Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 128 Who is your favorite woman? [Subscribe]

After An Lan finished handling the matters in Juxia City and rushed to the Super Seminary, it was already four or five o'clock in the morning. It's autumn now, the days are short and the nights are long, and it's still dark.

As soon as he walked into the gate, An Lan saw Qiangwei, who had contacted him in advance and was standing by the intersection.

"Where is Qilin?" An Lan slowly walked over and asked.

"over there."

Qiangwei pointed in the direction of the cafeteria and said: "After the reception banquet was over, Qilin still dragged me to continue drinking. I drank three or four cases of beer with her, and I really couldn't hold it anymore.

You can take care of your own affairs. I'll leave first. "

Three or four cases of beer for two people, including the white beers at the banquet, even if Qiangwei is a second-generation super soldier, she really can't drink it anymore.

This was the first time Qiangwei knew that Qilin's drinking capacity was so good. As expected, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

"Thank you." An Lan nodded and said thank you.

After Qiangwei left, An Lan walked to the cafeteria. After arriving at the canteen, I found that there was no one in the canteen. Instead, there was a rustling sound coming from behind the ajar side door of the canteen.

An Lan walked to the side door in the dark, opened the door gently, and saw Qilin sitting on the curb four or five meters away, drinking in front of the moon.

She held the beer can in her left hand and raised it in front of her face. Her cheeks were slightly red and her eyes were blurred as she stared at the can in her hand, as if she wanted to see through the can.

Beside her, there were dozens of empty cans scattered around, which she probably drank with Qiangwei just now.


Hearing the footsteps behind her, Qilin threw the empty can aside and complained drunkenly: "Why did you come so late.

Isn't it just to carry two boxes of beer? Do you want to drink with me or can't drink?

If you don't want to drink, just say so, you can't drink... burp, if you can't drink, you will sit at the same table with Xin Zhao and the others. "

An Lan leaned on the door frame with his arms folded, roughly guessing that Qilin thought she was Qiangwei, and what reason Qiangwei used to escape just now.

"You're drunk, Qilin." An Lan said.

"I'm not drunk.

I am a super soldier. As long as I want to, there is no way a few boxes of beer can get me drunk.

I just feel a little uncomfortable, a little drunk, and a little uncomfortable, uncomfortable...


Qilin yelled a few words and burped again. Only then did she notice that the voice coming from behind her was somewhat familiar, but it was obviously not Qiangwei's voice who was going to move the wine.

"You are not Qiangwei, who are you?" Qilin asked with a slightly sideways glance.

An Lan still leaned on the door frame and asked speechlessly: "Don't you remember me?"

Galaxy Sniper has such good hearing and eyesight that he couldn't even recognize An Lan's voice, and he said he wasn't drunk.

Only then did Qilin turn around, taking advantage of the moonlight to glance back. After seeing clearly the outline and facial features of the man leaning on the door frame, her eyes suddenly became affectionate and blurred.

Qilin stared at An Lan, as if reminiscing, and replied: "You once said you wanted to marry me, how could I not remember you."

An Lan was slightly startled and asked subconsciously: "Have I ever said such a thing?"

I like you the most, I love you the most. An Lan said this to different people many times. He remembered saying it to at least three people: Qilin, Angel Yan, and Liang Bing.

Other people, other words, An Lan really doesn't remember.

Qilin stopped staring at An Lan, turned her back to An Lan, looked at the moon unconsciously, and recalled: "That day I went to your dormitory to find you.

You said I was your ideal type. I was a little shy, so I said you were not my ideal type, but I didn’t rule out the possibility of falling in love with you in the future.

While talking and laughing, you touched my face and said, if one day I fall in love with you, you will definitely let me be your girlfriend and marry me as your wife. "

After answering An Lan's question, Qilin stroked her cheek again, just like An Lan stroked her that day, and asked: "You know I like you, why do you do this?"

An Lan then remembered that he seemed to have actually said such a sentence a long time ago.

Being too talkative is not a good thing in many cases. You will always say some touching words inadvertently and forget about it afterwards.

"How can you take it seriously if you say it as a joke?" An Lan said calmly.

Just a joke?

Qilin felt a little uncomfortable in her tear ducts, raised her head slightly, not wanting to let the tears flow down, and said: "Because of your words, I have waited until now, even though I knew you might like other women.

When you left Super Seminary more than a month ago, I knew that you might want to find your cousin Yan, but I didn't say anything. "

An Lan remained silent.

Even now, even he himself doesn't know whether the reason why he left Super Theological Seminary at that time was to find new fun or to find Angel Yan more.

But one thing is for sure, after Angel Yan left, he really wanted to find her.

Qilin added: "I once thought about leaving with you, but I didn't do so. At that moment, I really understood Tsangyang Gyatso. There is peace in the world, and I can live up to Tathagata and live up to you.

After you left, I cried for a long time. I was really afraid that you would never come back. Your cousin was fine in everything.

I'm afraid you really like her more than me. "

Qilin's tone suddenly became choked with sobs. After realizing that she had lost her composure, Qilin quickly stopped because An Lan had said that his mood would get worse when he saw a woman crying.

After calming down, Qilin asked: "Do you know that your cousin and I met a few hours ago."

An Lan still didn't answer. He vaguely felt that Qilin might not need to answer. Moreover, An Lan's mind was a little confused and he didn't know how to answer.

"She was wearing sparkling silver armor, and the flawless white wings on her back shone in the moonlight, like an angel... No, she was originally an angel.

She was like a seeded player who could pop the champagne at half-time and lock in the championship in advance in the qualifiers. She walked up to me with a sure shot of victory.

