Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 107: A Hero Saves a Beauty [Subscribe]

On top of the towering snow-capped mountains that never melt all year round, An Lan sat on a rock and played with the big cat Snow Leopard in his arms.

When chatting with Qilin on QQ before, she said she planned to visit the Kunlun Mountains and the Himalayas. She was not lying. An Lan did have this plan.

Now that he had "escaped" from Devil No. 1, An Lan immediately came to this most magical mountain range in myths and legends.


An Lan stopped kneading the snow leopard's belly, squinted slightly and looked forward, noticing something unusual.


Snow Leopard, who was feeling so good, saw An Lan stop his movements, raised his head and rubbed An Lan's chin. It was so good that he felt so good. Why did he stop doing it all of a sudden?

Snow leopards are animals of the genus Snow Leopard in the family Felidae. They are closer to cheetahs and cats in the genus Felidae in terms of positioning. They cannot make a heart-rending roar like a liger.

The big cat's meow is quite funny.

The space in front of An Lan suddenly set off ripples, and Atuo walked out of it with a big sword in hand and led a dozen second-generation demons.

"An Lan, I am your wall breaker."

After a pause, Atuo said again: "This is what you asked me to say. I didn't have a chance last time, so I will make up for your regret this time."

"You are quite humorous."

An Lan stood up slowly with his left arm around the snow leopard, which weighed more than 40 kilograms, and patted the snow leopard's head to signal the little guy to be quiet.

He glanced at Atuo and other demons again, and said with a smile: "You guys are coming faster than I thought."

"There is no one in this world that the devil cannot find." A'tuo said coldly.

"What if you can find me?"

An Lan chuckled lightly and said: "It's just a group of defeated generals. You don't think that you can defeat me with a few more little Kalami, do you?"

"Of course not. You are the most perfect and powerful super soldier under the Queen's command. Even I have to admit this."

Atuo introduced: “But this time it’s different.

The last battle between us was a conventional battle, and this time the Queen granted us permission to use the computing power and wormhole technology support of Demon One.

You should know what this means. "

An Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little troubled.

The combat power of super warriors cannot simply be divided according to which generation they are, it can only be divided based on simple physical strength.

Combat experience, skills, equipped functions, weapons, energy, and computing power will all become important factors that influence the battle situation.

For example, the Noxing God of War under normal circumstances is just a super soldier with relatively high lethality. The current An Lan and Monkey also belong to this type.

But if supported by enough energy and computing power, Nuoxing God of War can even split the planet with an ax and become a strategic-level unit.

The Demon team led by Atuo, coupled with the computing power and wormhole technology of Demon 1, will increase its suppression power on the battlefield several times.

Even if it cannot kill gods, it is enough to suppress one or even two or three ordinary gods without the blessing of supercomputer.

It seems difficult to win this wave.

An Lan took out the Nebula Smoke Gun and said nonchalantly: "You have the computing power of Devil No. 1, and I also have the newly resurrected Crocodile God Thorton.

It is still unclear who will win and who will lose. "

A'tuo was unmoved and said coldly: "If you summon the crocodile god Thorton to help, I will seek assistance from the queen as soon as possible.

The Queen values ​​you more than anyone else, and you know there's no way you can run away when the Queen takes action herself. "

An Lan twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

Damn it, when did Atuo become so cowardly? The glory of the warrior that was promised was brought out at every turn.

It's hard to win in a fight, so the only solution for now seems to be to run away.

Seeing that An Lan was a little shaken, Atuo persuaded him: "Actually, we don't have to fight.

An Lan, come back with us and admit your mistake to the queen. The most you can do is be imprisoned for a period of time. "

"I reject."

An Lan said without thinking: "There are always some birds that cannot be caged, and every feather of them shines with the brilliance of freedom..."

And I am that bird. "

Staying in Devil No. 1 all the time was absolutely unbearable for An Lan.

He would rather be chased by demons and wander around outside without dying anyway. This would be more exciting and have more fun.

Moreover, if you are being chased all the time, the danger level will increase faster. When 5.0 opens the use of the evol knight system, you will no longer have to worry about being chased.

"So there's nothing to talk about?" A'tuo asked.


An Lan held the cute snow leopard in her left arm, and raised the Nebula Smoke Gun in her right hand, ready to run away.

The smoke gun can eject a special kind of smoke that spreads quickly. It can not only shield various detection methods, but also build a space warping channel under the user of the smoke gun.

What you think is a ninja's smoke bomb style running is actually using space technology to run. Of course, this kind of cannonball specially designed for running away has an extremely long cooling time.

In addition to smoke guns, golden components on armor such as Evol are also equipped with space warping functions. This is why An Lan is confident that he will not be afraid of the demon army after 5.0.

You can always run away if you can't beat him.

The scene suddenly became tense. Just when Atuo was about to lead his men to take action and An Lan was about to run away with the snow leopard, a crimson energy blade flew over from a distance.


A'tuo quickly blocked with his sword horizontally. After finding that he couldn't block it at all, he decisively linked to Demon No. 1 and used wormhole technology to flash aside and avoid the light blade.

The red light blade fell on the snow, cutting out a gully tens of meters long, and the mountain buried under the ice and snow was also exposed.

