the Federation of China has reached the level of an inspector, and has a certain reputation on the entire earth. The strength is quite impressive, and it has the opportunity to become one of the Practitioners of the Star Realm.

But a few years ago, Nangong disappeared overnight. Some people thought he was dead, but there was no news of his death.

Nangong One Night is very strong. He is a Hidden Weapons master. Legend has it that he got the inheritance of Tang Clan, and the Hidden Weapons used is the Lancet. Every piece of lancet is at least the point of an SS-level weapon, and in his hands, even the SSS-level battle armor can be easily torn apart.

And the bloodline that Nangong possessed overnight is the king-level shadow bloodline. He can escape into the shadows, and even create shadows, which makes people unprepared and extremely weird and difficult to provoke.

Even the general Practitioner who stepped into the star realm would not be willing to have sex with Nangong overnight.

Unexpectedly, Nangong did not die overnight, but was in the No. 3 Ruins.

"He is not Nangong Night, he is the production director." Zhou Jingxing said solemnly.

"Production director?"

Everyone looked confused.

With Nangong Yiye's identity and strength, everyone knew him a little bit, knowing his number. From the news he received, he did enter the No. 3 Ruins.

But why did he become the production director of Ruins No. 3?


Zhou Jingxing said that he was not a night in Nangong.

But this young man in white is exactly the same as Nangong overnight, even Cultivation Base Realm.

"Zhou Jingxing, what is going on?" Chabas asked Zhou Jingxing, looking at Zhou Jingxing.

Zhou Jingxing explained: "The production director is a very peculiar life. Their body is a milky white thick liquid, which can change into different appearances. Through a drop of other people’s blood, he can perfectly copy the other’s Cultivation Base and Martial Dao. Cultivation Technique and even blood can be copied. Of course, memory and soul cannot be copied."

Cultivation Base.


Martial Dao Cultivation Technique.

Everyone was shocked, the production director was too heaven-defying.

Even Qin Yang was surprised.

He awakened the blood of Vientiane and could replicate the blood of the other party. Vientiane Bloodline After Ascension, the bloodline can be merged and evolved into a new bloodline. It can use the real eye to penetrate the secret, and barely replicate the Martial Dao Cultivation Technique.

However, it is impossible to copy the other party’s Cultivation Base at all.

Otherwise, Qin Yang directly copied Ren Cangsheng's Cultivation Base and became the world's first person. Even if it is impossible to cross too many Realms, it is possible to copy one Realm to one Realm.

It can be seen that the particularity of the production director can even be copied by Cultivation Base Realm, which is terrible.

"Weishengshou, do you know what that is?" Qin Yang asked Weishengshou.

"It seems to be the life of Baiye." Wei Shengshou's tone was not sure.

"White liquor life?"

"Baiye Life is a very strange and special life in the Universe, mainly in the West Universe. Once the Baiye Life has acquired the other party’s life genes, it can replicate everything about the other party, including Cultivation Base Realm, etc. Even, he You can copy a planet and turn it into a big planet directly."

"Is there no limit?" Qin Yang asked.

If the white liquid life can really be copied at will, then it can directly copy the most powerful existence, reaching the sky in one step, without cultivation. This point, I don't know how many people envy it.

"The limitation lies in the size and energy level. The larger the size and the higher the energy level of the White Liquor Life, the stronger the ability to replicate, and even the Venerable can be replicated." Wei Sheng said slowly, "I'm sure, this one in front of me It is indeed a white liquor life, but the size and energy level are too weak. At most, it is just a copy of a so-called inspector."


Qin Yang was slightly startled.

No wonder he looks like a night in Nangong, instead of the Star-Treading Practitioner who used to come in.

It's not that he is unwilling to copy the Starland Practitioner, but he can't copy the Starland Practitioner.

Just a star-walking Practitioner, even Nangong, who is good at Hidden Weapons, is not afraid with the strength of five people.

"There is another human coming."

Bai Ye Shengsheng stood up and walked towards several people, with a smile on his mouth. At the moment the sound fell, the five fingers moved quickly, and the shadows escaped into the void, disappearing without a trace.

Everyone suddenly raised their vigilance.

Qin Yang's eyes moved slightly, and Divine Sense spread out, exploring the surroundings. Around, there are five lancets shuttled in the void, fast as lightning, difficult to catch.

And above the lancet, it is even more attached to the power of shadow.

The combination of the power of blood and Hidden Weapons makes Hidden Weapons more weird and can change direction.

With a move of Qin Yang's heart, gray air currents appeared all over his body, defending against the lancet. The Hei Yuan spear was held tightly in his hand, the spear was picked, and a trace was drawn in the void, and it instantly pierced the lancet.

With a crisp sound, the lancet was shaken out, and it was taken away by the white liquid life before it fell on the ground.

The immense power from the Lancet caused Qin Yang's body to tremble lightly, taking a step towards retreated.

This lancet is not only weird, but also very powerful. The positive power alone is not something that the general supreme and perfect Practitioner can resist.


A lancet abruptly appeared from the shadow under his feet, very strange, at a tricky angle, and pierced Qin Yang's heart. Qin Yang's body shook, but was still struck by the lancet, carrying a bloodshot.

"There is another one?" Qin Yang's heart moved, "Tang Clan's secret skills, Yin & Yang is difficult to distinguish."

This technique requires a lot of spiritual power, and Qin Yang didn't expect that the blood life would be used directly from the beginning.

Not only Qin Yang followed the Tao, but Yang Jingtian, Zhou Jingxing, Chen Guowei, and Chabas also followed the Tao.

Tang Clan Hidden Weapons is known for its weirdness, especially in this era, with the power of the Practitioner's bloodline, it can play an astonishing amount.

Baiye Life picked up five blood-stained lancets, and showed a smile: "It's five human genes again. It really makes people look forward to what kind of trump cards and strength you have."

"Well, just take this handle first."

Baiye Shengsheng picked up a lancet, stuck out his tongue, licked it on the lancet, and swallowed it.

"Who on earth is it?"

Bai Ye Shengming looked at Qin Yang and others with a smile.

The next moment.

He exploded.

There was a boom.

The body exploded and turned into drops of white liquid falling on the ground, unable to condense.

Everyone was stunned.

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