Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 130 Angel Night Talk

After watching An Lan return to Qilin's dormitory and chatting with Qilin for a while, Angel Yan sighed leisurely and turned to leave.

How is it possible to say that you don’t care?

How is it possible to say that you are very happy?

No one will like you, and the person you like or love loves more than you.

On the dimly lit streets of Juxia City, Angel Yan put on autumn clothes and wandered aimlessly. The places he walked by inadvertently were all places he had been to with An Lan.

Yida Plaza, Angel Yan remembers that day when he and An Lan accompanied Qilin to go shopping for clothes.

The coffee shop, she remembered this was the place where she and An Lan met. That day she fell from the sky, and then she was touched by a little scumbag.

Unknowingly, Angel Yan walked to the entrance of a community, raised his head and glanced at it in a daze, recognizing that this was An Lan's home in Juxia City.

She had lived with An Lan for a long time, most of the time living in the faculty dormitory at the Super Theological Seminary, and a small part of the time living in An Lan's home.

Now that we can't go to the Super Theological Seminary, we might as well come to An Lan's house and have a look.

Angel Yan took the elevator to the floor where An Lan's house was located. Just as he was about to use some special means to pry open the door lock of An Lan's house, he heard a movement in the room.

There is a cat in An Lan's house, and there seems to be a person. How could there be someone in An Lan's house at this time?

With a thought in his mind, Angel Yan directly opened the door lock and walked in. He glanced towards the living room and then froze on the spot.

"King Tianji?" Angel Yan said in surprise.

As the holy left wing of Kesha and an old angel over 7,000 years old, Yan naturally recognized Hexi. He Xi's student Zhi Xin is also Angel Yan's best friend.

Angel Yan was surprised as to why this old homegirl who was tens of thousands of years old came to Earth and appeared in An Lan's home.

He Xi was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, teasing the Snow Leopard Nicotine with a cat-teasing stick. Seeing Angel Yan walk in, he raised his head and said with a smile, "Good evening, Yan."

"Why are you here?" Angel Yan asked coldly.

"Is the earth your home or what? Can't I come to the earth?" He Xi asked with a smile.

"I'm asking why you showed up at An Lan's house."

Angel Yan questioned again, and then added: "You are breaking into a private house."

"You are the one who broke into private houses, right?"

"Jingle Bell."

He Xi shook the cat teasing stick in his hand and said with a smile: "An Lan gave me the key before he left.

On the contrary, you used some special means to enter this door. "

Angel Yan squinted his eyes slightly and realized that in addition to the bell, the end of the cat-catching stick also had the key to An Lan's house tied to it.

"An Lan gave it to you?" Angel Yan asked suspiciously, why do I not believe it so much.


He Xi gently stroked Nicotine's cat head and said with a smile: "Leng should have told you what happened that day. After she and An Lan teamed up to defeat Morgana, I appeared in front of An Lan.

After Leng left, I traveled to many places with An Lan. You know, An Lan will never refuse a beautiful woman who comes to her door. "

Angel Yan was slightly startled because Leng didn't tell her about He Xi.

After that day, Leng just showed off in the team channel that she and An Lan had fused to defeat Morgana. How high the fusion was and how high the genetic match was.

But he didn't mention anything about Hexi.

"Didn't Leng tell you?"

He Xi was also slightly startled, but then he came to his senses and chuckled: "This is called a person who has attained the truth will get many help, and a person who has lost the path will have little help."

Being ganked twice in a row, Angel Leng was very dissatisfied with Yan and Hexi. In this case, go ahead and fight dog, and don't expect me to help anyone or inform anyone.

"Leng, you bastard..." Angel Yan cursed through gritted teeth. He didn't tell me such important information.

"It's not your turn to say the word bastard." He Xi continued to argue.

"You're an asshole too."

Angel Yan cursed again, and then added: "That little scumbag An Lan is also a bastard. He will accept anyone who comes."

Angrily, Angel Yan threw himself onto the sofa, glaring at He Xi and sulking.

He Xi picked up the Snow Leopard Nicotine and continued to say: "Do you know what you look like now?

