Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 146 Those who praise my true name

Cheng Yaowen didn't listen to what Dukao said afterwards. Now Cheng Yaowen had only one thought, that is, to find strength to connect his legs.

After the meeting, the group walked out of the meeting room arm in arm, talking and laughing, preparing to go to the deck to exercise and prepare for the follow-up matters.

When Ge Xiaolun and others passed by the smoking area, they found An Lan leaning against the wall of the smoking area, smoking and holding his phone.

"Brother Lan, are you waiting for Sister Qilin?" Zhao Xin took the initiative to greet An Lan.


An Lan smiled and nodded.

"Sister Qilin is chatting with Sister Na and the others in the back. I guess she will come over soon. You wait slowly.

We still have some things to prepare, so I won't accompany you to smoke one."

Liu Chuang pointed to the back and said.

Dukao planned to select two people from Ge Xiaolun and others to be responsible for the enrollment of a new batch of soldiers, which made Zhao Xin and Liu Chuang very excited.

Four new girls, as the saying goes, the quick hand gets the slow hand, isn't this taking off directly from Wuhu?

"Well, go get ready." An Lan smiled and waved.

Several people left again, talking and laughing. Cheng Yaowen, who was walking at the back and had no words to say, took a few steps and glanced back at An Lan.

In the Super God Academy, An Lan was completely an outlier.

His position was unclear, and his strength improved rapidly. In just a few months, he went from the second-generation level to the god-level strength. After fusing with Lena, he could easily single-handedly defeat a large army.

The super gene is completely different from the mainstream super gene in the known universe. It seems that it can improve its strength without consuming resources.

And the background is also very deep. Even the legendary Sacred Left Wing of the top civilization angel in the universe is ambiguous with An Lan.

For a period of time before, there was a beautiful woman who was more than tens of thousands of years old and suspected to be the top god in the universe.

After many conditions were added, even Dukao did not dare to offend An Lan, and the Giant Canyon allowed her to come and go freely. Of course, he couldn't stop her.

After just a sneak peek at An Lan, Cheng Yaowen quickly looked away.

An Lan stared at the backs of Cheng Yaowen and others with flickering eyes, and saw some clues.

There is a kind of person in the world who will keep everything in his heart and never tell others. Cheng Yaowen is such a person. But at present, Cheng Yaowen's worries are about to be buried.

"An Lan!"

Qilin waved her hand and ran over quickly, as cheerful as a deer wanting to rush into the spring meadow.

An Lan pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, hugged Qilin who rushed towards him, and smiled: "Why are you out so late?"

"Because I have something to talk to Rena and others."

Qilin walked beside An Lan and explained: "Du Sir said that we will be given two days off next, so I planned to go shopping in Juxia City with Rena, Qiangwei and others.

By the way, I will greet one of my former colleagues, she is also a super soldier with Shenhe genes, named He Weilan."

Qilin was still very happy to see An Lan here. The slight jealousy that An Lan had not been by her side on the battlefield because of the fusion of An Lan and Rena also disappeared.

"Hello, colleague.

As the saying goes, the most important thing to do when you are out there is to have money, people and weapons. Now you have another best friend, and no one in the Hero Company dares to bully you."

Among the four female super soldiers in the first batch of Hero Company, only Qiangwei and Qilin have a slightly worse relationship.

"Except for you, no one bullies me." Qilin snorted twice.

While chatting and laughing, the two returned to Qilin's dormitory. For Lena next door, tonight is another sleepless night.


The next morning, Lena took Qilin and Qiangwei to Juxia City, and Ge Xiaolun also followed Zhao Xin to the mission site to recruit a new batch of students.

Only Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng and Cheng Yaowen were left on the Juxia.

The first two were practicing close combat techniques on the deck, while Cheng Yaowen was sitting on the edge of the deck looking at the sun that had just risen.

After casually instructing Liu Chuang and Rui Mengmeng on a few moves, An Lan slowly walked to Cheng Yaowen and said with emotion: "

You stopped, your eyes were dull.

Looking back and looking far away, letting time pass

Have you really lost your mind?

You want to avoid this world before winter comes

This world is like an open door

Outside the door is an endless desert

The person who lost the same thing as me

Can no longer find a foothold in this world

You stopped, your face was ashen

You are destined to lose your way in this cold winter

Like the smoke rising straight up

You are constantly looking for a colder space..."

Cheng Yaowen's eyes flickered, and he was quite touched. He asked: "Is this a modern poem?"

"Nietzsche's "Loneliness", there are many translated versions I prefer this one, it's more artistic."

An Lan sat down next to Cheng Yaowen, took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, and handed another one to Cheng Yaowen: "Want one?"

Cheng Yaowen hesitated for a moment, but still took the cigarette, stretched out his hand to protect the light handed by An Lan, and smoked a cigarette and said with emotion: "Although I don't have a high degree and have never heard of Nietzsche and this poem.

But I think this poem is really well written. Before today, I always thought that modern poetry was the kind of Jia Qianqian."

"Before today, I always thought that you didn't talk much."

An Lan smiled and said: "You seem to have something on your mind?"

