Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 106: Capture alive! [Subscribe please]

Noon the next day.

After a rare good sleep, Liang Bing slowly woke up, opened his eyes and lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling and recalling last night's dream.

After a while, I realized that something was wrong with the clothes on my body. There was a damp feeling, could it be?

"Depend on!

It was really troublesome to have a dream like that, and I had to change my underwear. "

Liang Bing frowned and yelled, got up and walked to the bathroom barefoot. After washing up, I put on a new set of underwear.

Then he put on his regular clothes and looked in the dressing mirror to confirm that there was nothing wrong with his makeup. Then he hummed a tune and went out happily, planning to go shopping with An Lan.

Not far after going out, he encountered Heifeng who happened to be passing nearby.


Heifeng was slightly startled when he saw Liang Bing coming out of the bedroom, and asked: "Queen, why are you back so soon?"

Didn't he say that he planned to play outside for a while? He also asked me to transfer a USB flash drive to An Lan.

You came back so soon, why don't you hand it over to me? Why don't you hand it over yourself? A girl who is more than 30,000 years old is still shy?

"What's back?"

Liang Bing was a little confused when asked, "Queen, didn't I just wake up? I haven't left Devil No. 1 at all since I came back yesterday."

Liang Bing scratched his head and asked dazedly: "Where's An Lan, are you playing cards with A Kun and the others and bragging?

Ask him to come over and accompany the Queen and me to go shopping. "


Heifeng was also confused by Liang Bing's question, and subconsciously replied: "Isn't An Lan sleeping in your bedroom?"

"Why is the queen sleeping in my bedroom? Yesterday, the queen and I chatted with him for a while, and then told that brat to get out."

Liang Bing's cheeks were slightly red.

These guys are really good at figuring things out. Queen, am I that kind of casual woman? If he stayed overnight, the most he could do was let that little bastard An Lan touch his legs or something.


When Heifeng heard Liang Bing's answer, and combined with last night's experience, he knew that something must have gone wrong, and it was definitely An Lan who was up to something.

The dog's head, which was originally dark, turned a little darker in an instant.

Liang Bing noticed the change in Hei Feng's expression and carefully reviewed Hei Feng's words just now. He also realized that An Lan must have played some trick after falling asleep last night.

His originally cheerful expression turned serious in an instant, and he unthinkingly retrieved the surveillance video of Demon No. 1 after he fell asleep last night.

Liang Bing's heart skipped a beat when she saw in the video that a figure with the same look, body and voice as hers walked out of her bedroom.

What the hell.

I knew what tricks this little bastard would play!

"An Lan!!!"

His good mood turned suddenly, Liang Bing roared, grabbed Hei Feng's neck, and forced him to ask: "Tell me exactly what happened last night!"

"Queen, you can find out the specific details by checking the surveillance."

Heifeng answered tremblingly: "Last night you walked out of the bedroom and informed me to go to the scientific research and development room, saying that you got a new gadget from An Lan.

You commanded me to use that new gadget to consume all the resources reserved by Devil No. 1 and resurrect the crocodile god Thorton. "

What the hell...

While Hei Feng answered, Liang Bing was also checking the surveillance video from last night.

Comparing the two, Liang Bing found that there was no problem, but felt dizzy. He let go of Hei Feng's hand as if suffering from heatstroke, and panted violently while holding on to the wall.

"No, I have to slow down."

After a long time, Liang Bing had to accept the fact that she was betrayed by her boyfriend just after she fell in love. He gritted his teeth and said, "That's not me.

That's that little bastard An Lan! "

Liang Bing's mood at this time was quite complicated.

The first super soldier to have a favorite, the first man to like, and the male super soldier seemed to have a good impression of him, and even swore a vow to himself never to betray him.

The two joys overlapped, and more and more joys should have been born.

But, how could it become like this?

Hei Feng stood aside in silence, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart. Although strictly speaking he was not to blame for this incident, who asked him to lead the way for An Lan last night.

The responsibility for an indirect dereliction of duty cannot be escaped.

Heifeng recalled for a moment and said cautiously: "In our records, An Lan seems to have used the ability to turn into a blood-red fluid and then reorganize into the form of a divine river body.

Originally we thought this was just a characteristic similar to that of the fourth-generation divine body, but now it seems that this ability can also simulate other people's appearance, body shape, voice, and mental fluctuations. "

In short, he is extremely capable of camouflage.

