Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 144 Give him a little angel shock

"Okay, give me three days."

He Xi thought for a moment and then agreed.

An Lan's plan to instigate Cheng Yaowen's old hatred for Lieyang Civilization must have some ulterior motive.

Although An Lan often does things that have no purpose and seem completely meaningless, after analysis, An Lan can basically profit from them.

But, what does this have to do with my angelic civilization?

He Xi's purpose of getting close to An Lan is to observe and change An Lan's character so that he and the angel will eventually go on the same path. By the way, we can observe An Lan's various abilities at close range and learn by analogy to advance Angel's related technologies.

Helping An Lan with things does not conflict with Angel's goal.

"Thank you very much. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

An Lan casually took out the build drive from the dark plane and threw it to He Xi. He took the Snow Leopard Nicotine from He Xi's arms, petted the big cat and drove out of the space warp, returning to the Juxia.

He Xi held the build driver in his hand, and after a few glances he felt quite happy. He returned to An Lan's home in Juxia City while humming a little tune, and studied the build driver while lying on the sofa.

Ten minutes later.

"How is the war situation in Tianhe City?"

Angel Yan, who had just finished taking a shower, walked out of the bathroom in bare feet and a nightgown. He stretched and glanced at the sofa inadvertently. When he saw the build drive in He Xi's hand, he immediately lost his composure.

What's happening here?

"How come you have An Lan's build driver in your hands?" Angel Yan was very surprised.

An Lan had used the build driver and the evol driver many times to transform. Angel Yan had seen them and knew that these two things were the core components of An Lan's super gene.

The build driver should be worse than the evol driver, but visually the two drivers share many principles.

For a civilization, this can be regarded as a secret that is not passed down.


He Xi snorted in a relaxed and contented manner, crossed his legs, shook the drive in his hand in a showy manner, and said with a smile: "This is the love token that An Lan gave me, are you envious?"

A token of love, how is this possible?

Angel Yan's expression was uncertain, and he could not completely rule out this possibility for a while.

An Lan has fallen in love with Qilin, and the most elementary love was born. In addition, his character has always been to like anyone who is good, and he must like Hexi if he is so beautiful.

It is not impossible that something happens between the two parties and love develops.

"Oh my, I have to thank you for being able to get together with An Lan, Yan."

He Xi showed off the driver in his hand and continued to stimulate: "Tianhe City was attacked by the Taotie Legion, and the Xiongbing Company went to Tianhe City to help.

It is highly likely that An Lan, who has fallen in love with Qilin, will go to Tianhe City to secretly protect Qilin.

If you hadn't said that you didn't want to see Qilin for the time being and refused the offer to go to Tianhe City with me to watch the game, nothing would have happened to An Lan and me.

He wouldn't give me the build drive where he lives and works as a love token. "

"What happened between you two?"

While Angel Yan asked, he also mobilized Angel's computing power to understand the whole story of the Tianhe City incident through various channels.

It's just that He Xi had already expected that Angel Yan would do this. She modified all the relevant information about the Battle of Tianhe City two seconds in advance, and then changed it back after Angel Yan completed the review.

Angel Yan only saw that An Lan seemed to have merged with a certain god, using a new form, and defeated the Taotie Army in less than half a minute.

"It's nothing~"

He Xi smiled and said: "It's just that An Lan entered his body and merged with him perfectly, temporarily raising his danger level to above 6.0 and unlocking a new form.

As for him developing feelings for me during the fusion process, and not rejecting my request to build a driver for research after the fusion was resolved, this was completely unexpected.

But if you think about it carefully, this is reasonable.

The last time An Lan and Leng fused, it was a complete fusion that was 100% indistinguishable from the genetic level. It's the same with me this time.

There is nothing hidden between each other, and he surrenders himself to each other wholeheartedly. He has awakened his emotions again, and it makes sense for him to fall in love with me because of fusion.

All I can say is that it was an unexpected surprise.

Oh hehehe..."

Hexi covered his mouth with a driver and started to laugh, teasing Angel Yan crazily.

You bastard!

Angel Yan gritted his teeth angrily, looking at He Xi who was successful as a villain, he felt regret in his heart, very, very regretful.

If I had known that I could fuse with An Lan and make him fall in love, why would I have rejected the proposal of He Xi, an old witch?

Isn't it just to meet Qilin? If you can get the love of your lover, it's not intolerable.

It's better now. After being killed by Qilin Jedi, he was surpassed by Hexi, an even more heavenly descendant.

"Do you feel unwilling?

Do you feel that I don’t love him at all, that I have no advantages other than a good-looking face and a perfect body, and that I don’t deserve his love at all?

But that’s what love is like! "

Hexi continued teasing: "You don't know the origin of love, it goes deep, it doesn't mean that you will be rewarded for your efforts, nor does it mean that if I don't love him, he will definitely not love me.

When Qilin and you were infatuated with him, he didn't say he loved you either. "


Angel Yan sneered coldly, turned around and walked towards his roommate, out of sight, out of mind.

