Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 129 You smell like her perfume

The cafeteria was not closed at seven or eight o'clock, so An Lan randomly picked up seven or eight dishes and more than ten kilograms of rice, put the food into the [different-dimensional space], and hurried back.

Two consecutive battles also consumed An Lan a lot. Not to mention that there is a big battle in the evening. How can we not eat more to replenish our physical strength?

An Lan, who was walking back, suddenly sensed something and used the ability of [Pandora's Box] to warp and twist the space, stepping out to more than ten kilometers away.

This is the back hill of the Super Seminary, where the Xiongbing Company occasionally conducts actual combat training.

Angel Yan, who was sitting on a boulder and looking in the direction of the Super Seminary, was startled when he saw An Lan suddenly disappear and then appear next to him.

"Why do all the goddesses I know have the habit of peeping?"

An Lan stood beside Angel Yan, looking at the scenery in the distance, and asked softly.

"Probably because we are strong enough."

Angel Yan chuckled and replied: "It's like Superman in DC Comics, with super vision and super hearing.

Many times it’s not what we want to see, but what we have to see. "

"Is this the reason why you suddenly killed someone who was in retaliation?"

An Lan took out a cigarette from his pocket, lowered his head and lit it, took a puff, exhaled the smoke and continued: "I heard that you left after meeting Qilin in the early morning."

Angel Yan looked at An Lan, who was smoking as if no one else was around, with a slightly sad look in his eyes.

An Lan has no sense of public morality and is indifferent to all people or things that he is not interested in. Nothing is special in his eyes. Angel Yan has known this for a long time.

But when An Lan was in Qilin's dormitory just now, he obviously wanted to avoid Qilin and didn't want to smoke around Qilin, but now he didn't want to smoke around her.

In other words, only Qilin is special.

The little boy god that he had worked so hard to train finally had preliminary feelings. Although it was not strong yet, it was just a bud, but it had indeed taken the first step.

Unfortunately, the first person he fell in love with was not himself.

"He did leave at that time."

Angel Yan quickly concealed the sadness in his eyes and said with a smile: "But after sensing that you were walking towards the Super Theological Seminary, you came back again."

"When did you come back?" An Lan asked.

"Get here earlier than you."

Angel Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and teased: "I saw everything you did.

My body is quite good, my legs are not weak yet, and I have to take on the second game tonight. "

There was no trace of grudge or concern on her face.

An Lan was slightly startled and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

"What do I have to be angry about?"

Angel Yan held his chin with one hand, swung his legs in the air, and said nonchalantly: "My beloved male god has finally awakened to his emotions, which is a good thing no matter what.

If there is any regret, it is that the first person you fell in love with was not me. "

"I thought you would care." An Lan glanced at Angel Yan, trying to find some clues on Angel Yan's expression.

Unfortunately nothing was found.

"Do you care about my feelings, or are you just curious?" Angel Yan looked up at An Lan and asked.

"Care about how you feel."

An Lan answered without thinking, paused and then smiled: "After all, you are my favorite angel, how could I not care about your feelings."

Angel Yan felt his heart aching again.

Sighing, he exposed it mercilessly: "You're lying again. Now that you have emotions, you should know what it feels like to lie to the one you love.

I bet you that you won't feel any heartache or guilt when you lied to me. Let's bet a toaster. "

"how could be?"

An Lan argued: "Actually, my heart hurts a lot right now. You know my character. I am the kind of person who must get what I like.

I like you and Qilin very much. In order to make everyone happy, I can only make this decision to deceive you. "

"You've exposed your secrets~"

Angel Yan patted An Lan on the shoulder and said, "You admitted that you were lying when you said you cared about me, but if you were just curious, you wouldn't be heartbroken.

At least one of your two sentences is a lie, and my guess is that all of them are. "

"After all, I can't fool you." An Lan chose to show off.

After the two sides were silent for a long time, Angel Yan suddenly said: "Actually, I'm really happy."

"Huh?" An Lan was a little confused, how could he be happy.

"Yesterday when Qilin asked you if the person you liked the most was her, you must have been struggling. You had someone you liked more, or you couldn't tell who your favorite person was."

Angel Yan analyzed: "But you awakened your emotions at that moment and fell in love with her, so you didn't want to lie to her. Because of Qilin's request, you had to lie to her.

Your favorite person may not be Qilin, but the person you love most now must be her, because you only love her.

But I didn’t lose, right?

You struggle because you like me more, or you can't tell who you like most between me and Qilin.

In other words, I'm at least one of your favorite people.

Qilin just won one step first. One day you will fall in love with me. I am God, you and I both have endless lifespans, and I am the one who can accompany you to the end.

I can accept this situation. A thousand and ten thousand years later, you are still mine. "

Angel Yan's expression and tone were very open-minded. An Lan stared at Angel Yan for a long time, but he didn't notice whether Angel Yan was comforting himself or really doing so.


Angel Yan jumped down from the boulder, patted An Lan's back, and said with a smile: "Go back to your little wife and love the person you love most now with all your heart, my favorite little scumbag.

Being fickle will make people hate you."

"Then I'll go first."

An Lan warped again and went directly back to Qilin's room.

Qilin, who had already put on her clothes and was putting on makeup in front of the mirror, was startled by the sudden appearance of An Lan and complained: "Why are you like a rose now.

Suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared."

"Because I miss you." An Lan chuckled and took out the packed food from the [different dimension].


"It smells so good."

Qilin was quite happy. She subconsciously smelled the smell of the food, and suddenly twitched her nose slightly, smelling a very familiar smell on An Lan.

That was the smell of Angel Yan, Qilin remembered.

Anlan noticed the sudden abnormality just now, and subconsciously smelled it out of curiosity. After smelling the residual body fragrance of Angel Yan on his body, he knew that Qilin must have discovered something.

But Qilin said nothing, her expression was normal, and she talked and laughed with Anlan, putting the packed food on the table, eating and laughing.

While talking and laughing, Qilin asked casually: "Did you meet anyone after you went out just now?"

I met Angel Yan.

Anlan didn't want to lie to Qilin, but just as he was about to say it, he saw a faint pleading look in Qilin's eyes, and remembered what Qilin said yesterday.

After hesitating for a moment, he said indifferently, "I met Lena, and she said you were too loud and disturbed her."

"It's because you're always like this and that, otherwise how could I be so loud!"

Qilin yelled, then was silent for a moment, and said, "Let's go buy a bottle of air freshener later. The room is full of food smell after dinner, which ruins the atmosphere.

Also, you have to have a bottle of perfume, otherwise you will have other smells on your body after dinner and smoking every day, and I don't like it."

An Lan looked up at Qilin, nodded, and said, "Okay."

"Just Parma's Myrtle and California Laurel, Oulong's Red Cloud Orange Light is also fine, both men and women can use it, and I just bought some left.

I'll give it to you later."


The two continued to eat while talking and laughing, as if it was just a normal and simple conversation just now.

For the first time, An Lan found that it was so painful to want to lie to someone continuously.

I'll take a break today, only 4.6k

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