Super God Gene

Chapter 2206: Ice Blue Knight

"Must go?" Hansen asked with a frown.

"It's just a suggestion." Black Moon King continued to say: "The dragon is not in the same pool as the fish, and the tiger does not live with the dog. This may be an opportunity to go out."

Han Sen knows that Black Moon King is kind, and he does not want him to continue fighting with the night river king, but Hansen still shook his head and said: "Thank you for the good intentions of the king. If I can't even stand this step, how can I walk out of the way? ""

"I also know that you are not a person who easily retreats to give up..." Heiwang Wang wants to say something, but hesitated a bit, still did not say, sighed: "But, everyone's road is different, there is no absolutely correct path, Now that you have decided, go on."

After sending away the Black Moon King, Han Sen’s heart secretly sank: “The emperor seems to be recruiting people frequently. Is there anything happening in the Imperial Family?”

Because there is no more information, Hansen has no way to make further speculations. He no longer thinks about it. He still practices ice muscle jade bone surgery every day, hoping to promote the Duke as soon as possible.

Many of the princes and nobles of this day and the moon came to Luna Square, and they were dressed very decently, seemingly to meet important guests.

Although Hansen did not go to Luna Plaza, he also knew that today is the day of the arrival of the emperor's messengers. Looking at a ship that can almost rival the planet, the new warships entered the narrowness of the moon, and they could not help but admire: "It seems that the emperor does not Only the degree of evolution transcends the general race, and even the technology is far ahead. There is no such a class of warships in the narrowness of the month. People have directly opened a fleet. Fortunately, the emperor is not an enemy, otherwise the moon is narrow. Still can't keep it."

Hansen does not want to go to the emperor, but there are not a few who want to go to the emperor in the narrow month, but the emperor is not a man, he wants to enter the emperor, but also through the test of the emperor. Row.

There are even a lot of royal aristocrats, waiting for such an opportunity to send their descendants to the emperor, I hope they will have greater development in the future.

Although the narrowness of the month is the upper class, even the top 100 are not allowed to enter, no matter the essence or the resources are far from being comparable with the giants of the Imperial Family.

It is a pity that the recruitment criteria of the Imperial Family is quite high. It is not easier than the high school students to test the school. The tests in the past few days have eliminated many families.

The narrowness of the month is only one of the places where the emperors are recruited. In fact, there are thousands of emperors in the same place as the narrowness of the month. Without a certain strength, it is impossible to be recruited into the emperor.

Although Hansen did not go to the recruitment, but also know that in the past four days, only one Rebecian Earl and a Marquis passed the test, and the young people of all ethnic groups who were eliminated did not know how many.

This time, the Emperor was to recruit the reserve knights, not to look at the rank of the title, but to look at the talents, potential and other aspects of performance, so even some of the geniuses in the narrowness of the month, the young have been promoted to the Duke of Rebec The special family was also eliminated in the test.

"The Moon King, I heard that there is a disciple at the blade. I don't know which one?" The Emperor was responsible for the ice blue knight Wang Fringe who was recruited in the narrow month.

The Ten Great Knights of the Imperial Family, each of the Knights has a Cavalier King as the head, and the Ice Blue Knight is the head of the Ice Blue Knights.

In the allocation of the recruitment area, Ice Blue Knight deliberately chose the narrowness of the month, and paid a little price for it.

The reason why the Ice Blue Knight King will do this is mainly because the Queen of the Blades goes to the Emperor, and is named after the Ice Blue Knights. The Ice Blue Knight is very appreciative to the Queen of the Blades, and even can be said to have some admiration, so he will I want to choose the Ruibeiite moon from the Queen of Blades, and hope to find some good talents.

However, the tests of these days have made him somewhat disappointed. The talent of the younger generation of the Rebec is not bad, but it is also like the talent of the Queen of the Blades.

Even if there are occasionally a few talents, the temperament is also a lot worse. I am afraid that it will be difficult to become an atmosphere in the future, so that the ice blue Knight who was originally excited will become somewhat interested.

Ice Blue Knight At this time, I remembered that the Queen of the Blades said that she had a disciple, so she would ask the Moon King, thinking of the character of the Queen of the Blades, and the disciples should not be the common people.

The moonlight king hesitated a little, and said with a smile: "The blade does have a disciple, but there is only such a disciple. The blade of the blade must be inherited by him, and he can only reluctantly give up the opportunity to enter the Ice Blue Knights."

"This way?" Ice Blue Knight King is slightly indulged.

On the other side, the night river king suddenly said: "In fact, in my opinion, I really want to inherit the knives of the blade. It is better to go to the emperor. The knife must go into the imperial family, and her disciple will sooner or later. It is also necessary to follow the footsteps of the blade. It is only a matter of lateness. Instead of wasting time in the month, it is better to go to the emperor earlier. If the blade is still there, she should think so."

Night River King said these words, naturally not for Hansen, but to drive Hansen out of the narrowness of the month, he can get the benefits that the goalkeeper deserves.

Ice Blue Knight Wang deeply believes: "Night River King said it is good, the disciples of the characters such as the blade, think of it is not a common character, this should be ambitious, should not be trapped in the narrowness of the month. Call him to give it a try, If I can pass the test, I will not be ill-treated with my friendship with the blade."

The moon-wheeled king suddenly smiled in his heart. He naturally knew that Hansen was unwilling to go to the Imperial Family. However, it was not good to refuse the Ice Blue Knight King. He had to send someone to call Hansen to Luna Square.

Hansen practiced in the base, but he did not want to go down from the sky. The people sent by the moonlight king said things all the time, Hansen could not help but frown.

The guard around the month of the month said: "You have to ask for a trip anyway, otherwise the moon-winger can't explain to the ice blue knight. The moon-wheeled king means that if you really don't want to go to the emperor The polar family, as long as they pass the test, if you want to go, the Ice Blue Knight will not let you go."

Han Sen knew that he couldn’t go, and he had to go to Luna Square with the guard.

He has made up his mind in his heart, and he has control points during the test, and he can't pass the test anyway.

When I came to Luna Square, I saw many princes and aristocrats waiting in line to test, but the guard did not arrange Hansen into the team, but directly took Hansen to the pavilion to see the Ice Blue Knight.

"You are the disciple of the blade?" When the ice blue knight saw Hansen, he was slightly surprised. He did not think that the only disciple of the blade was not the Rebec.

"Yes, in the next Hansen." Han Sen slightly ceremonial.

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