Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 145: Unwilling to be Ordinary

On the other side, the members of the Xiongbing Company returned to the Juxia with singing and dancing. Although they encountered an ambush during this attack, most of them still won by doing nothing.

However, the first time they went to the battlefield to fight against aliens and escaped unscathed, it more or less boosted everyone's morale and made everyone less afraid of the battlefield and aliens.

"I'm telling you."

Zhao Xin stepped on the chair and boasted to everyone: "At that time, the Taotie Army attacked and killed us. You don't know how nervous I was.

But what? When I thought of the responsibilities and missions I shouldered, I was not afraid at all. I jumped up and rushed towards an alien bastard.

Four, I killed four aliens today..."

The people of the Xiongbing Company sat around and listened to Zhao Xin's bragging with a smile.

Sun Wukong, who killed more enemies than An Lan but more than all the others combined, smiled but said nothing. He felt that he was much younger when he was with Zhao Xin and others.

Recalling the past, when he fought against Lieyang Tiandao alone, he was also so high-spirited. This group of people is good, they are all very good guys.

Ge Xiaolun sat aside, envious of Zhao Xin's high-spiritedness, and wanted to stand on the table and drink Coke to brag like Zhao Xin, so that Qiangwei could hear his achievements.

In fact, he killed more Taotie soldiers than Zhao Xin, but he was a third-generation divine body, and he showed the idea of ​​running away on the battlefield, so his overall performance was embarrassing.

"Alas, it's just killing four ordinary fish."

Lena also stood on the chair, puffed out her chest and boasted: "I also teamed up with An Lan to kill thousands of Taotie warriors, not only fish, but also those particularly powerful mechas.

You only have 4 heads, don't brag here."

"Sister Na, four heads are also heads." Zhao Xin smiled embarrassedly.

"But if we really want to say who has made the greatest contribution, it has to be Yaowen."

Leina looked at Cheng Yaowen and praised: "During the time when I, the goddess, was offline, it was Yaowen who stood up and took on the responsibility of commander.

Keep it up, Yaowen."

"I will." Cheng Yaowen forced a smile, with mixed feelings in his heart, which were difficult to describe to others.

To be honest, Cheng Yaowen didn't hate Lena. Such a naive and carefree girl, who is beautiful, no one would hate her.

But Cheng Yaowen always couldn't like Lena, in all senses. Even now, every time he saw Lena's smile, Cheng Yaowen felt a little disgusted and lonely.

The war between the Denor Galaxy and the Lieyang Civilization was too complicated, and it was difficult to say who was right and who was wrong. And in the adult world, there is often no need to distinguish right from wrong.

"The Grandmaster" made it very clear that the two words of kung fu, one horizontal and one vertical, the right one stood up, the wrong one lay down, and the same is true for war.

The Lieyang civilization won. Although only half of the Lieyang Star remained, it still survived and remained the top god-making civilization in the known universe.

The Denor galaxy was completely reduced to ashes. Now it can only come to Earth under the protection of others, hoping to merge with Earth civilization and allow the Denor bloodline to survive genetically.

And he, the former prince of Denor, after losing his father, his home, and everything, sat here like a minion, watching the winner Reina show an innocent smile.

If the Denor civilization had won at the beginning, would I be the one standing here and laughing now?

When everyone was laughing and Cheng Yaowen was in a trance, Dukao led Lianfeng and other staff members in.

Dukao raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet for a while, and then he smiled and congratulated: "Everyone, be quiet.

Warriors, you have lived up to my expectations, the people's and Guo Jia's expectations of you, and fought a beautiful turnaround after being ambushed.

I have seen the whole war, although it was Anlan and Reina who took action in the end to solve everything in a short time. But I have no doubt that even without Anlan, you can still win after struggle and hard work.

At the same time that Tianhe City was attacked, the Twisting Waist Guest of the Ugly Country was also attacked by the Taotie Legion. The Hateful Alliance can repel the Taotie, and of course you can too."

"Of course, we are no worse than the Hateful Alliance."

"That's right, that's right."

The people of the Xiongbinglian straightened their chests and were happy to receive Dukao's praise.

They also knew about the Hateful Alliance, which was a group of super warriors organized by the Aesir, a mid-level god-making civilization, to support the Ugly Country.

If there is anyone who can really fight well in that group, there is only one son of the Aesir, the Hammer God. The rest, such as the Iron Man, the Green Titan, the Failed Man, and the Soldier Boy, are not that good.

The Heroic Army has four gods, Reina, Monkey, Liu Chuang, and Ge Xiaolun. After they adjust their status, they will definitely be able to repel the Taotie Army.

Dukao stared at Ge Xiaolun and said, "The only drawback is that some soldiers have poor psychological quality and did not show the responsibility they should have at a certain moment in the battle.

Although he quickly adjusted his mentality afterwards, I hope everyone will not make such mistakes again in the future."

Ge Xiaolun, who was criticized by name, lowered his head in shame.

After criticizing Ge Xiaolun, Dukao said, "Although there are some minor flaws, the flaws do not outweigh the merits. The Heroic Army still reflects a team of super soldiers that can play the role of millions of heroes.

