Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 127 Ten Thousand Years is Too Long

"Holy crap, how could Brother Lan's cousin be an angel?"

"Brother Lan's cousin is so pretty too."

"You're stupid, that means you're not a real cousin.

Haven't you read novels? Those couples who don't want to make their relationship public always talk about cousins. "


"Silence, Sister-in-law Qilin doesn't look right..."

After Zhao Xin and others whispered a few words, they noticed Qilin's gloomy expression. Upon closer inspection, her fists seemed to bleed.

"Why do I feel a little cold..."

Liu Chuang suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and he vaguely sensed a murderous aura.

"Let's go, go quickly..."

Xin Zhao whispered a reminder, pulled Liu Chuang, and quickly fled this place of right and wrong with Ge Xiaolun and others.

Anyone who has read anime, novels, or played love games basically knows that this place will most likely become a Shura field.

A few big men are really not suitable to get involved in this. As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs. Even if they really wanted to help Qilin, their teammate, there was really nothing they could do.

You can't give Angel Yan a good beating. Let’s not talk about whether we can win the battle or not. Even if we win, how will An Lan pass the next level?

be strong!

Everyone made a gesture to Qilin to cheer her up, and then ran away.

Angel Yan and Qilin were the only ones left on the playground.

Qilin adjusted her expression, walked towards Angel Yan as usual, and took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, cousin~

I haven’t seen you for a few days and you are more beautiful than before. Why did you suddenly become a cosplayer?

Your armor is pretty good, but you can't afford it for 10,000 yuan. The wings are not that good, they look like fighting spirit transformed into wings. "

Angel Yan narrowed his eyes slightly. The shape of his wings was ugly. An Lan also mentioned this problem. After returning to the City of Angels, you must adjust the shape of the wings of time and space.

"I'm not cosplaying~"

Angel Yan smiled and said: "I kept hiding it from you for some reasons. It's my fault, sister. I, sister, am a real angel.

The civilizations in the universe all call me the holy left wing of the holy Kesha, the thundering god of war.

Of course, since we are so close, you can just call me Sister Yan. "

Holy left? Thunder God of War?

Qilin suddenly felt like she was losing her temper.

It was mentioned in the history class of Super Seminary that Holy Kesha is the God of the Gods, the strongest and most powerful top god in the universe. Her left and right deputies are called the Holy Left Wing and the Holy Right Wing.

The four words "Thunder God of War" are also very particular. High-level god-making civilizations will abide by certain rules when choosing titles and gene names.

To be called the God of War, he must be at least a quasi-third-generation super soldier. And Yan is the holy left wing, so he must be the true third-generation god of war.

This is basically hit by dimensionality reduction across the board.

Qilin was in a trance for a moment, then pretended to be enlightened and asked: "Wow, it turns out that cousin you have such a big background.

An Lan knows what kind of left winger your cousin is and what kind of angel she is? "

"He has always known it." Angel Yan said with a smile.

Qilin suddenly felt a sting in her heart. An Lan had known this for a long time. Wouldn't that prove that she had been kept in the dark.

If An Lan and Angel Yan had known each other for a long time, wouldn't he have been acting on his own and been the third party to interfere with An Lan and Angel Yan?


Angel Yan suddenly appeared after the Airport Road incident. She most likely met An Lan on that day, or she met him earlier.

It’s me first, whether we know you or like you, it’s all me first.

"Cousin, did you meet An Lan on the day An Lan saved me on Airport Road regardless of danger?" Qilin asked with a smile.

At the same time, he pointed out that he came first and had long been in love with An Lan.


Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you, Xiao Qilin. "

Angel Yan nodded slightly, caressed the golden hair hanging on his chest, and seemed to recall: "That day, my team and I came to the earth under the orders of Holy Kesha, and we just did a casual reconnaissance outside the atmosphere. Then I discovered An Lan.

His genes were too powerful and dazzling. Even though he was not very strong at that time, we could still see his potential at a glance.

How rare are outstanding male gods in the universe?

I just had the idea of ​​giving it a try, so I found him that night. After some contact, I decided to stay with him and observe him for a while as my cousin. "

"Then cousin, what did you observe?" Qilinpi said with a smile.

"I observed everything I wanted to observe."

Angel Yan smiled slightly and hinted: "From most aspects, An Lan is a perfect male god.

He is powerful, makes rapid progress, and has endless potential. He can at least become a third-generation god. He is humorous and chatting with him will never be boring.

Although he is occasionally a little out of tune and likes to tease others verbally, he will always maintain a certain degree of control.

This is the first time in seven thousand years that I have been so moved by a man. "

"Cousin, you haven't been in love once for over seven thousand years?" Qilin was a little unconvinced and tried to find flaws in Angel Yan.

You must have some love history when you are over 7,000 years old, but I am different. I am my true first love!

"I've had my heart beat twice before."

Angel Yan said frankly: "For the first time, I was young and ignorant. After being grounded by Queen Kesha for a thousand years, I realized that it was not love.

The second time I fell in love with another man, but before anything could happen, he had already died in battle.

Anlan is the third person I like, or love, and the one I love the most.

