Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 7 You are too babyish, Yan!

"But one thing is for sure."

Angel Yan didn't want to argue too much with Angel Leng about this issue, so he changed the topic from An Lan's character to An Lan's potential: "His genes are by no means as simple as a generation of super soldiers.

The information held by the Super Seminary was too one-sided and seriously underestimated his potential.

He first used the [Steamed Blood] system to transform the armor. The specific material could not be found in Angel's database, and even Angel's computing power could not fully analyze it.

We can only simply conclude that the armor can greatly weaken the power of most attacks, and is so strong that even a flaming sword cannot destroy it.

Armor that can achieve this level is already a treasure in the entire universe. What's even more valuable is that his armor also integrates various functions.

Heat dissipation, ultrasonic sensors, air purification, real-time collection of combat data, body status management, injury repair, dynamic response and heat source response capture...

The functions are so complex that even an angel's weapon would not integrate so many functions, although there are factors including the fact that many of the functions on that set of equipment are unnecessary for an angel.

Under normal circumstances, the equipment and functions carried by super soldiers match their own genetic characteristics and levels.

No known civilization in the universe has the luxury to equip a generation of super soldiers with this level of equipment. "

There is no secret in the entire Blue Star in Angel Yan's eyes, including An Lan's battle just now and everything that happened on the Juxia.

Angel Yan couldn't agree with the fact that Lianfeng and Dukao regarded An Lan as an ordinary first-generation super soldier.

"Another point."

Angel Leng stretched out a finger and added: "In the few minutes he had close combat with Taotie after he removed his armor, his physical data and energy index in his body increased four times.

The fourth time has the largest improvement. It is speculated that the power of the genetic engine is temporarily released manually, allowing him to increase the output to the maximum state in a short period of time.

However, the first three upgrades were relatively stable. Every time he was upgraded, a burst of energy would emerge from his body to strengthen his body in all aspects. This was a permanent improvement.

Based on these four points, I can reasonably judge that his super gene level is at least the second generation, or even nearly the third generation level, but it is currently subject to more than one layer of restrictions.

As he gradually improves his mastery of super genes, his super genes will gradually unlock all their potential. "

Kaiser Liang once said that great power often comes with risks.

In the universe, there are indeed civilizations that will impose restrictions on powerful genes, such as the little princess of the Lieyang, Di Reyna.

The water of Sunlight is too deep. If the firepower is fully used, it can even use the power of stars to destroy the planet. The young Reina cannot control it.

"Quite third generation, that is the future male god, and another sister can come ashore."

Angel Yan crossed his arms across his chest with a playful expression.

"What does landing mean?" Angel Leng was slightly startled. He didn't understand the mystery behind Angel Yan's words. Did any angel drown?

That's not right, how could an angel drown?

"You came to Earth to perform a mission, but you have an arrogant attitude and don't want to understand the popular culture of Earth. Leng, an arrogant angel like you is destined to not go far."

Angel Yan first read a passage from the Bible to mock Angel Leng, and then explained: "Young people in China are under great employment pressure, and most companies like to squeeze labor.

In contrast, being admitted to the civil service and obtaining the official establishment of the country is the only way out for most ordinary college students to escape from the misery.

They call becoming a civil servant a landing.

Isn’t this very similar to our angels’ concept of pursuing eternal love? Queen Keisha said that every angel can pursue love, including guardian angels.

But compared with the long life span of angels, the life of ordinary Kamigawa seems too short. After birth, old age, illness and death, when the lover passes away, what is left to angels is eternal loneliness and nostalgia.

Only God is eternal and has a lifespan of at least tens of thousands of years, and can accompany angels through the long years.

How rare are outstanding male gods in the universe?

Finding the angel you love and stay with for the rest of your life is not an exaggeration to call it "coming ashore", right? "

"A very appropriate metaphor."

Angel Leng nodded slightly, rarely agreeing with Angel Yan's statement, then frowned and said: "But An Lan is only a quasi-third generation, and his lifespan is still not comparable to that of high-level angels."

The quasi-third generation is between the second generation and the third generation, and can only be called a quasi-god. Only third-generation super warriors can be called [gods].

Angel Yan's eyes flashed with bewitching light, and he said seductively: "The overall pattern in the universe is that men are weak and women are strong. Only Lieyang Civilization has a large number of third-generation male gods.

But Lieyang's male god has basically been digested internally, so Angel has to settle for the next best thing and look for a partner who is one level lower than himself. This is exactly the opposite of Blue Star Hua Kingdom's upward migration marriage.

A quasi-third-generation super soldier, which is a perfect match for you as a high-level guardian angel and a third-generation divine body.

Furthermore, the quasi-third generation is not far away from the third-generation god body. At least it is easier than the second-generation super soldier to become a third-generation god due to the accumulation of resources.

When he has a high-level angel as his guardian angel, it is not impossible for the couple to work together and be promoted to a third-generation divine body. "

His heart was moved, Angel Leng was really moved.

She originally had a slight affection for An Lan, but she was bewitched by Angel Yan, and she immediately had the idea of ​​​​getting in touch with An Lan.

