Super God Gene

Chapter 2423: Scarlet eye

The face of the night wind was very strange, and he brought back an image.

When that image was played, Hansen knew why the face of the night wind was so weird and strange.

The image begins with a section of stone that should be the mined mine.

Hansen didn't know how they chose the mining site, but it was obvious that it was not as simple as digging a digging, but a selective mining.

Before the Hells, the mining sites were very large. After Mrs. Mirror, they came down and narrowed the mining area. Now there are three places to mine at the same time. This should be the mining point in the middle.

As the image progressed through the complicated stone path, the stone path in front suddenly widened to form a relatively large space. Hansen finally saw the stone statue that Mrs. Mirror said.

It is a stone statue of more than ten meters. It is not tall in the stone statues that Hansen has seen. It is black and inky, and it is exactly the same as the surrounding rock material.

The stone statue is sitting cross-legged. The front pair of arms are crossed together to form the shape of x. A pair of eyes, as Mrs. Mirror said, each has two pupils and is still scarlet.

Behind the stone statues, many arm palms are arranged, forming a huge torch shape, and each face of the palm has a scarlet eyes.

The whole statue gives a feeling of being a demon, as if it is stared at by countless demon eyes, just looking at the statue through the video, it makes people feel creepy and has a goose bump.

The image didn't stay in the stone for too long, and continued to push in, and Hansen saw a more shocking picture.

The stone roads in front are relatively flat, but from the stone statue to the stone road behind, it can't be called a stone road, it is more like a cave that is caught by human hands or claws.

In the excavated stone, you can see many traces of claws or fingers, and many places are stained with blood.

The image continued to advance, and the blood was getting more and more. Most of the original black stone caves were stained with blood, and the scalp was numb.

"The cave, wouldn't it be dug out by hand?" Hansen couldn't help but ask.

Those workers are at least Marquis-level, although they are workers, but they are also personal belongings among the small people. There are not many different treasures, but there are some general weapons, even if there are no The emperor also has the tools to provide different treasures, and they have no need to dig them by hand.

However, the traces above the cave are clearly dug out with claws and hands. It doesn't look like a tool.

Both the mirror lady and the night wind stare at the image with strange looks, and no one answered Hansen’s question.

But without them answering, Han Sen already knew the answer. The video went forward a little further. He saw a Marquis of the Tauren died in the cave. His hands were still on the cave, but the hands were still there. The phalanx has been completely worn away, leaving only the bare palms and five blood holes on each of the hands.

Seeing this scene, Hansen’s mind suddenly showed a picture. The Tauren desperately used his hands to dig stones. As a result, his fingers were worn by the stones, but he did not stop thinking at all. He was still madly excavating and finally Both hands and fingers were flattened, blood was exhausted, and the strength was exhausted.

The video didn't stop because of Hansen's imagination, and it was still moving forward, and Hansen saw more and more bodies appearing on both sides of the cave.

They all kept a posture, the body fell forward, the flattened hands rubbed against the stone wall, and some of the palms were worn out, and the arms were worn away.

Until the death, they still maintain the excavation posture, the face still maintains a frenetic state, it seems to be very excited to death, but in the enthusiasm, it seems to have a deep fear, deep into the bone marrow fear.

Hansen couldn't describe what kind of expression it was, just feeling cold and cold sweat on his back.

All the dead workers, their eyes are squatting, and they can see that their eyes have become scarlet eyes.

This stone road can no longer be called a stone road. It is more like a grave road dug out with blood. So many marquis and dukes are falling down in the stone road. The more they die, the more they die.

Until the last video appeared a stone door, as the night wind said, the stone door is like the gate of the ancient city, divided into two, all-body vermilion, the color is like a condensed blood, there are many semi-circles Door nails.

The door is more than ten feet high, because only the part of the door is dug out, and the rest is still rock, and there is nothing on the door.

However, the horror in front of the door made Han Sen a cold heart.

Many workers, like the evil spirits who want to climb out of hell, crowded in front of the door, desperately reaching out to grab the stone door, nails and phalanx were cut, and the blood on the hand was red. The entire gate, but did not be able to dig the door.

All the workers who insisted on here died in front of the gate, and the blood was entangled with the body. The stone gate was like the gate of **** surrounded by evil spirits.

The face of the night wind is somewhat ugly: "All are dead, no one is alive, they are like crazy, digging hard... digging hard... the original stones are very hard, they are dug with tools. It’s hard, they use their fingers to grab, and the fingers quickly grind out the blood, but when the blood is dyed on the stone, the stones seem to be softer, they are dug by their hands, and then they bleed while they are bleeding. Digging, dig to the blood and die..."

The sound of the night wind is a little trembling. Even the gods who are used to life and death, seeing such pictures, there are some chills.

"It's too evil here!" Hansen felt very bad in his heart, and there was an impulse to escape with Boa.

Although there are little red birds around them, but this place is really too evil, and even the gods of the mirror lady are recruited, the little red bird may not be spared.

"Run, you must run, this ghost place can't stay." Hansen got down, and he had to leave this ghost place anyway, even if the mirror lady wanted to stop him.

"Your eyes!" The mirror lady looked at Han Sen, and suddenly she cried, with a trace of horror in her eyes.

"What happened to my eyes?" Hansen’s heart twitched, and the darkness was not good.

Almost without hesitation, Han Sen waved directly to form a water mirror and looked at himself in the water mirror.

In a flash, Hansen only felt that the fear of deep bones hit his body. His black eyes turned into a scarlet color, and it was still splitting. The original circular pupil had become a gourd. And it is still slowly splitting, and it is about to split into two.

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