Cheng Yaowen smoked the cigarette unfamiliarly, his eyes dodged, and evaded: "Living in this world, everyone has something on their mind."

"You seem to be particularly worried."

"It's just that I haven't been in a good mood the past few days and I'm remembering some past events. It's okay."


An Lan narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "I don't think your worries are the kind that don't get in the way. If it's more serious, if it can't be solved, I'm afraid it will affect the unity of the Xiongbing Company."

Cheng Yaowen's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, but he remained silent.

An Lan continued: "I am very sensitive to the emotions expressed by others. After you came back from Tianhe City, the way you looked at Reina was obviously more disgusting.

Rena is the captain of the Xiongbing Company, and there is a problem with internal unity. This is not a trivial matter in any case. "

Cheng Yaowen was silent for a long time, neither admitting nor denying, so he acquiesced.

"Is it because of the past grudge between the Deno Galaxy and Lieyang?"

An Lan said calmly: "Back then, the Sun God of the Lieyang Civilization detonated the sun of the Deno System during the war, completely destroying the Deno Civilization.

Even though the Nuoxing God of War later split the Lieyang Star in half, avenging it with one arrow.

But Lieyang Civilization still survived and became the top god-making civilization in the known universe. The Deno galaxy has completely disappeared in the long history, leaving only you, the Deno remnants, lingering on the earth.

The former prince is now dependent on others, led by the descendants of his enemies. Even the super genes are activated using the enemy's resources.

There must be a gap in my heart. "

"I'm relieved."

Cheng Yaowen was silent for a moment and then replied: "My current father is a farmer. Mother Earth has given me the most love. I am a warrior of the earth.

I have completely forgotten the old hatred between Lie Yang and De Nuo. "


An Lan chuckled lightly and said: "[Hide, you stupid person.

In the endless ice and silent ridicule, deceive yourself and hide your bleeding heart]

This sentence is also part of the poem "Loneliness". Don't you think it's ironic? "

"Brother Lan, you don't understand, I am really relieved." Cheng Yaowen shook his head.

At this moment, Cheng Yaowen was struggling and confused. On one side was the civilization and concern of the sunset, and on the other was the concern and fetters of the earth.

Cheng Yaowen didn't want to lose what he had lost once, so he chose to escape for the time being.

"How could I not understand.

[The person who lost the same thing as me can no longer find a place in this world]

Do you think this poem is for nothing? "


Cheng Yaowen was slightly surprised, turned to look at An Lan, and asked: "Brother Lan, your civilization was also destroyed by external forces?"

Cheng Yaowen only knew that An Lan was also a prince from a certain ruined civilization. He was powerful and had an unfathomable background. As for more details, Cheng Yaowen didn't know.

"Yes, although it has been destroyed for a long time, judging from the bloodline inheritance, it was actually destroyed recently."

An Lan looked at Xiang Zhaoyang and explained sadly: "My father Evolto is the prince of blood civilization, and my uncle is the king of this civilization, Killbus.

Blood civilization was destroyed only in my father’s uncle’s generation. Although it's been a long time, when I think back, it's like it happened yesterday. "

So similar?

Although the Deno civilization was destroyed more than 10,000 years ago, Cheng Yaowen was frozen in ice soon after he escaped with Dukao, just like the emperor's sons in "Shading the Sky".

Cheng Yaowen was not unblocked until the present day, a thousand years after Dukao came to the earth, so Cheng Yaowen was actually very young in his heart.

The destruction of the Deno civilization was something that happened more than ten years ago to him.

Cheng Yaowen speculated that An Lan was in a similar situation. He was pregnant with a super gene and had only recently unblocked and awakened it.

Cheng Yaowen was deeply moved by a similar experience and said with emotion: "The person who can destroy the Lange civilization must be very powerful."

"Yeah, very powerful."

An Lan smiled and said: "So powerful that you can crush me now with one finger."

Uncle K with a danger level of 8.0 is so powerful.

Cheng Yaowen was shocked. Even with Brother Lan's current strength, he would be easily crushed. Could it be that Lange's civilization was one generation earlier than the Kamigawa civilization, and what destroyed them was the legendary ultimate fear?

"So I know very well how you feel. Relief is not as simple as you say."

An Lan said softly: "Do you know what you are talking about now about the image of relief?

For example, a newly graduated college student went to the mall with a salary of 5,000 yuan for the first month of internship, bought an entry-level mountain bike, and said in WeChat Moments: "Compared to public transportation and electric vehicles, I still prefer riding a bicycle to and from get off work for exercise].

Don't you think it's ridiculous?

Speaking of preferring mountain bikes, it’s not like I had no money and could only choose between bicycles and electric vehicles. I gritted my teeth and bought a bicycle to create a sporty persona just to save my face.

Do you think you have a choice? In fact, you have no choice at all. You are just deceiving yourself.

What does it mean to prefer bicycles and sports?

When your garage is full of luxury cars such as Benz, Rolls-Royce, and Ferrari, and you still choose to travel on a bicycle, you are qualified to say that you chose a bicycle because you like sports. "

An Lan's words sounded like a devil's whisper in Cheng Yaowen's ears.