Yes, there are so few male gods of the third generation. If I don’t protect the girl unless I am a male god of the third generation, then I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse and the Moon? Girl, I'm 7,200 years old, so I'm not too young among the active Angels.

It's not bad to be a third generation, and with me as a high-level guardian angel, isn't my life going to be smooth sailing?

But Angel Leng instinctively noticed that Angel Yan was not in the right state. The two have not dealt with each other since thousands of years ago, and they can be said to be rivals who compete with each other and grow together.

How could you be so kind to introduce me to the future male god and let me go ashore? You were the one who just scolded An Lan.

Although he didn't know what bad idea Angel Yan was brewing, Angel Leng still instinctively became vigilant and provoked An Lan into trouble.

"His character is too unpredictable. It is difficult for ordinary angels to grasp it. Even I am not completely sure."

Not only are you not completely sure, but with your middle-class personality, you may be firmly grasped by a man with An Lan's personality.

Angel Yan had a lot of slander in his heart, but he remained calm on the outside and continued to confuse him: "Time will teach a male god to mature. You have thousands of years to catch him."

"His super gene expression is too violent and chaotic, more disordered than a demon, and may not be a good match for an angel."

Angel's blind date focused on genetic matching, and Angel Leng picked out another problem with An Lan.

"Then it is even more necessary for you, an angel, to influence him. There is a saying on earth that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

While you gain love, you can also remove a possible scourge to the universe. This is a win-win situation.

Moreover, he is not a demon after all, and has never done anything to endanger the order of the universe so far. "

A gentleman's deeds do not matter his heart. Unless An Lan immediately joins the demon camp or destroys several civilizations in the lawful and good camp, he will not be included in the enemy list by the angels.

My heart is moved.

Angel Leng was gradually convinced, and began to dream about his own bright future: using love to influence a male god who is not bad in nature but whose genes are not stable and may join the evil camp, and stay with him for the rest of his life...

Listen, how sweet it is!

"Are you excited?" Angel Yan's eyes flashed with a sly light, and he asked softly his old partner and rival for many years.

"Just a little bit."

The angel raised his chin proudly. Although this angel is indeed very moved, he must not show it so obviously. This is the dignity of an angel!

"Then we must take action immediately."

Angel Yan smiled and concluded: "The information held by the Super Seminary was not complete enough and it misjudged An Lan's potential.

However, by tomorrow at the latest, they will definitely be able to analyze An Lan's potential through the Chinese military's report, and then extend an olive branch to An Lan.

You have to be early to grab the male idol, be quick or slow. "

"This makes sense. In other words, I will try to contact An Lan tonight."

Angel Leng nodded in agreement, not noticing that Angel Yan said "we" instead of "you".

"So, we need to split up now."

Angel Yan's expression suddenly became serious and he said: "Now, I am giving the order in the name of Holy Kesha's left-wing guardian angel and the decision-maker of this mission."

Angel Leng was in awe, although he was unhappy with Angel Yan, but the rank of official was overwhelming the angel, and the Holy Left Wing was more powerful than the high-ranking guard angel.

Quick, give the order, let me get in touch with my future male god.

Angel Yan suddenly smiled slyly and ordered: "Angel Leng, you go to Angel International Group in Tianhe City and continue to implement the original plan.

And for the sake of the happy future of all the angel sisters, I will try to contact An Lan, the new future male god, and win him to the camp of justice. "

Angel Leng's smile suddenly stopped, he gritted his teeth and glared at Angel Leng, and said angrily: "Are you kidding me?"

Did you just know?


Angel Yan chuckled, tapped his chin with his index finger and said charmingly: "Didn't you just say that you didn't think you were completely sure of him.

As your best friend and a theoretical love guru, I certainly have the responsibility and obligation to contact An Lan for you first and test his strengths and weaknesses.

It is Blue Star's routine to check in for a good friend.

Of course, if your future male idol falls in love with me because of my charm and disdains an angel like you who is inferior to me in appearance, figure, strength, and temperament, then it is not my problem. "

"Yan, you bastard!"

Angel Leng gritted his teeth and glared at Angel Yan, finally realizing the latter's conspiracy... No, it should be a conspiracy.

First, use her, an older female angel,'s desire for eternal love to arouse her interest and favor in An Lan, the future male god.

Then use the power of the Holy Left Wing, the decision-maker of this mission, to make her execute the original plan and not be the first to contact the man she likes, so that Yanneng can win love one step ahead.

You are so baby!

The angel glared coldly at Yan, who was posing and pretending to be charming, and said sarcastically: "The only thing I'm not as good as you is, your voluptuous energy that radiates from the inside out!"

"This is an advantage when trying to steal a male idol."

Yun Siji Angel Yan readily accepted Angel Leng's disparagement, "I'm just prettier than you, what can you do to me?"

"Hmph, you definitely can't take away my male god."

Angel Leng could only snort coldly to maintain his last dignity and respect, and stubbornly flapped his wings to fly towards Tianhe City, praying in his heart that An Lan would not be seduced by Yan, a slut.

After watching Angel Leng go away, Angel Yan put away her charming smile, lowered her head to observe An Lan, whose car was passing through the viaduct, and murmured: "Leng.

This little boy, you may really not be able to control it."

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