She said to me, it doesn’t make any sense to be ambiguous with whomever you like now, God will be with Him after all, and in the end the person you love deeply will definitely be her.

After she finished speaking, my first thought was to slap her, then escape to the dormitory and lie down on the bed and cry.

But I didn't do that. "

Qilin's eyes suddenly became stubborn and she said in a stubborn tone: "Because I don't want to prove what she said is right!"

After saying this, Qilin suddenly smiled, as if as long as she deceived herself into not admitting that what Angel Yan said was right, nothing Angel Yan said would happen.

The smile that suddenly appears and disappears suddenly is like the love in "Twister". Instead, there was a lingering sadness.

Qilin lowered her head and said sadly: "I have told myself many times that the woman you like most is me.

I have also asked myself many times, whether the woman you like most is me.

Now I don’t want to know anymore…”

An Lan still leaned on the door frame with his arms folded and stared at Qilin without saying a word. He didn't know what to say, he was very upset now.

A few days ago, he told He Xi that many times people would be happier if they were a little confused, and they should not be too inquiring about everything. When you feel that the truth is what you want, you can stop in time.

Because when you continue to pursue it, you will often find that many times the real answer is not what you want to see.

An Lan has always felt that it is better for people to be a little confused. It is best to be as confused as Liang Bing or Reina.

The more confused people there are in this world, the more people like him who are used to lying and looking for fun can fish in troubled waters and find more happiness.

But An Lan didn't feel happy at the moment, but rather sad for no reason.

Qilin, who had endured it for a long time, finally couldn't hold back, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

She turned back with pear blossoms, stared at An Lan in the darkness, and begged affectionately: "If one day I can't help but ask, who is your favorite person.

Please, you must lie to me. No matter how unwilling you are, don't tell me that the person you like most is not me.


After saying this, Qilin realized that her tears were streaming down her face. She tried desperately to stop her tears, but found that she couldn't do it no matter what.

In order to prevent the person she loved the most from seeing her crying, Qilin could only lower her head and turn her back to An Lan, cover her mouth and cry in a low voice.

An Lan stared at Qilin's slightly trembling petite back and felt that time had been slowed down. His heart seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss, falling and falling forever.

In a daze, An Lan saw two other shadows on Qilin, one was Angel Yan and the other was Liang Bing. He seemed to be talking to three people at the same time.

How could there be lies that I couldn't tell?

How could there be anyone I would not want to deceive?

Whether it was Qilin, Angel Yan, or Liang Bing, they had all been deceived by him many times. He remembered that he said "I like you the most" and "I love you the most" the most to these three people.

No matter who asks you next time, you must be able to answer without thinking, "It's you."

Qilin sobbed for more than ten minutes. Her mood was still low and her heart was still sad, but her tears had completely dried up, and An Lan also came back from her trance.

The shadows of Angel Yan and Liang Bing disappeared, and now only Qilin was in front of An Lan.

"I'll take you back to your dormitory."

An Lan stepped forward and picked up Qilin like a princess. It is very light, weighing just over a hundred kilograms, which is not a problem for An Lan at all.

Qilin snuggled into An Lan's arms obediently, closed her eyes and fell asleep, like a baby who had returned to the safest place in time.

After a continuous night of fighting and traveling, and then having a feast and getting drunk late at night after returning, Qilin had already stayed up all night before she knew it.

Although I can hold on, I still feel sleepy and tired.

An Lan carried Qilin to the dormitory building, found Qilin's room, and found that the room had been locked.

Unable to find the key for a while, An Lan could only temporarily activate the evol knight system, use Pandora's Box to open a portal, and carry Qilin into the room through the portal.

An Lan put Qilin on the bed and carefully covered her with a quilt. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he found that his sleeve was suddenly grabbed by Qilin.

Qilin, who woke up leisurely, was lying on the bed, tightly holding An Lan's sleeves, staring at An Lan in the dark, and asked: "Tell me...

Who is your favorite woman? "

It's you.

This was an answer An Lan could give out of his mouth, just like the countless lies he had told countless times in the past.

But An Lan's mind had completely exploded, and he was so confused that he had completely lost his instincts. He never expected that Qilin would ask him this question so quickly.

He also didn't expect that this question that he had confidently thought he could easily fool around just now would be so difficult to answer now.

Qilin, Angel Yan, Liang Bing, three figures kept flashing in An Lan's mind. An Lan subconsciously wanted to say "it's you", but when he thought of Angel Yan and Liang Bing, he wanted to say "no".

An Lan was silent, struggling in his heart, and he was hesitant to speak.

The lies he had told countless times, the lies he had told to anyone, but now he didn't want to tell Qilin anymore.

At least at this moment, An Lan felt that Qilin was the person he least wanted to deceive, the most special one in this universe.

[The danger level has increased, the current level is 5.1. ]

Qilin noticed An Lan's struggle and hesitation, and her heart was even more sad. Almost like begging, she choked and repeated the question just now.

"Please, tell me...

Who is your favorite person?"

[The danger level has increased, the current level is 5.2. ]

An Lan stared at Qilin, struggled for a long time, and still said the lie he had told countless times but didn't want to say now.

"It's you..."

After saying this, An Lan suddenly felt a deep sense of guilt.

After hearing An Lan's answer, Qi Lin finally felt relieved, loosened her hand that was holding An Lan's sleeve, and then stood up, hooked her arms around An Lan's neck like a water snake and kissed him.

One minute later.

"Love me."

... About 3 hours and 10,000 words are omitted here...

[Seeking monthly votes]

Who said that you must use the genius bottle to awaken emotions?

Qi Lin's return as the king after a desperate counterattack, is this development very unexpected?

Seeking monthly votes, I think today's two chapters are worth at least 100 monthly votes.

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