Soon, Chao 1 and Chao 2 arrived in the sky above Tianhe City, and the huge Taotie airship could be seen suspended in mid-air from a distance.

Not even inferior to the aircraft carrier of the South China Sea Fleet

"Soldiers of Xiongbing Company, please note that due to Taotie’s strong air control, the rest of the trip will be replaced by helicopter."

The pilot's voice came from the team communication. Everyone got off the plane.

"I wish you all a safe return."

Super 1 and Super 2 pilots saluted everyone in the Xiongbing Company and watched them disappear among the tall buildings in Qinghe City.

On the plane, Chen Dao reminded everyone again:"If I lose control, you must run away directly. leave me alone."

Chen Dao also said this last time.

No one listened.

In the end, almost everyone was buried by Tang San.

Now, Chen Dao once again mentioned this sentence, and everyone nodded.

Be sure to run.

I used to learn from blood before!


At this time, in Qinghe City.

Not only the male soldiers, but also countless mechanized forces, and special forces in the Qinghe City to fight.

If ordinary people are too late to transfer to a safe place, they can only find a safe place by themselves.

The soldiers also built defense in key areas.

The main battlefield is quiet.

This is the core area of ​​Qinghe City. According to reports, there is a Taotie team of more than five people in this place.

The soldiers have blocked nearby.

The other party did not show signs of leaving.

The goal of the Xiong Binglian team is to solve the team.

Several helicopters entered Jing'an District.

Reina hung half of her body outside to observe the situation on the battlefield, making it easier for her to conduct command.

Also riding with her was Cheng Yaowen

"Attention, everyone, we have now entered the combat area. Qi Lin will first occupy the favorable terrain and observe the opponent's movements. Xiao Lun, Zhao Xin and Liu Chuang will directly go up and kill the target after discovering him!"

"No problem, fuck him to death!"Liu Chuang's heart has long been filled with anger.

He used to be a gangster and did many wrong things.

However, since joining the Xiongbing Company and knowing his mission, he has been training hard.

He used to be a bad guy because he was ignorant.

Now he wants to be a good person

"Qilin's fall point D32, 21, there are more than 50 high -rise buildings there, with a wide range of vision"

"Xin Zhao remembers being around Qilin to protect her"


Qi Lin leaped down from a height of 100 meters and fell easily on the nearby high -rise building.

Then Zhao Xin.

Falling near Qilin.

Qilin has just set up a sniper rifle and is preparing to observe the enemy's situation. The red light in the tactical magnifier flashed away.

A look of horror appeared on Qilin's face:"No, they have snipers!"

The words fell.

A red light hole was wearing half a quiet peace, and the target pointed directly at Lena.

Red light directly hit Lena from the helicopter.

Then, a gunshot was accurately hit Lena.

Dazzling, I dare not believe it

"It's a god-killing weapon!"

"Be careful, the other party has more than two sniper!"

"The elder sister is fine? Big sister, big sister!"

The male soldiers were a little panicked for a while.

Liu broke down and jumped down with the ax.

"Liu Chuang, don't!"Qilin quickly reminded.

But it was still too late.

Another shot of the God-killing weapon hit Liu Chuang. Liu Chuang was shot and also fell from the helicopter.

"There are ambush, they have ambush!"

"hold steady"

"Everyone jumped immediately!"

The communication was in chaos. Some people were trying to stabilize everyone's emotions, while others were so frightened that they couldn't control themselves.

It turned out that the other party had already ambushed them.

They even knew that Reina was the captain.

After using the God-killing weapon to shoot down Reina and Liu Chuang, countless artillery fire was aimed at them. This area.

Sun Wukong and Rose's fighters have been shot down.

People are also replenished by sniper, and they do not know where to go.

Chen Dao wants to rescue, but at this time, he is a living target at this time.

"boom!"A rocket hits the helicopter where Chen Dao is located.

The driver died on the spot.

Chen Dao and Ge Xiaolun had black armor protection, fell to the ground fiercely, and his face. Chen Dao got up and looked around. Even the sudden attack was directly dispersed, and even casualties had already occurred.

The communication was temporarily destroyed.

Chen Dao and Ge Xiaolun suddenly became lonely soldiers now.

"Brother Dao, what should we do?"Ge Xiaolun was in a panic, his eyes full of helplessness. At

1.9 meters tall, he was tall and strong.

In the Xiongbing Company, Ge Xiaolun's combat effectiveness was also at the top.

However, in the face of war, he was so small.

Chen Dao glanced at the terrain and said directly:"Qilin and Zhao Xin are not far ahead, cooperate with them and prepare to counterattack."

Ge Xiaolun looked at Chen Dao in disbelief.

He collapsed:"The captain is dead!"

"Chuangzi was shot down. What should we get?"

"We have lost, lost!"

This cowardly look made Chen Dao furious.

He grabbed Ge Xiaolun's neck, slapped him in the face, put his forehead against his and said,"Listen to me, even if Reina dies, Chuangzi dies, everything Everyone is dead, as long as you are still alive, you will fight"

"this is war"

"There are tens of millions of ordinary people in Qinghe City. If you escape, they will really be hopeless."

"Xiao Lun, go to Zhao Xin"

"Find a way to restore communication"

"When I just fell, I saw the position where Reina fell. Taotie passed by, and I wanted to save her."

A slap in the face made Ge Xiaolun somewhat sober.

He looked at Chen Dao blankly.

Then he nodded hard and wiped his tears:"I know."

"I will definitely complete the mission"

"even death……"

His eyes were a little red.

He is afraid of death.

Afraid that the body is trembling.

However, Chen Dao was right, he was a soldier of Xiongbing Company, and behind him stood the whole of China and all ordinary people.

Chen Dao patted his shoulders:"Okay, restore the communication"

"Yaowen is still on the helicopter, let him take over the command"

"come on!"

After saying that, Chen Dao turned around and left, running towards the place where Reina fell.

In the few months of training in the Xiongbing Company, Chen Dao's physical fitness has been greatly improved, and he directly advanced ten kilometers in three minutes..

Soon I found a Taotie riding a motorcycle.

The speed of the flying motorcycle was very fast, and Chen Dao might not be able to catch up. After all, he was not a person who was good at sudden advances.

After judging the action route of the flying motorcycle, Chen Dao directly jumped on another Waiting for the opponent at the intersection.

Along the way, some corpses were dumped on the street from time to time.

They were all Chinese.

Chen Dao's expression became more and more indifferent, these people were simply beasts.

The opponent's flying motorcycle occasionally fired a laser to sweep around, Taotie's attack , not intending to leave any survivors at all.

Just trying to cause as much damage to the earth as possible.

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