Tianhe City is just a starting point. Next, the Taotie Legion and the alien forces that covet the Earth will definitely launch exploratory attacks on the Earth in different locations.

I decided to recruit another group of team members and establish the second team of Xiongbing Company. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an explosion in the conference room.

Reina didn't care. Ge Xiaolun and others were just the first batch of super soldiers whose genes were activated. She had known this for a long time.

With the first batch, there will definitely be a second batch. The two batches combined totaled only more than ten people.

There are more than 100,000 super warriors in Lieyang. Although most of them are of the first generation, they are still super warriors.

It’s a small scene, let’s sprinkle some water.

Zhao Xin and others were no longer calm, and immediately became energetic and asked: "Leader, there are several women in the second batch of soldiers, and they are all good-looking."

"Yes, it looks good."

The first batch of female super warriors in the Xiongbing Company are all Sai Tianxian, which makes Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and others very hungry. The problem is that these women are basically the kind that can only be seen but not touched.

A young man in adolescence, a super soldier with huge self-confidence, who doesn’t want to fall in love?

Dukao smiled slightly and expressed his understanding of the mentality of Xin Zhao and the other brats. They all came from this age.

"There are expected to be five super soldiers in the second phase, one boy and four girls. They are all good girls and boys."

Four women?

Xin Zhao and Liu Chuang looked at each other and smiled knowingly. It was impossible that none of the four women could catch up.


Dukao looked at Sun Wukong and said, "I would like to trouble you to take care of the second batch of warriors. They are all very good children."

"I can't help you with this."

Sun Wukong shook his head and refused: "I have something to do and want to go back to Huaguo Mountain, and I will be leaving the team for a while.

You let others train the new ones. "

"That's it."

Dukao groaned, his eyes quickly scanning Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang and others.

Everyone's spirits were immediately lifted, and they saw that Dukao wanted to choose the instructor or captain of the second team.

This is indeed what Dukao planned.

Although with the technological level of the Super Seminary, it is possible to use the previously stored data to create tool clones like Jace, this is not conducive to the growth of the Xiongbing Company.

It is the best way to lead the new with the old, and while honing the newcomers, you can also exercise the leadership skills of the elderly.

After weighing for a long time, Dukao finally made up his mind and ordered: "In the next period of time, Rena will still serve as the commander-in-chief of the Xiongbing Company and the first-team captain.

Xiaolun and Yaowen, you two will work part-time as instructors of the new team. Xiaolun will temporarily act as the captain of the second team, and Yaowen will be the vice-captain.

After the newcomers are trained, they will be re-divided into teams. "

As soon as Dukao's instructions came out, almost everyone in the Xiongbing Company was stunned for a moment.

Why did Ge Xiaolun, who acted like a loser in the battle of Tianhe City, become the chief officer and captain of the second team?

So far, Cheng Yaowen, who has always been calm in the face of danger and has the demeanor of a general, can only serve as deputy instructor and deputy captain?

This is unreasonable.

After being slightly startled, Cheng Yaowen, Reina, and Sun Wukong, the three more experienced people, finally realized that Dukao's decision was actually very reasonable.

Cheng Yaowen's genetic model is the Heart of the Earth, which belongs to the second generation of super genes and is considered very good in the entire universe.

After all, the main players of the Angels are basically at the second-generation level.

But Ge Xiaolun's genetic level is ridiculously high, with a third-generation divine body + an invincible body + anti-void + some angel genes. Such outstanding genes are destined to receive resource bias.

It doesn't matter if you act like a defense once, it doesn't matter twice, it doesn't matter three times. Use experience to pile up, use resources to feed, no matter what, you have to pile up the power of the galaxy.

Time or life, that's a small matter. Ge Xiaolun is not rotten wood, he can be carved into wood after all.

But if you want to make Cheng Yaowen, a second-generation super soldier, reach the level of Dacheng Ge Xiaolun, it will be more than a hundred times more difficult.

Resources are secondary, and the more important thing is the genetic limit.

Liang Bing can upgrade to the fourth generation divine body, and can plan to upgrade Atuo to the third and fourth generations. That is because Liang Bing has an idea in mind and knows how to upgrade Atuo in the future.

Just like building a building, materials are important. But if you don’t have rigorous design drawings, you can’t build a tall building even if you have the materials.

The three major god-making projects were developed by the Super Seminary at its peak, which gathered countless high-level scientists and communicated with many high-level civilizations.

The current Super Seminary does not have the ability to continue to develop the upgraded genes of the Heart of the Earth.

Cheng Yaowen was convinced that he lost because of his genes. The gap in innate potential was too big, so it was reasonable for others to tilt their resources. If you really want to feel bad, he is at least a second-generation person, not much better than an ordinary person.

But after all, it was a little uncomfortable.

Reina is a third-generation divine body, and Ge Xiaolun is also a third-generation divine body. Could this be the end of my life?

To be an unknown super soldier and watch the descendants of his enemies and former friends stand at the top of the universe a few years later, he, the prince, can only die with all the regrets.

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