Cheng Yaowen felt that An Lan's words were correct, but not quite right. But if you really want to say what's wrong, for a while, you really can't find anything wrong.

It can only be said that when Cheng Yaowen, a silent player, let An Lan, a master of conversational skills, sit next to him, the outcome of everything was already doomed.

An Lan continued to confuse: "In the same way, do you think you are qualified to say you are relieved now?

When you have the ability and strength to change everything and take revenge on the Lieyang Civilization, but you still choose to let go of this grudge and start over, this is called letting go.

After I finish speaking, do you have any different opinions? "

Cheng Yaowen shook his head.

After a moment of silence, Cheng Yaowen said with lonely eyes: "Maybe you are right, Brother Lan. I chose to escape because I really had no choice.

But what's the use if I don't run away anymore? "

There are some things that Cheng Yaowen is not comfortable saying.

The Lieyang Civilization was so powerful that Cheng Yaowen could only look up to it. He wanted to get enough power for revenge, and the only way to get Dukao's support was to get him.

But Cheng Yaowen knew that Dukao would not be able to support him.

Compared to Cheng Yaowen, who was only recently unblocked, Dukao, who has been awake for more than a thousand years, has reflected on his past mistakes and learned from his past mistakes, is much more relieved.

Dukao now only wants to integrate the Deno survivors with the earth, and use the technology of the Deno civilization as the soil to breed the flower of civilization in the new home of the earth.

There is no way Dukao would give up all his resources to Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang to train him, the prince of Deno in the future.

"Everything depends on human effort, and the road is made by oneself."

An Lan smiled and said: "If you don't really make a choice and put in effort and effort, how can you know that that road really doesn't work?"

Cheng Yaowen hesitated for a moment and asked uncertainly: "Do I really have the right to choose?"

"You have to ask yourself whether you have the right to choose. If you really don't understand, I can help you ask yourself."

"How can I help?" Cheng Yaowen was even more confused. Can anyone else help with such a matter as asking one's heart?

"Don't resist."

An Lan smiled slightly, blocked Cheng Yaowen's shoulder with his right hand, turned his left hand into blood-red fluid, and dug it directly into Cheng Yaowen's chest.

Cheng Yaowen was slightly startled, but still did not choose to resist. An Lan didn't have to go to such trouble to kill him.

Moreover, yesterday he saw with his own eyes that An Lan took out a full bottle from Leina's body after possessing her.

An Lan mobilized the power of Pandora's Box to copy Cheng Yaowen's super gene. After groping inside his chest for a while, he finally took out a full bottle.

"This is?"

Cheng Yaowen looked at the rock-colored bottle in An Lan's hand with some confusion. He felt that the pattern carved on the bottle looked a bit like a dog or a lion. The most important thing was that the wild dog also had a pair of wings on its back.

"[Wang Tian Jian Full Bottle], this is something extracted from your genes. It is the embodiment of your super genes and power."

An Lan explained: "Do you know what Wangtianhuan is?

This is a mythical beast in myths and legends during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Some say it is the nemesis of the dragon, and some say it is the son of the Dragon King. But no matter which legend it is, He has the habit and ability to watch and supervise.

On the Chinese table in front of the North Star Tower, there are two stone dragons sitting facing south, which are called "Wang the Emperor Returns".

It is said that they specially watch the emperor's foreign tours. If the emperor does not return from a long trip, they will call him to return quickly and take care of political affairs.

There are also two stone turtles behind the tower, sitting facing north, which is called "Wang Di Chu".

Their responsibility is to monitor the emperor's behavior in the palace. If the emperor stays deep in the palace and ignores government affairs, they will urge the emperor to leave the palace and observe the public sentiment.

Hope the emperor returns, hope the emperor comes out. If the Deno civilization had not been destroyed, you would definitely be able to become the king of Deno. "

Cheng Yaowen remained silent.

An Lan felt that he was almost done, so he took out a book from the [different-dimensional space], stuffed it into Cheng Yaowen's hand along with a full bottle of [Wangtian Jian], and said: "You decide how to go."

After saying that, An Lan stood up and left leisurely.

He has high hopes for Cheng Yaowen and has enough patience to explore Cheng Yaowen's desires and ambitions.

When it comes to poaching, don't do it in a hurry. If you are too hasty, it will easily make the other party have a rebellious mentality. When Ximen Qing hooked up with Pan Jinlian, he worked with Mrs. Wang to figure it out patiently.

Cheng Yaowen clutched the [Wang Tian Jian Full Bottle] in his hand, his eyes were deep and he couldn't recover for a long time.

After a long time, his eyes finally shifted from the full bottle to the book. After a quick glance, he realized that what An Lan handed him was a copy of "The Collected Poems of Nietzsche".

Cheng Yaowen subconsciously opened the cover of this collection of poems. After seeing clearly the line written by An Lan on the title page, he couldn't help but feel refreshed and his eyes struggled.

"Those who chant my true name will see eternal life in reincarnation. - An Lan"

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