Like a drowned cat that failed in its fight for food and got caught in the rain when it returned home, it became decadent and decayed.

You must be very unwilling to lose to Qilin. "

"Do you know that An Lan is in love with Qilin?"

Angel Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Angels can't see this far with normal vision. Are you using the Skyline Computing Group to spy on me and Qilin?"

"Not really~"

Hexi smiled and said: "Although my Star Sword can remotely pursue the enemy from a distance of tens or even hundreds of thousands of light-years, the earth is now a full three million light-years away from the Merlot Heaven.

Calling the Skyrim computing cluster to monitor you across such a long distance is too expensive. My Skyrim computing cluster is not specially optimized for remote resource calls. "

Among Angel's supercomputers, the only computing group that has been specially optimized for remote resource calls is Kesha's treasury of sacred knowledge.

"Then how did you know that I lost to Qilin?" Angel Yan asked curiously.

“Because this is what I’ve been pushing from the beginning to the end.”

He Xi explained: "After coming to Earth, I observed An Lan for a long time and made a long analysis of him and those related to him.

In the end, it was concluded that only Qilin and you could give him the possibility of gaining emotions in a short period of time.

If Qilin and An Lan meet again, they will definitely invite him back to Super Seminary. That's why I deliberately guided An Lan to pursue Sun Wukong.

Everything will go according to plan after that. An Lan, Qilin, and you will meet at the Super Seminary. As for who will be the opportunity for An Lan to awaken his feelings, it is up to fate.

Now it seems that the winner is Qilin. "

In fact, it is not surprising that Qilin will win against Hexi. This is also something that can be expected.

Qilin loves Anlan so much that she would rather deceive herself, but Angel Yan has been in a state of not letting go of rabbits until now, so Qilin must have a higher chance of winning.

Angel Yan only has a slim chance of winning.

"You guy."

Angel Yan gritted his teeth and said: "Queen Kesha has always said that you have a bad character. At first, I didn't think so. I thought that no matter how bad the teacher Zhixin's character was, how bad could he be.

Now it seems that you are simply evil to the extreme, playing with everyone's emotions wantonly. "

"Hmm~" He Xi said noncommittally.

Angel Yan became furious when he thought that He Xi was behind it and caused him to lose this love war.

After slapping He Xi twice, seeing that He Xi was still carelessly masturbating the cat, Angel Yan said angrily: "I lost to Qilin, you seem to be very happy."

"Not happy, but it's an acceptable situation."

He Xi smiled and said, "As you said to An Lan, you don't care about winning or losing for the moment. An Lan is still yours in the end anyway."

"How could I not care!"

Angel Yan retorted sharply, then calmed down and said sadly: "I can just barely accept it, I can barely accept the situation of making a comeback without losing all my money.

But if you can win all the time, no one will like losing.

If you look at the more popular novels nowadays, the protagonists are basically no longer embarrassed. They always pretend to be cool before the other party slaps them in the face.

We are not afraid of suffering, but we should not praise suffering. "

"Do you think you can win?" He Xi asked.

"I think I can."

Angel Yan raised his chin and said proudly: "You don't need to intervene, just give me time and I will definitely win!"

"How much time do you need?" He Xi asked again.

"About ten thousand years." Angel Yan replied unconvincingly.


He Xi sneered and joked: "Is that any different from today's situation? Ten thousand years from now, you will still be the winner.

An Lan has awakened his emotions. Going from 1 to 10 is much easier than going from 0 to 1. "


Angel Yan pondered for a moment, feeling that what He Xi said made sense, but something just didn't feel right.

He Xi added: "Besides, when Chen Zhan in "Tomb of the Gods" said, "There is no need to resurrect the distant ancestors, give me time, I will surpass the distant ancestors," there were still ten thousand years left before the final battle to destroy the sky.

And there is not so much time left for us.

To borrow a saying from the men’s football team, we don’t have much time left. "

"What's the meaning?"

Angel Yan was a little puzzled again and asked: "Are you worried about Morgana or the god of death, Karl?

