Super God Gene

Chapter 2424: infection

"The trick!" Han Sen suddenly flashed this thought in his mind, and it was cold for a while.

He didn't even know how he was recruited. He didn't find out when he was invaded by the strange power and infected his eyes.

Mrs. Jing and the night wind are also the face of fear. Han Sen did not go to the stone road, and did not see the thousand-handed stone statue, but now he has become a scarlet pair, which does not mean The strange power is contagious.

If it is really contagious, then all the creatures in their base will be finished, and it is even possible that even the support troops that have come over later will be finished together.

Hansen reacted and turned directly to the door of the office, grabbed a guard outside and went to see his eyes.

The guard wanted to resist, and was stopped by the mirror lady who came out later and the night wind.

"There are no scarlet eyes!" Hansen looked at several guards one by one. Their eyes were intact and there was no fission.

In the next second, Han Sen took out the communicator directly, dialed the number that could have fallen leaves, and rang two sounds. The leaves turned on the communicator, but the sound was no image.

"Foliage, are you around Boa?" Hansen asked directly.

"In." The leaves answered.

"Open video communication," Hansen said.

"Why?" The leaves did not open, but asked one.

"According to what he said," said the general mirror lady.

“Yes.” The leaves answered, and then the video communication was turned on, and soon her image was projected by the communicator.

The deciduous hair was a little messy, and the clothes buttons were wrongly buckled. I don’t know what she and Boa were doing.

However, this is not the point. Han Sen looked directly at her pupil and found that there was no problem. It was still the original color, or it was a single pupil. Without any problems, Han Sen was relieved.

"Dad!" Sitting on the sofa, Boa, holding two scorpions in his hand, yelled at Hansen sweetly.

Hansen saw that Boa’s eyes were normal, and his heart was completely settled: “Boa, stay in the room and play with the leaves, don’t go anywhere, wait for Dad to go back.”

"Knowing Dad." Boa nodded.

Hansen said to the fallen leaves: "Foliage, close the door, don't go anywhere, unless I go back, don't put anyone in."

The leaves did not answer, looking at the mirror lady.

"Do as he said." The mirror lady said calmly.

"Yes." The leaves nodded.

Hansen hangs up the communicator and says to Mrs. Mirror: "Look for someone to come over, we need to experiment."

The mirror lady looked at the night wind, the night wind did not say anything, and the body shape disappeared. It didn't take long for the night wind to appear again in the office, but there were two more people in his hand, which was Hansen used for the experiment. Two of the twenty workers of the Shiren, one of them is Ningyue, and the other is a group of Ningyue.

Because Ningyue is at the outermost periphery, the nearest night, the night wind has chosen the two nearest people to bring.

"You stay here." Hansen pushed Ningyue to the door of the office, directly closed the door, and then pulled another duke to the front of the brain, and put the video just back again, let the duke take the video from scratch. I looked at it at the end.

Hansen and Mrs. Jing, the night wind looked at the eyes of the duke. After the duke saw the thousand-eyed stone statues, they had already keenly discovered that the duke’s pupil began to turn red a little, and soon it became The scarlet, then slowly split, and soon became the same scarlet pair as Hansen.

No need to say anything now, Hansen, they already understand what is going on, just watching the video, not seeing the real stone statue, they are still infected by the power of the stone statue.

Hansen opened the door and looked at Ningyue outside the door. It was normal to see his eyes. Without any change, he was even more certain.

"It seems that no matter how you see the stone statue, it will be infected by its power." Hansen frowned, saying that he has used several kinds of strengths and wants to find out the cause of his own eyes, but it has no effect, feeling The upper eyes seem to be normal and not affected by other forces.

Even the eyes of Xuan Dongxuan could not find out what happened to the eyes, as if his eyes were so ordinary.

However, Hansen has some feelings that Mrs. Mirror said. He has an impulse to rush to the side of the stone field. It is like an old smoker. He didn’t touch the smoke in one day. He hated not flying right away. To the canteen.

Fortunately, Hansen’s will is strong enough, otherwise he will have already rushed.

"Hey!" The duke screamed, his eyes were scarlet, he gasped fiercely, his throat swallowed unnaturally, and he rushed out of the office desperately.

The night wind grabbed the duke and pressed him directly to the ground, and the chain of order blocked it.

The duke struggled desperately, and his whole body was groaning. He was convulsed like a drug addiction, and his tears and snots flowed out.

"What to do?" Hansen looked at the mirror lady and the night wind.

This is already the case, and complaining about nothing is useless. I can only find a way to solve the current problem first.

"The back of the stone gate may be the root of everything. Maybe we can find a solution there," said the night wind.

“Have you tried to break the thousand-eyed stone statue?” Hansen asked.

"Try, can't destroy, the stone statue is harder than the average black rock, and even our strength can't hurt it." The night wind said.

"It seems that only going to Shimen can go, and that feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Even with our willpower, it is impossible to stick to it. It should not wait until the support troops arrive. Now we are There is also self-control ability, the sooner the better, the better.” Mrs. Jing has already made a decision, and she made a decision directly without any plans to drag the water.

"Okay, then go to Shimen to have a look." Han Sen nodded slightly, and he wanted to see the thousand-handed stone statue with his own eyes.

Although this kind of power is not contagious for the time being, it does not mean that it will not be transmitted. Even if Hansen is not afraid of it, if Bob and Ningyue are involved in the incident, it will be really troublesome.

What's more, Ning Yue has already been recruited. He is now a man who is not a man or a woman, and his character has changed greatly. It is said that Ning Yue is already dead.

Since the decision was made, Mrs. Mirror had to leave immediately, with Hansen and the night wind, and the duke went to the quarry.

Because the red cloud fell to the king, stayed at the base to cultivate, did not see the stone statue, so it was not infected with red eyes, the mirror lady did not let her go, leaving her to host the overall situation in the base.

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