"There is no point in using hindsight. The top priority is to get An Lan back as soon as possible."

Liang Bing cursed angrily: "I'm going to beat this little bastard hard and lock him in a cell for a whole year.

He can't find any fun, can't watch the short videos of beautiful girls, and knows the consequences of betraying me, the Demon Queen Morgana. "

Heifeng was slightly startled. Is this the only punishment for betraying the Queen?

After thinking for a moment, Heifeng, a third-rate director and screenwriter, realized that Liang Bing was definitely in love with An Lan.

There is a saying that those who are favored have no fear, and the person you love most hurts you the most. People's tolerance for people they like is often extremely high.

In many cases, the deeper you are hurt, the more you like someone, because what you can’t get is the best.

Furthermore, apart from being disloyal to Liang Bing, An Lan really has no shortcomings in other aspects.

He is handsome, can fight, has a sweet mouth, can please girls, and can also have fun with Liang Bing. He is really the perfect subordinate or lover.

Everyone loves a scumbag man, because a scumbag man is a man who is good at everything except not liking you, and everyone likes good men.

Heifeng sighed and felt a little lucky, knowing that he would definitely not be punished too seriously for dereliction of duty.

The boss is most afraid of unfair rewards and punishments. But because everyone has preferences and biases, it is often impossible to be absolutely fair and just.

But relative fairness and justice is still necessary. Liang Bing has led the demon army for more than 10,000 years, so he must know this truth.

If the culprit was simply beaten and imprisoned, then Heifeng, the unwitting accomplice, would definitely receive a lighter punishment than An Lan.

There is even a high probability that there will not be any punishment.

"Queen, the top priority now is to solve the problem of resource reserves."

Heifeng reminded in a low voice: "When An Lan resurrected the crocodile god Sodun last night, he almost consumed all the resources we had reserved.

We have very few resources left. If we don’t replenish them, I’m afraid the Demon One will be down in half a month.

An Lan can look for him later. "

"Resources are just a small issue!"

Liang Bing waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Didn't An Lan say what he said last night? The resources have been used up. You can ask Karl again.

I fight life and death for Karl, so why spend more money? "

Black Wind was slightly speechless.

Sure enough, a woman.

Karl cared deeply about Liang Bing and gave him whatever he asked for. Although it is true that Liang Bing is needed to contain the scheming Holy Kesha, it is really considered a licking of a dog.

It would be better for Liang Bing to use Carl, the dog-licking resource, to raise An Lan, the unfamiliar pretty boy.


Heifeng responded, and was just about to mobilize the mazi to search for An Lan's traces, when he suddenly remembered something and took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Liang Bing.

"What the hell is this?"

Liang Bing was confused. She knew it was a USB flash drive, but she didn't know why Liang Bing would give it to him.

Heifeng introduced: "This USB flash drive is what An Lan asked me to hand over to you before he left."

After saying that, Heifeng turned around and left to do business.

Liang Bing's eyes flashed as she held the USB flash drive. After recalling the contents of the surveillance video, it seemed that such a thing was indeed happening.

An Lan, who transformed into Liang Bing, asked Heifeng to transfer the USB flash drive to An Lan. Combining the cause and effect, it should be something that needs to be handed over to Liang Bing.

Could it be something like a farewell letter, with a video recorded by An Lan in it, in which An Lan would burst into tears and complain about the difficulties of betraying her as a last resort?

Thinking of this possibility, Liang Bing's anger dissipated unconsciously, and he returned to the bedroom with complicated emotions.

Feeling uncomfortable, angry, wanting to cry, not wanting to go to work.

Lying on the bed in the bedroom, Liang Bing turned over the USB flash drive for a long time before he made up his mind to check the contents of the USB flash drive.

After loading the contents of the USB flash drive into the Demon No. 1 system, Liang Bing took a look and found that it was a song called "Moon Boat".

Is it possible to express one's ambitions through songs, just like expressing one's love for oneself through poetry?

Liang Bing subconsciously clicked play.

"I can catch the moon

I will use countless dreams

Hold up countless oars

Use courage and wisdom to be my oars

Rocking the moon boat and sailing into the distance

Goodbye mom

I'm going to sail away tonight

don't worry about me

I have the paddle of joy and wisdom

Don't tell anyone when you wake up

I'm rocking the moon boat and sailing on the Milky Way


This is the theme song of the children's science fiction TV series "Happy Planet" that An Lan loved to watch when he was a child. Before leaving, he felt that the lyrics were more suitable for the occasion, so he recorded it and gave it to Liang Bing.