I am willing to make a vow of protection for him, and become a guardian angel who will always accompany him for the rest of his life, thinking about what he thinks and loves what he loves. "

The premise is to sense Anlan's love for her.

Qilin pulled the corner of her mouth slightly, this is simply impeccable.

7000 years old, it is normal to have a crush on a man during this period, and people on Earth still have puberty. Angel Yan didn't have time to do anything.

A flaw in white jade does not hide its merits.

"Seven thousand years old..."

Qilin could only find flaws in age, and sighed: "This is a bit different from Anlan, he may not like women of this age. "

"He will like it sooner or later. "

Angel Yan narrowed his eyes and reminded: "I am a god, he is also a god, we both have almost infinite lifespans.

People will go to heaven after all, and gods will be with gods after all. A million years later, I will only be seven thousand years older than him.

No matter how crazy he is now, it doesn't matter if he falls in love with other women because of curiosity or other reasons.

Because I am the only one who can accompany him to the end, and the person he loves the most in the end must be me. Do you understand what I mean? "

Be sensible, you little girl, just give up when you encounter difficulties!

"I understand, but I don't know if you have ever heard a poem, cousin?

[How many things are always urgent; the world turns, time is pressing. Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day. ]"

Qilin smiled slightly and said without giving in: "I think life and love should not be measured by length, but by height.

The most beautiful things are often fleeting, such as fireworks, cherry blossoms, or love that is extremely strong at a certain moment.

It is precisely because of the brevity that people will cherish it more. "

Angel Yan stared at Qilin and smiled: "You are right, but have you considered a question? [The future] must belong to me, but [the present] may not belong to you. "

"You don't need to worry about this. "Qilin replied coldly.

After the two women stared at each other for a long time, Angel Yan smiled softly, patted Qilin on the shoulder, and said casually: "You are very motivated, but what's the use?

I have something to do first, let's talk another day."

Angel Yan waved his hand, spread his wings and left the Super God Academy.

Qilin looked at Angel Yan's back with smiling eyes, and watched him leave politely.

After Angel Yan left, Qilin's eyes flashed a hint of sadness and fatigue, but it disappeared quickly.

After adjusting her expression, Qilin walked briskly towards the cafeteria. Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and others who were observing the battle at the door of the cafeteria also quickly retracted their heads.

After Qilin walked into the cafeteria, everyone observed Qilin for a long time, and did not notice anything wrong.

Qilin's smile was still so bright, without the slightest sadness or anger, as if Angel Yan had never appeared.

"Sister-in-law Qilin, are you okay? "Zhao Xin asked cautiously.

"I'm fine, why are you asking this?"

Qilin sat down at the banquet, wiped the tableware with a tissue, blinked and looked up in confusion.


Liu Chuang also asked curiously: "Sister Qilin, didn't you talk to Lan's cousin, the angel?"


Qilin picked up a dish with chopsticks and answered without disguising: "Just talked about the past, future, love and so on, it's meaningless."

Really nothing?

Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and others breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little disappointed. Why didn't you fight?

"So you all think I'm afraid of her, right? Don't you underestimate me too much?"

Qilin yelled dissatisfiedly and said to Qiangwei next to her: "Well, Qiangwei, bring the wine over there, you must let these dogs who look down on me drink one."

"Drink, you must drink! "

Zhao Xin and his men hurriedly brought several boxes of beer, each opened a bottle and toasted Qilin.

"I'll drink one too."

Qilin took a bottle of beer, bit it open with his teeth, stood up and said to everyone: "There were no casualties on our first mission, and we even got a Fighting Buddha back.

We won't go home until we're drunk today!

By the way, Monkey King, can you drink?"

"Of course I can drink.

Alcohol and meat pass through the intestines, but the Buddha remains in the heart."

"One goes."

"One goes. ”

As everyone drank, they forgot about Qilin’s meeting and conversation with Angel Yan. Only Qiangwei vaguely sensed something was wrong.

If I remember correctly, Qilin should never drink alcohol. Even if she did, she would only taste it lightly.

After thinking for a while, Qiangwei took out her mobile phone while everyone was distracted, opened QQ and sent a message to An Lan.

[I have a friend who rarely drank alcohol and didn’t like it before. Today, she suddenly drank bottle after bottle. What’s going on?]

A minute later, An Lan’s message came.

[Because of frustration.

When a person suffers setbacks, he will more or less want to escape from reality. Drinking is the most common way for most people to escape from reality.

After getting drunk, your spirit will reach another world and forget all the unhappiness in reality.]

Qiangwei looked at the message sent by Anlan, and then looked at Qilin who had already drunk a whole box of beer. After hesitating, she edited another message and sent it.

[Qilin just met and talked with your cousin. She has now drunk a whole box of beer and it seems that she can drink a few more boxes. ]

Although the relationship between the two has never been very good, they are teammates after all. After Reina leaves the earth, Qiangwei will take over the position of captain as the tactical core.

As a captain, it is necessary to care about the emotional state and mental health of teammates and team members.

Half a minute later, Anlan's message was sent back.

[Got it, I'll be there in a while. ]

Qiangwei glanced at the screen and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Anlan was not so bad as to leave after the incident.

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