Super God Bloodline

Chapter 215-Star Origin


In this way, the production of Baiye's life exploded in front of everyone.

Although the white liquor life in front of him is only a copy of the combat power of the inspector level, at first it has the ability to copy the star realm. With many battles, it gradually became weaker.

But even so, Baiye Life still has the power of an inspector level. Especially the ability of multiple replications is even more weird, and the idle inspector is not his opponent.

but now.

He exploded.


Yang Jingtian, Zhou Jingxing, Chen Guowei, and Chabas all looked at Qin Yang.

Although several people were imprisoned and unable to detect by Divine Sense, at such a distance, the sense of breath was still very clear. Above that blood, there was the breath of Qin Yang.

In other words, Qin Yang's blood exploded the life of Baiye.


Qin Yang looked at the white liquid in that place with a confused expression.

Why does this happen?

His blood is so special?

It seems so.

Even the Bloodline Research Institute could not fully research the composition of his blood. Perhaps it was for this reason that the white liquor's life burst.

"It's because of your Vientiane bloodline."

Wei Shengshou understood what Qin Yang was thinking and explained.

"Your Vientiane bloodline is mysterious and noble, high above. The white liquid life is just a kind of special life, even mechanical life and stone life. It wants to spy on your Vientiane bloodline and cannot withstand the special power of the Vientiane bloodline. It burst directly."

"The Vientiane Bloodline."

Qin Yang said softly in his heart, becoming more and more concerned about the blood of Vientiane.

What kind of amazing energy will this special bloodline have?

An evolution has brought a remarkable change in the blood of Vientiane.

Is it possible that the Vientiane bloodline can continue to evolve and achieve greater strength.

Qin Yang looked forward to it.

"Qin Yang?"

Zhou Jingxing looked at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang gave him too many surprises along the way.

Tie Nezha, the special energy group, and the current production director were all easily solved by Qin Yang.

In this way, most of the dangers of entering the No. 3 Ruins·Atlantis were easily solved by Qin Yang. The effect Qin Yang showed was even more outstanding than that of a star-walking Practitioner.

"I don't know." Qin Yang said, "Maybe my bloodline is special."

This is not an excuse.

This one is a fact.

But everyone knows that Qin Yang has many bloodlines in his body, and most of them are king-level bloodlines. Therefore, he is very sure about Qin Yang's statement.

"Lao Zhou, the current situation is not the time to pay attention to this, to get the star source." Chen Guowei reminded.

"Yes, Xingyuan."

Zhou Jingxing's eyes lit up, and his footsteps turned into a flowing wind to rush into it. In the blink of an eye, he came to the interior of the production workshop.

Everyone followed.

The production workshop is very large, with the size of a football field. Numerous machines and equipment. Some machinery and equipment can barely identify the purpose, but most machinery and equipment are completely unknown. Therefore, it is too much beyond the earth's technology, and it is beyond the understanding of Qin Yang and others.

On some devices, mysterious lines are also depicted. These mysterious lines seem to arouse the power of heaven and earth.

All the equipment is serving a central platform, which platform is not big, only the size of a ping pong table. On the platform, there are a total of sixteen energy transmission channels arranged side by side in a regular manner.

Above the energy transmission channel, there are vast star patterns. Universe stones, planets, stars, neutron stars, white dwarfs, nebulae, star clusters, etc., are beautiful, but they are all slowly moving.



There are sixteen fist-sized gems under the energy transmission channel, and the stars inside the gems are flowing, peculiar and mysterious. If you haven't gotten closer, you can perceive the mysterious aura in the gemstone, which makes the blood in the body boil slightly, and even the brain is clear, countless thoughts flashed by.

There is no doubt that this is Xingyuan.

"Star source."

There was a zeal on Zhou Jingxing's face, but he quickly regained his composure, his eyes slowly sweeping across the crowd.

"There are a total of sixteen star sources here. Five of us, each of us can get three star sources. As for the last one, I will give it to Qin Yang."

"On the way, we have almost no injuries, thanks to Qin Yang. Everyone, are there any problems?"

Yang Jingtian shook his head directly, saying that there was no problem.

"No problem." Chen Guowei said.

Chabas hesitated for a while, and agreed to the distribution plan.

No way, Qin Yang put in too much effort.

Of course, a few people still have an idea in their hearts to build a good relationship with Qin Yang. Next time, you can also enter the No. 3 Ruins.

With the presence of Qin Yang, the risk factor of Ruins No. 3 has been greatly reduced.

Of course, the most dangerous place has not yet passed.

Several people put Xingyuan away.

Although the star source is a very special and huge energy, it can make the Supreme Wushuang complete the Practitioner and have a chance to break through to the star realm. But it doesn't have much impact, and it can be grasped directly by hand.

Just like the sky ghost beads.

After Zhou Jingxing took Xingyuan, he did not go to the second production workshop, but was about to leave.

Xingyuan is a force condensed by Atlantis using special technology. It is an energy force that can be produced almost continuously.

Therefore, Ren Cangsheng set a rule, which is close to the Practitioner of the Xingyuan production plant. Obtain the Star Source in the order of each workshop, not more.

On the one hand, it is to ensure that Xingyuan can continue to produce, on the other hand, it is to give the later Practitioner opportunities.

Xingyuan is also a kind of treasure energy that is extremely sought-after.

"Although we got the star source, leaving Atlantis next is the most difficult." Zhou Jingxing said solemnly.

"Inspector Zhou, what are you going to encounter next?" Yang Jingtian asked curiously.

"Yeah." Zhou Jingxing nodded, "If we don't take anything now, it will be very easy to leave Atlantis directly. But once we get the star source, it is equivalent to invading and plundering, and will become Atlantis. Target of attack."

"Once we leave the Xingyuan production plant, we will encounter robots. The strength of these robots is at least that of the Supreme Realm. There are even a few that will be close to stepping on the stars."

"If the time goes off for too long, there will be star-walking robots. Therefore, we must leave Atlantis if we go out together."

"Remember, go to the tallest building. On the tallest building, use this bead to open the way out."

Zhou Jingxing assigned a white bead to everyone. The white bead contains special energy, which has something to do with the power of space.

Everyone took the white beads, their expressions a bit solemn.

Stepping on the astral robot.

That's not something they can deal with.


Zhou Jingxing took a deep breath.


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