The melodious singing was floating in Liang Bing's bedroom, and she could tell that it seemed to be a children's song.

Liang Bing was confused when listening to the verse part. What is this and what does An Lan mean?

It was only when the chorus started from "Goodbye, Mom, I'm going to sail away tonight" that Liang Bing knew what An Lan meant.

This is ridiculous.

The expression that originally softened because of her expectations for An Lan instantly turned cold again, colder than ever.

“An Lan!!!

What a little bastard! ! ! "

Liang Bing turned off the audio and roared. Just as he was about to curse a few more words to vent his anger, he suddenly felt a dull pain in his lower abdomen.

This is even causing endocrine disorders.

"Damn, my aunt was here just last week, and she's here again.

Little bastard, after I catch you, I will settle this account with you slowly. "

One year, no, two years, at least two years, you little bastard, don’t even think about touching my legs, sister!

Liang Bing, who was angry at his aunt, lay on the bed, clutching his belly and couldn't calm down for a long time, thinking in his mind how to torture An Lan after he was captured.

A few minutes later, Liang Bing anxiously connected to Hei Feng's communication channel and couldn't wait to ask: "Hey, Hei Feng.

Have you found the location of that little bastard An Lan? "

"Report to the Queen, not yet." Black Wind answered honestly.

"Why so slow?"

Liang Bing said impatiently: "The Earth is such a small place. You helped An Lan to teleport last night. How come we can't even find him after a few minutes?"

"Because it is really hard to find, Queen."

Hei Feng explained: "It has been about ten hours since An Lan left. Ten hours is enough for him to cross half of the Earth even if he took a plane.

It seems that because Angel Yan has been helping him to deal with the beginning and the end, his secret information is difficult to find. It took us nearly two days to find him.

Now An Lan has shown the ability to change his appearance and other external information at will. He can reduce our efficiency several times by changing it at will.

But don't worry, I have mobilized the entire information group and called 30% of the computing power of Demon No. 1 to search for An Lan's whereabouts.

At the latest tomorrow night, he will definitely be found."

Devil No. 1 is currently in a hidden state. Part of the computing power is used to maintain operation, part of the computing power is used to maintain the hidden state, and the other part of the computing power cannot be used at all.

When the computing power of Demon No. 1 is fully opened, the fluctuations caused by ultra-high energy consumption cannot be completely covered up even in the hidden state.

"Hurry up." Liang Bing could only urge helplessly.


After hanging up the communication with Heifeng, Liang Bing continued to lie on the bed and think about it, but her mood became more and more impatient. The lower abdomen, which was originally aching, became more and more painful because of Liang Bing's anxiety and anger.

Helplessly, Liang Bing could only temporarily block the pain and fell asleep in her wild thoughts.

Late at night, around two o'clock, Liang Bing was suddenly awakened by a burst of communication in her sleep.

"Queen, An Lan's location has been found."

Liang Bing's spirit was lifted, and then her lower abdomen was in pain again. She couldn't help but frowned and leaned against the head of the bed, covering her lower abdomen.

Asked: "Where is it?"

"In the Kunlun Mountains!"

While answering, Heifeng sent a "video link" to Liang Bing.

Liang Bing clicked on the link and took a look, then checked the hidden information and found that the person in the picture was indeed An Lan.

His smile was innocent and pure, and he was wearing traditional Tibetan costumes, like a pure snow lotus blooming on the top of a snowy mountain.

In his arms, there was a snow leopard with its belly exposed and gurgling in its throat, accepting cheese slices fed by An Lan.

This is the perfect combination of man and nature.

Seeing such an innocent scene, Liang Bing's anger subsided a little. Just when he wanted to get up and catch An Lan himself, he felt a dull pain in his lower abdomen and had to give up.

Fearing that he would not have the heart to teach An Lan a lesson if he continued to watch, Liang Bing lay on the bed, turned off the video and ordered: "Let Atuo take a few elite teams to catch An Lan back.

This time you are allowed to use Demon No. 1 to start the wormhole operation. Pay attention, you must capture him alive. Queen, I want to teach him a lesson myself."


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