"Let go of that girl... boy!"

A scolding sound came from the direction where the energy light blade flew.

An Lan and the demons heard the news and ran away, only to see an angel wearing angel-style armor, with white wings shining on his back and long golden hair flying over from a distance holding a flaming sword.


An Lan's eyes were in a daze for a moment, and he vaguely remembered the day he parted with Angel Yan. The holy and charming blond angel flew into the distance with her back to him.

An instant later, the blond angel flew closer. When An Lan came back to his senses, he realized that this angel had a different hairstyle than Yan.

This angel's hair is not as long as Angel Yan's. He has a bunch of slanted bangs that look like Sun Wuhan's and exposes most of his forehead. The hair on the back of his head is tied into a high ponytail.

Overall, she is not as beautiful and charming as Angel Yan, but she is still a rare beauty with a heroic temperament.

An Lan recalled for a moment and vaguely remembered that this angel seemed to be called Leng.

The angel stood in front of An Lan indifferently, looked back at An Lan, his eyes flickered, and nervously introduced himself: "Hello, An Lan.

I am Angel Leng, Yan's... friend. "

While introducing herself, Angel Leng's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. This was the first time she had been in such close contact with her favorite male god.

A long time ago, Angel Leng and Angel Yan observed An Lan's first battle in the sky. After being provoked by Angel Yan, they fell in love with An Lan.

The angel's concept of love is that simple. If the genetic match is high, the other person has a long lifespan, and is not a treacherous person, it will be easy to be favored by the angel.

After all, the overall pattern of the universe is that Yin is strong and Yang is weak, with more wolves and less meat.

Angels will pursue the male gods they like, just as it is normal for men on earth to pursue beautiful women they like.

And Angel Leng is the simpler and middle-class one among all the angels. He has always been more unrestrained in expressing his emotions and preferences.

Not only An Lan, but also A Tuo and other demons also noticed that Angel Leng was very interested in An Lan.

"Hello, Leng." An Lan held one of the snow leopard's paws, smiled and waved to Leng.

Still the same sentence, innocent temperament and pure smile.

At this moment, Angel Leng felt that all the years of waiting had been worth it, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.

During Angel Leng's mission, Angel Yan, as Leng's "best friend", would always send some handsome photos and highlight videos of An Lan to Leng from time to time.

Angel Leng could only curse Yan angrily, and worried in his heart whether An Lan would be charmed by Angel Yan.

Now it seems that there is still a chance.

"We'll talk about anything else later. I'll deal with these demons first!"

Angel Leng said a word, and his heart was full of motivation. He held the flaming sword and killed Atuo and other demons.

Now, I am fighting for love. The male god I love is being protected behind me, admiring my heroic appearance in punishing evil!

Angel Leng, who was full of buffs, fought against Atuo and other demons. Because of the high fighting spirit, one can still win against many.

An Lan, who suddenly had nothing to do, could only hold the snow leopard in his arms, sit back on the rock, admire the battle in front of him, and analyze the combat power of both sides.

The "Super Seminary" series has been restarted many times. The creative team is different every time, and various settings have been modified many times.

Even An Lan is not sure whether Angel Leng is a third-generation god or a quasi-third-generation god.

Now it seems that it should be a third-generation divine body, and it also has the computing power blessing of Kesha's sacred knowledge treasure house, otherwise it would be impossible to fight to this extent with Atuo and other demons.

A Tuo and other demons, who had been fully prepared and planned to capture An Lan, were now becoming more and more numb.

A team of nearly a dozen second-generation demons of the third generation, coupled with the computing power and wormhole technical support of Demon No. 1, can easily suppress one or two ordinary third-generation gods.

The problem is that Angel Leng is not ordinary.

Before Angel had Liang Bing, they were still researching wormholes during the Angel period. Even if the wormhole technology was not as good as Liang Bing, it was still at a qualified level.

New generation angels such as Angel Leng and Angel Yan are not very proficient in wormhole technology, but they are very good at countering wormhole technology.

Moreover, the angel's third-generation divine body is one of the third-generation divine bodies with the strongest comprehensive performance in the known universe developed by He Xi. Not counting special functions, it is almost comparable to the main god-level third-generation divine body.

And Angel Leng is even more powerful with the blessing of computing power from the sacred treasure house of knowledge.

A Tuo led the demons and Angel Leng to exchange a few moves, and knew that it would be difficult to win this wave. Even if they won, it would be meaningless. There was An Lan sitting over there watching the show.

Whether An Lan said "it doesn't matter, I will take action" or "it doesn't matter, I will run away", the arrest plan will fail.

Helpless, Atuo immediately asked Liang Bing for help.

"Queen, the arrest failed.

Angel Leng, Kesha's high-level bodyguard, suddenly appeared. We are no match for her. "

The combat power of angels blessed by the treasure house of sacred knowledge is so outrageous. A third-generation team can defeat the elite team led by Atuo and supported by Demon One and wormhole tactics.

And if it is a protracted battle, Angel Leng will definitely win.

"What's going on? Angel Leng Ze came out again. Is it a trap set by that boy An Lan?"

Liang Bing, who was resting in the bedroom, was also stunned.

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