Outside the Earth, countless Taotie battleships began to gather.

The Taotie flagship command room.

Advancement is still being deployed pre -war deployment

"Addicted to carnivorous animals."Dead God Carl's 3D projection suddenly appeared

"exist."All the Taotie tribe members, including the wolf-loving tribe, stood up and bowed slightly to Karl.

Carr put on his hood and asked,"Are you ready to attack the earth?"

"Report to my God, who is preparing."Xi Zhuan said respectfully.

Karl reminded:"You need to be careful when dealing with the earth. There is not only a super seminary on the earth, but also a monster that is said to be very scary."

Even the God of Death said it was scary.

Xiangzhu suddenly felt unsure.

"My God……"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Karl.

"The earth lacks the shining, rest assured, I will shoot at the critical time."

Although Moganna also said that Chen Dao's strength is strong, Carl is still ready to try.

The earth is very important.

However, it should not be so powerful.

There is only one god in the universe, whether it is sacred Casha or Chen Dao, or Chen Dao There should not be existence.

Solving them, maybe you can break through in the void plan.

When you hear Karl's words, your face shows an inspiring look.

In the eyes of the crickets, the god of death is supreme.

If the god of death, Karle Willing to shoot, no matter what kind of strong enemies, they will be defeated in the hands of their underworld galaxies.

"Yes, I will definitely take the earth and give it to you as a gift first!"The Taotie clan bowed and saluted again.

Soon, the entire Taotie clan began to take action.

They have set a day to attack.

It's today!

It's 9:38 a.m. Chinese time.

Today is the weekend.

As the largest group in China The roads in urban Qinghe City are busy with traffic.

Especially Jianye Pedestrian Street.

This is a famous attraction in Qinghe City. More than 100 million people come here to shop every year. It receives an average of 300,000 tourists every day.

There are many high-rise buildings nearby.

Many people I just ate the delicious breakfast, with the joy of the weekend, ready to visit the supermarket or shopping mall to relieve the fatigue of the week of work.

"We went shopping in the supermarket this morning and went to the old street in the afternoon. We haven't been to the old street for a long time.……"

Next to, the chattering girlfriend suddenly realized that her boyfriend ignored her at all and looked at it subconsciously.

But he found that the other person looked at the sky with his head, with a terrifying look on his face.

She also looked up subconsciously.

In the sky, I don't know when there is an extra melia.

Wrapped in a metal shell, even from thousands of kilometers away, you can see that this is a super big guy.

"Below is Qinghe City. Do you launch an attack?"


The flagship door opened, and the airship flew out of the flagship.

Immediately followed was the Taotie clan's flying team. The standard equipment of the Taotie clan's flying team is a flying motorcycle. This flying motorcycle is not only extremely fast, but also extremely flexible.

Equipped on both sides. Laser launcher.

It can carry out destructive firepower on the enemy.

Looking at the people on the earth below, they all looked up at them.

Many people laughed heartily.

"Meet your death, Earthlings!"Battle airship extended the main artillery mouth. With the ordinary people below did not respond, a huge laser cannon swept the entire Jianye road. Some are illusory.

Countless people even have time to vaporize the laser before making a scream.

The dazzling white light makes many people too late to avoid it.

You can only close your eyes subconsciously.

After they open their eyes again, the original bustling Jianye Road has basically disappeared. Only a scorched trajectory.

Everyone stayed.

They even forgot the pain on their bodies, and the eyes were all disappeared.

300,000 undeads!

At the same time, the Gorge Gorge.

"Xiong Binglian emergency collection!"

"Xiong Binglian emergency collection!"


Five consecutive assembly orders told everyone in the Xiongbing Company to immediately put down whatever they were doing and rush to the conference room within ten seconds.

Rose, Rena, and even Angel Yan have been waiting here.

Their faces were serious.

Even with some pain.

Even if I recently liked Chen Dao's angel Yan, I did not say hello when I saw Chen Dao.

A shadow fell over everyone's hearts.

Duka quickly came in with a few people, saw everyone, and did not speak.

Press the remote control in your hand.

A scorched earth appeared on the screen.

Farther, it is an ordinary people with heavy wounds.

Seeing this shocking scene, even the faithful Shin Ye, who had always been hesitant, stunned:"Where is this?"

"Qinghe City. The three words spit out by Docca were unbelievable.

They didn't wait for the male soldiers to ask everyone, and Duka had said heavyly:"War, really coming"

"Taotie was transported to the vicinity of Mars through the wormhole in the solar system, and launched an attack on several cities on Earth without our knowledge. According to the information we received, not only Qinghe City, but also the island nation of Tokyo and the Star-Spangled Nation of New York. Under attack, now the earth needs you, China needs you, and Qinghe City needs you."

No one spoke.

Everyone was in a heavy mood.

For the victims in Qinghe City and for the coming war.

Dukao didn't say any more nonsense. He glanced at Angel Yan and gave her the chance to speak. Angel Yan He is the only one among the crowd who has had contact with the Taotie clan.

Angel Yan walked up to the front and said,"I'd like to apologize for what happened. We didn't expect that things would be like this.""

"Taotie is a member of the Styx Legion under the Death God."

"The strength is very powerful, at least it is much stronger than the earth. They believe in the God of Death and are not afraid of death. At the same time, due to some of Karl's research, these guys are also very capable in individual combat, no less than you. It will be very difficult for you to defeat them."

"Today the earth's puppets should just be a pioneer."

In the control of Angelyan, the combat laboratory appeared in the combat laboratory's 3D model and combat data.

The powerful is even stronger than those of these super genetic fighters.

After the Angel Yan simply introduced the characteristics of the male soldiers, Du Kaa spoke again:"Xiongbing Company, you have been heroic soldiers since your establishment. The enemy has already attacked, so we must fight back fiercely."

"The heroic company, attack!"

"yes! The male soldiers roared.

The anger was suppressed in his heart.

The death of Qinghe City, but their compatriots!

"The Jade Gorge began to enter the state of first -class combat reserve!"

"The runway is ready!"

"The male soldiers will be on the plane!"

"Super 1 is ready to take off!"

"Super 2 is ready to take off!"


Inside Super 1, Chen Dao looked towards Qinghe City. The war was really coming, and it was extremely cruel from the beginning.

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