Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 8 This angel is so ordinary yet so confident

Two hours later.

An Lan parked his motorcycle outside the store and returned to the store.

"How's business, Mengmeng?"

An Lan threw the motorcycle key into the cupboard ten meters away and turned to ask Rui Mengmeng, who was wearing a gothic maid dress.

When Rui Mengmeng heard An Lan's voice, she quickly put down her work, ran to An Lan with the account book in hand, and said apologetically: "Store manager.

Since you left, the store has sold five breads, seven egg tarts, and two cups of coffee, making only more than two hundred yuan after factoring in the cost of materials. "

This is the center of Juxia, where every inch of land is at a premium. Even if you don't need to pay rent for your own house, the profit of more than 200 yuan won't even cover the labor costs.

"Good job!"

An Lan didn't take the turnover to heart. He rubbed Rui Mengmeng's messy hair and praised, "This is the turnover I can achieve in three days."

An Lan An Xian Wang's coffee is famous throughout the street, both in terms of taste and price.

Those who are in the know will never ask for trouble if they see that An Lan is looking after the store, and those who are not in the know will be daunted by the outrageous price of two hundred yuan a cup of coffee.

"But I still haven't earned back the salary you paid me..."

Rui Mengmeng lowered her head and sobbed. Although she knew that the store manager was very rich and could afford the three melons and two dates, Rui Mengmeng still wanted to work hard, at least to earn back the more than 300 per day salary and subsidy that the store manager gave her.

"Don't take this kind of thing to heart."

An Lan took the account book, casually walked to the counter, turned on the computer, stared at the screen and said nonchalantly: "In view of the fact that you have exceeded your business quota, the store manager, I will allow you to get off work two hours early today.

Okay, you can go backstage to change and go home for dinner. "

"Ah, is that okay? I don't get off work until eleven o'clock."

Rui Mengmeng rubbed the corners of her clothes and asked unconfidently. As a store clerk, would it be bad to leave early and leave the store manager alone to look after the store?

"Of course, but you can open the door an hour earlier than usual tomorrow. I have other things to do tomorrow afternoon. Is that okay?"

"Okay, I will definitely live up to the store manager's expectations!"

Rui Mengmeng straightened her back. Although she knew An Lan was taking care of her, it was easier to accept that the two missing working hours today would have to be made up tomorrow.

After making her promise, Rui Mengmeng hurriedly ran to the backstage dressing room, took off the gothic maid dress that she felt a little ashamed of at first, but now she has completely adapted to it, and put on her own clothes.

"Goodbye, store manager~"

When Rui Mengmeng, who was carrying her bag, opened the door and left, she turned back to say hello to An Lan.

"Goodbye, please turn over the business sign."

An Lan didn't even raise his head. He frowned and quickly switched back and forth between the mouse and the keyboard with his right hand. His fingers were flying while pushing the tower while grabbing other people's heads with his foul mouth.

Damn it, there is no reason for the support to steal the ADC's head, he must be criticized!

After a tense and exciting fierce battle with the five opponents + his own support, An Lan stared at the exploding crystals on the screen and his face sank like water.

It must be a problem with my teammates, or maybe the game is targeting me.

After adding that idiot friend who was assisting the "Number One Goddess in the Universe" alone, An Lan was just about to invite him to go to QQ for a match when he heard the sound of the store door being pushed open.

"Sorry, it's closed." An Lan responded without raising his head. He never cared about whether there were customers or not.

The earth will be in chaos in a while. The money he saved from copying books and songs in the past few years will be enough for him to survive the next few months.

"What if I say that I am not a customer, but just an angel who wants to talk about my feelings with you?"

Talk about relationships, angel? This voice sounds familiar.

An Lan raised his head and saw Angel Yan, who was wearing angel-style armor and a little red skirt, with a pair of pure white wings behind his back and a blond shawl, walking in with a coquettish catwalk.

That small waist and that big butt are so twisted that they are so swaying.

The strange thing is that when Angel Yan came to the world wearing such strange clothes, no passers-by outside the store noticed.

What is this woman doing here at this time?

An Lan was thinking about the purpose of Angel Yan's trip, but on the surface he remained calm and said calmly: "Then I can only say sorry to you.

Even if you fall in love with me, I can't give you a free bill, and I don't accept credit for small businesses. "


Angel Yan was slightly speechless. Who cares about your bad coffee? I saw all the information from the dark plane when I came here, and I didn’t even drink your coffee.

Angel Yan smiled and continued to move his long legs forward, spreading his wings and opening his arms slightly, unscrupulously showing off his beautiful figure and the glory of an angel.

"Shouldn't the focus be on angels?" Angel Yan emphasized with a smile.

"Wow, that seems to be the case."

An Lan nodded pretending to be surprised and turned his gaze to Angel Yan, looking at the long golden hair, the pure white wings like the moon, the flawless face, the curvy figure, the long legs like white jade...

Yun Siji Angel Yan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by An Lan's very provocative gaze. This was the first time that a man dared to appreciate everything about her appearance so unscrupulously.

But the aura cannot be lost. Si Ji, the God of Thunder and the best boss in the universe, will not be frightened by mere glances!

"How about it? Have you ever been amazed by Angel's perfection?" Angel Yan asked openly.


An Lan pondered for a moment, stroked his chin with his left hand, and commented on the female angel who suddenly fell from the sky: "Your facial features are very delicate and your skin is also very good.

But I noticed that your forehead is completely covered by bangs. As the saying goes, only those who dare to show their foreheads are real beauties. You lack confidence a little.

Your armor looks well-made. It is at least 30,000 yuan in Hengdian. There are sword marks on the breastplate, shoulder guards, and wrist guards. Did you make them old manually? This needs a good review.

Your biggest flaw is the wings.

The wings of birds are layered. The front wing part is composed of small coverts, primary coverts, and primary flight feathers. However, your front wing has no obvious layering, and the transition is very unnatural. Bad review.

Then, your wing shape is a long-bone-tipped wing tip. Although this wing shape is slender enough, it is not wide enough. Compared with the long-bone-truncate wing tip, it lacks some sense of strength.

In summary, you are not perfect in my eyes. I can only give you a rating of 9.2 points."

This is called professionalism!

Angel Yan's confident smile froze for a moment, because she had mastered most of the information about Blue Star, and she had to admit that An Lan's evaluation was very professional, and the shortcomings he picked out were well-targeted.

"Only 9.2 points?

Just because of the unfounded forehead problem and wing shape, you deducted 0.8 points from me. Isn't your evaluation standard too harsh?"

Angel Yan rarely became serious, like a graduate student who was trying to argue hard in the defense class to get more points for herself in the face of the professor's questioning.

An Lan pushed the non-existent glasses on his nose, pretending to be a defense tutor, and explained in a very professional and authoritative tone: "Maybe my evaluation standard is a bit harsh.

But I am the same to everyone except me. 9.2 points is already a rare high score for me."

"I think I can get at least 9.9 points."

Angel Yan straightened her chest and changed her pose so that An Lan could open his eyes wide and observe again, and give her the points that were inexplicably deducted.

After a pause, Angel Yan raised her chin proudly and added: "I am infinitely close to perfection!"

"Then you are really Pu Xin."

An Lan, the defense tutor, insisted that there was nothing wrong with his scoring and questioned the self-awareness of the candidate Angel Yan.

Damn, this kid is so aggressive!

Angel Yan tried her best to maintain her smile so as not to lose her grace, but she was very angry with An Lan in her heart. It was the first time in 7,000 years that a male creature used the insulting word "Pu Xin" to describe her.

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