Super God Gene

Chapter 2207: Testing by acting

The focus of the emperor in recent centuries has been placed in the chaotic star field. The Ice Blue Knights are also one of the pioneering corps. They have been slashing in the chaotic star field for many years. They don’t know much about what happened in the universe. So I don't know some things about Hansen.

Within the emperor, there are some departments that engage in intelligence, only to know some things about Hansen. For the emperor, what is worth paying attention to among the various ethnic groups, such as the moonlight king and Isa, like There are not many people inside the Imperial Family, such as the Night King, and the real attention is also the intelligence department, as well as some high-level officials who have a close relationship with the moon.

The Dark Blue Knight only knows that Isa has a disciple, but his name and race don't know. He always thought that Isa's disciple would definitely be a Rebecite, but he didn't think it was a crystal.

The Dark Blue Knight did not say too much with Hansen, but only encouraged Hansen to let Hansen go to the test.

Although the Dark Blue Knight is very respectful to Isa, it does not mean that he will look at Isa's disciples differently. If you want to get his approval, you still need Hansen's ability to do it.

However, because of Isa's relationship, the Dark Blue Cavaliers still have some expectations for Hansen's performance.

"Mr. Bai, what do you think of this disciple of the blade?" The Dark Blue Knight looked to a Tsing Yi man around him.

The man in Tsing Yi’s eyes looked awkward and looked at Hansen’s words: “It’s a fun person.”

"After all, it is a disciple of the blade. I think it should not be bad, otherwise it will not be seen by such a proud person." Deep Blue Knight Wang Shen said with deep thought.

The Tsing Yi man, known as Mr. Bai, did not speak any more, just smiled and continued to watch the test.

Hansen was in the rank of Marquis, watching the test of the aristocrats in front, and thinking about how to be eliminated.

He didn't want to go to the Imperial Family for a trip, but because the trouble here has not been solved. If he couldn't fix the night river king who was not smoldering, if he left here, wouldn't Han Menger be very dangerous?

Even if you want to leave the narrowness of the moon, you must first get the night river king to go, so Hansen can only find a way to stay.

After watching it for a while, Han Sen probably has the confidence. Other projects have ways to hide the past. The more troublesome is the test of the gene source tree.

The test of the gene source tree is too intuitive. How much power there is, how many bells will bloom on the gene source tree, and how many flowers are at a glance.

Hansen’s strength far exceeds that of the ordinary Marquis. Even if other projects are cheating successfully, once the blood drops on the gene source tree, the bell flowers must be many times more than the ordinary marquis. It is useless to cheat on other projects. .

Fortunately, Hansen has a way to deal with the gene source tree, so it is not panic.

Seeing that it was the turn of Hansen to play, the night river king secretly smug: "Now he does not want to go, and I can really take over the cold palace."

The tests of all ranks are different. The first test of the Marquis level is actual combat. Hansen is required to defeat a war. That is, a Duke-level knight gathers strength, and the power is controlled at the Marquis level. Score.

A total of the percentage system, more than 90% is passed, but even if you fail, you can continue the next test, and then see the results after all the tests.

If only one of the results is not good, or if a certain result is particularly good, there is a chance to be selected.

Everyone watched Hansen enter the test field and came to the war.

With Hansen’s strength, there is no suspense in killing the war. The narrow-minded aristocrats of the month think so, but after Hansen begins to fight, the narrow-minded aristocrats of the moon have widened their eyes, the moonlight king. Waiting for someone is also a weird look.

Burning! Really his mother's burning!

Hansen and the war warfare played a **** battle for three hundred years. The one who called it was a hero, and those who did not know the true strength of Hansen looked at it with tears.

Hansen seems to be a force, but it is indomitable. In the midst of failure, he fights against fate again and again. Through his own efforts and perseverance, he fights with the enemy. He is not afraid of suffering, and he is not afraid of being tired. Finally defeated the enemy successfully and won the victory of a hundred years of resistance. It is simply a sense of inspirational epic blockbuster.

At the moment when Hansen succeeded in knocking down the war, many caring female aristocrats had tears in their eyes, and almost stood up and clap their hands and shouted "Han Sen is the best."

However, I know that there are many princes and nobles in the narrow moon of Hansen. The face is more than a weird face.

Hansen, but the character who didn’t even look at the river king in the night, once pressed the same-order dragon strongman, and the same name of the town’s palace, and now it’s like a warlord’s war. The eyes were straight, and I almost thought it was a problem with my eyes.

"Bastard...that bastard...too shameless..." Night River King saw Hansen performing, and he hated it, but after thinking about it, he calmed down again: "Show, you follow, I see you." The skill can't touch the gene source tree, let it open a few bells."

The Ice Blue Knight looked at the slight frown and looked at the Moon King: "Is he really a disciple?"

The moonlight coughed a little and said with a strong smile: "He has just been promoted to the Marquis level, and his status is not very good recently..."

"Perseverance is good, that is, this level is a bit reluctant, how does the blade teach him?" Ice Blue Knight Wang saw Hansen using a dental knife, but the level is really worse.

"Cough, the blade is usually busy, and he sent him to the Tiantian Temple for a while before..." The Moonlight King felt really depressed inside.

Ice Blue Knight did not ask again, waiting to see the performance of Hansen's other tests, he felt that the blade can accept Hansen as a disciple, there must be her reason, maybe Hansen's actual combat is not strong, there should be other outstanding The place is right.

The test of the Imperial Family is indeed very scientific. Various tests can force the potential of all aspects of the tester. As long as they are capable, they can always play their own specialties in a certain test.

However, Hansen’s test made the entire aristocrats of the whole month almost stupid.

If they didn't know Hansen before, and know Hansen is a terrible guy, I would probably think that it is a hard-working but not talented tragedy man.

The test process was called a heroic, and the test result was a tragic one.

The moonlight kings are getting more and more eccentric, if you don’t have enough strength, I’m afraid I can’t help but laugh.

"Hey, it seems that the blade is a successor." Ice Blue Knight Wang sighed, although it seems that Hansen is really hard and hard, good conduct is a good disciple, but talent and level is not very good.

Night River King looked at Han Sen with a sneer, and did not even say a word. He waited to see how Hansen finally passed the gene source tree.

The test results of the gene source tree are not wrong. Hansen will play it in front of him. As soon as he passes the test of the gene source tree, he will immediately expose his true power. At that time, he may also anger the Ice Blue Knight.

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