"Hey, hey, you're a seven-thousand-year-old girl, why are you still so clueless about teasing? Weren't you good at teasing men before?"

He Xi called out to Angel Yan in a wan voice, but said without any interest: "Then what if I say, I didn't fuse with him at all, the one who fused with him was Reina, and An Lan stabbed Reina in the back.

Are you still unhappy? "

Angel Yan, who had broken his guard, stopped and browsed through the relevant information he had just seen again, and found that there had indeed been changes.

It was indeed Reina who fused with An Lan, and the [Golden Crow Evolution Full Bottle] used to transform into a new form was also taken out of Reina's body by An Lan.

But for a while, Angel Yan couldn't analyze the two different pieces of information before and after, which one was true.

It's not that He Xi, an old witch, doesn't have the means to drive stellar energy. He Xi developed the stellar energy driving function of the Flaming Sword.

To be honest, He Xi's control over stellar energy is countless times more precise than Reina's. On the contrary, it is more in line with the Buddha's Light technique that An Lan used in the end.

But no matter which one is the truth, it is enough to prove the bad character of the old witch He Xi.

"What about the build drive?"

Angel Yan turned around and asked, "This is one of the important components of An Lan's super gene. How did it fall into your hands?"

"He wants me to transform this thing into a super gene engine that is more effective in actual combat."

He Xi shrugged and explained: "This is about An Lan stabbing Reina in the back.

He suddenly became interested and for some reason wanted to send a plug-in to Cheng Yaowen, saying that Cheng Yaowen's character and experience fit well with the knight system and he was a perfect knight candidate.

You also know the relationship between Cheng Yaowen and Lie Yang. He had just finished merging with Reina with his front foot, and he took out a bottle from Reina's body, and he wanted to kill Cheng Yaowen with his backhand. This was not a backstab. "

Angel Yan nodded slightly, it was indeed something An Lan could do. This guy always did whatever he wanted.

"What purpose could he have?" Angel Yan asked.

"not very clear."

Hexi thought for a moment and guessed: "I guess he wanted to take this opportunity to test the effect of integrating his knight system with Shenhe's mainstream technology system.

His knight system and the mainstream super gene of Kamigawa are two completely different systems. After the collision and fusion of each other, new sparks may be created.

It is also possible that he simply wants to give Cheng Yaowen a favor, and when Cheng Yaowen grows to a certain level, he will take out a full bottle of Cheng Yaowen's evolution.

He has used a total of four of Evolution Full Bottles so far, Snake, Knight System, Crocodile God, and Golden Crow. The last two are related to gods. Maybe he is collecting stamps.

But no matter which one it is, it has no impact on angelic civilization. On the contrary, it will help me observe him. I have no reason to refuse. "

"He really trusts you."

Angel Yan still said with some amusement: "No matter what the reason is, the driver will give it to you as long as it is given to you.

Doesn't he know that you are Angel's technology officer and can push out many things along the drive? "

"The fact that I got this drive doesn't reveal a lot of useful stuff."

Hexi held the build drive up to the light and explained: "To be honest, I thought like you that the drive was the key.

I did some general research just now and found that this is not the case.

If the entire Knight system is compared to a car, the driver is the engine, the full bottle is the chassis, and the other plug-ins are the gearbox.

As the most important of the three major components, the engine is certainly important. But in order for the car to run, you must have gasoline and other energy sources that can make the engine work.

When all these are complete, it will be possible to realize the miracle of boating on dry land in the primitive era.

The problem now is that we have no data on the energy used to make the driver do work. Even if I fully analyze the structure and characteristics of the driver, I still can't understand the key points.

At best, you can only imitate a specious system. Even though it looks similar, in fact, the core is still the same as the Kamigawa system. You understand, right? "

Angel Yan nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

Even if Hexi makes something that seems to be exactly the same, it is actually fundamentally different and cannot achieve the effect of using emotions and emotions to improve comprehensive data like the knight system.

It's nothing more than another kind of armor made by externalizing the angel's genes and integrating it with dark energy drive technology.

"But I decided to imitate the knight system and create a similar angel knight system to give him a little angelic shock."

He Xi smiled slyly and said, "I wonder if he will be shocked after seeing the copycat knight system I copied?"

"I don't think so."

Angel Yan sneered, this old witch has really bad taste.

Even Angel Yan, who doesn't know much about scientific research, knows that He Xi's idea is a thankless task.

Originally, as long as ordinary people were transplanted with angel genes and trained for a period of time, they could become super soldiers and gain life spans of thousands or tens of thousands of years.

He Xi insists on externalizing the gene. Although it can still allow ordinary people to gain power comparable to that of a super soldier after transformation, it will not increase the life span at all, and the life level will not evolve at all.

Not only is it a waste of time but also a waste of resources.

"Heh, just wait and see." He Xi no longer paid attention to Angel Yan and continued to study the localization of the driver.

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