Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 6 We still don’t know how many people watched An Lan fight monsters on that day.

[Danger level increased, current level 3.0]

An Lan, who had knocked back the Taotie warrior with one punch, was shocked, opened his arms and laughed to the sky: "I finally got it, I finally got this power, ahahahaha..."

Danger level 3.0 is completely different from danger level 2.9.

Although the physical fitness has only improved a small part, because the former has reached the minimum requirement for using the build knight system, this wave of improvement in An Lan's overall strength is extremely huge.

"Then, you have no value."

An Lan tilted his head and glanced at the Taotie warrior who was tortured to death, and a murderous look filled his eyes.

[Build Knight System Activation]

[Dragon Bottle Ability Activated Secondary]

[Fighting ability is greatly improved, kicking is greatly enhanced, and flame ability is obtained]

Relying on the build knight system of the dark matter plane, An Lan simply mobilized the dragon bottle energy filled into his body and gathered it on his right foot.

Then he took two steps forward and kicked the Taotie warrior in the chest, blasting the energy of the dragon bottle into the body of the Taotie through the Taotie armor in the form of light blue flames.


The Taotie warrior, who was living a life worse than death, finally got relief and flew back dozens of meters. The hot and violent energy roamed in his body, destroying all his organs, bones, and joints before exploding.

The shattered body of the Taotie turned into light blue fireworks. After the fireworks dissipated, only the shabby metal armor that turned into scrap iron remained.

This wave must be dead and can't die anymore.

After Qiangwei confirmed that the Taotie was dead, she put on her helmet again, started the motorcycle, twisted the throttle twice, turned the front of the car and drove away.

An Lan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Qiangwei's back, then turned off the sound, put away the transformation smoke gun, opened his arms and walked slowly towards Qilin.

"Wuhu, after all the effort, I finally defeated this powerful enemy. I need a loving hug now to replenish my consumed physical strength and energy."

"Bullshit effort."

Qilin lowered her head and turned around to nimbly avoid An Lan's hug, laughing and complaining: "Even if you removed the bat-like armor, you still had the upper hand when fighting with that bastard.

You won easily."

"It just looks easy. The top student who got full marks on the exam won't tell you how much effort he made for that exam."

An Lan shrugged, clapped his hands and spread his arms, teasing: "So it's really not Give me a hug, the beauty rescued by the hero will give herself to the hero, this is the rule that everyone knows.

I am not greedy, I just want a hug. "

"There is no such rule, you have read too many novels."

Qilin, who was relieved of the crisis and relieved of the burden, felt relieved, and hit Anlan's chest and asked: "But hugs are still possible.

However, I am a very traditional girl. I will not hug someone who is not particularly close to me. Can you tell me what our relationship is first?"

Qilin looked up at Anlan's face, with a gleam of expectation in her eyes, expecting Anlan to personally say the answer she expected.

"Ordinary friends..."

"Ordinary friends?" Qilin's face suddenly turned cold, this answer was a world away from her expectations.

"So comrades?"

Anlan knocked his head and asked unsurely.

Fighting side by side against alien invaders, it is not comrades or what.

"You guy..."

Qilin gritted her teeth and glared at An Lan with murderous eyes. She felt it. She felt the feeling of being close yet distant, real yet fake, intoxicating and making people want to get close but dare not get close.

Qilin suddenly opened her arms and hugged An Lan's waist, leaned her head on her shoulder, closed her eyes and carefully felt the feeling of having someone to rely on.



The soldiers watching on the side blew rogue whistles at the two of them, making the atmosphere more ambiguous.

A few seconds later, Qilin, with blushing cheeks, suddenly pushed An Lan away, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Okay, the comrade-level hug has been given to you."

"Beauty, we are also comrades!"


"All comrades, all comrades."

The soldiers watching on the side began to make a noise again.

An Lan smiled and ignored the soldiers who were making a fuss. After thinking about it, it was not against the law. He touched the chest that still had the lingering fragrance and said with a smile: "The comrades are so exciting, what if they go up?"

"Think about it yourself!"

Qilin raised her chin with some embarrassment and pride. Now that you know how good I am, why don't you confess your feelings quickly! ?

An Lan laughed and saw Qilin's thoughts but didn't mean to obey.

"Can you go to eat barbecue with me now?" An Lan changed the subject very stiffly.

Hmm! ?

The atmosphere has been set up by you, and you bastard really don't confess your feelings! ?

Qilin was very angry and refused: "No, such a big thing happened, I still have to go back to write a report."

"Wow, that's a pity, it seems that I can only go with Mengmeng."

An Lan clapped his hands and said "regrettably" in a sticky tone.

You bastard actually want to take Mengmeng with you?

Although Qilin has not considered Mengmeng a threat so far, what if? What if? Mengmeng is not bad looking and has a good figure.

"Tomorrow at noon."

Qilin's attitude softened, but she still said unhappily: "I will ask my boss for a few hours' leave tomorrow. You can pick me up at around 11 o'clock in the morning."

Qilin's father is a senior official in Juxia City. If she asks for a few hours' leave, no boss will be ignorant enough to refuse.

"Then it's settled."

An Lan walked slowly to the Nordic Goddess' motorcycle, lit it and sat on it, and took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it in his mouth.

Then he made a goodbye gesture to Qilin and rode away.


This means goodbye in Italian.

Qilin stared at An Lan's back with mixed feelings. The atmosphere was set off to this point, and my meaning was also very clear.

Why don't you confess, you bastard? Have you ever liked me?


Outside the atmosphere.

Two angels wearing silver armor, bright red miniskirts, and a pair of white wings behind them, focused on everything that happened in Juxia City.

"I dare to bet with you that he is the kind of frivolous man who cheated on his feelings and body. He is not proactive, does not refuse, and is irresponsible. In the words of Blue Star, he is a scumbag.

I can smell the smell of lies in every look, every expression, and every word of his."

Angel Yan hugged her arms across her chest and evaluated An Lan, a man whom even she could not see through.

Angel civilization is a top civilization that has surpassed the earth by countless levels. Angel Yan, as the left-wing guardian angel of the Angel Queen Holy Kesha, is a top-ranked strongman in the entire universe.

This powerful existence only needs a few seconds to access the dark plane to obtain all the intelligence and information of the earth.

Even the powerful supercomputer Denor 3 has no secrets in front of the angel.

Angel Leng Leng, who had golden hair tied in a single ponytail, was dismissive of Angel Yan's presumptuous assertion and said contemptuously: "Come on, Yan, your evaluation is too subjective and one-sided.

In my opinion, every look, every expression, and every word of his is full of sincerity.

I dare to bet with you that he is the kind of good man who values ​​the person he loves more than anything else and will never regret it until death once he falls in love with someone.

His frivolity is just his temptation and self-protection. Only a superficial woman like you would simply think that he is a scumbag."

Compared to Angel Yan, Angel Leng has a good impression of An Lan.

But the same thing is that the two female angels who just came to the outer space of Blue Star and wanted to come to Juxia City to take a look at the power of the galaxy before carrying out their mission were attracted by An Lan, the unexpected super soldier.

Because the subject matter is a bit sensitive, many contents will be deleted by Qidian without notice. So if you feel that some paragraphs may be missing something, just remind me.

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