They can't make any trouble, Morgana is just a lost dog, and Karl, the god of death, has been suppressed by Queen Keisha for tens of thousands of years. "

"No, it's An Lan."

Hexi hugged Snow Leopard Nicotine and said softly: "I have observed An Lan for a long time, and I know An Lan's potential better than you or anyone else.

In his dark plane space, there is a very special prop called [Pandora's Box]. That was the beginning of everything and the end of everything.

I can't describe that prop very accurately, but I can be sure that the energy contained in that prop is no less than all the energy in the known universe.

Do you know what this means?

This means that void or counter-void are meaningless things to An Lan. The void studied by Karl is just another dimension and world.

The so-called void power is nothing more than transferring energy from another world to temporarily break the law of energy conservation in this latitude.

But from the moment An Lan awakened the super gene, the conservation of energy in this universe has been broken.

Every time his strength increases, he will draw energy from [Pandora's Box] to strengthen himself. And every mobilization of energy means that the total energy of this latitude has increased.

How to develop [Pandora's Box] and how to effectively utilize the energy in [Pandora's Box] are not the most important things.

The angel's top priority is how to prevent this magic box containing nearly unlimited energy from being opened, which will lead to the destruction of the entire known universe.

Maybe you think it's easy, just kill An Lan. Or comfort himself that An Lan does not have the ability to actively use Pandora's Box.

But have you ever heard a saying? The unknown is the most worthy of fear, just like the ultimate fear preached by Carl and Morgana.

Karl is determined to open the void and let the ultimate fear descend. We cannot let An Lan become the second Karl. Sadly, An Lan will not become the second Karl, but he is worse than Karl.

He doesn't really care about anything, and often he doesn't even care about himself. He is just a fun-loving person who wants to have fun.

I have no doubt that one day he will get the idea to use Pandora's Box to blow up the known universe.

In order to prevent this from happening, we must create a weakness for An Lan and create something that he really cares about, as soon as possible.

Now Qilin has become An Lan's weakness. He has feelings and someone he cares about. Until this weakness disappears, he will not have the thought of self-destruction and dragging the entire universe with him.

What we have to do now is to protect An Lan's weakness as much as possible and create as many weaknesses for him as possible. "

"You make me sick and scared."

Angel Yan said coldly: "I never thought that in your opinion, feelings are just a tool used to maintain the pattern of the universe."

"Hey, hey, I'm not that bad, right?"

He Xi complained dissatisfiedly and defended: "You already like each other anyway, right? You haven't lost anything.

An Lan has embraced the beauty, Qilin has successfully gained the love of the one she loves most, and you have almost locked in the victory a thousand or ten thousand years from now.

I just contributed a little to it, eliminating a potential crisis for the known universe. "

Angel Yan remained silent, realizing that what she just said was indeed serious.

"But you plotted against An Lan." Angel Yan said nitpickingly.

"I can't help but plot against him, my girl."

He Xi shouted helplessly: "Of course I want to win over such a genius with unlimited potential, unlimited energy, and unlimited evolutionary possibilities.

But you know that he is a pure fun-loving person. Before I win over him, I must rule out his potential harm to the known universe.

You don't even know how much I have worried about this matter.

Although he now has a weakness, this weakness is not his, but his enemy's or potential enemy's.

As long as An Lan doesn't want to turn back into a pure happy person who doesn't care about anything, everyone has to protect his weaknesses and not touch his negative side, even his enemies.

He is still the same fun-loving person as before, and his personality has not changed at all.

It's just that having someone you care about makes you more stable and you won't go to extremes. At least you won't think about blowing up the universe on a whim. "

With this explanation, Angel Yan finally accepted it.

"Then I really thank you." Angel Yan complained angrily.

"You're welcome, they are all angels, that's what they should do."

He Xi accepted Angel Yan's thanks with peace of mind and asked, "How do you feel now?"


Angel Yan looked out the window at the night scene and said: "I never thought that things would turn out like this.

We were happy until he awakened to his feelings. After he awakened his feelings, Qilin, me, and An Lan became more painful than before. "

"Introduce the pot, play silk and be short of love." He Xi concluded.

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