Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 9 I have fought all my life, can't I enjoy myself?

"9.2 points, just 9.2 points."

After a few seconds, Angel Yan had to accept the tragic fact that he was not perfect. He pulled a chair over with his fingers, moved his buttocks and sat in front of the counter.

After looking at An Lan, Angel Yan smiled charmingly and said, "I can see it from your eyes.

Even if it is only 9.2 points, my beauty still makes you intoxicated. Do you know what you look like now? "

"like what?"

"Haha, it's like an evil tiger that has been hungry for a week and found a white rabbit when it came down the mountain to look for food. It wants to pounce on the rabbit immediately and eat the rabbit alive."

Angel Yan chuckled, and his slightly damaged self-confidence was re-solidified. Although this boy's unexpected boldness was different from other little boys, he came to the same goal by different paths, and he was not just obsessed with me.

An Lan looked directly into Angel Yan's amber eyes and fought back without fear: "The evil tiger didn't come down the mountain, it was the rabbit that ran up the mountain on its own.

Moreover, this rabbit seems to be the same one from "Pets Wars". "

"Pet Wars"?

Angel Yan spent a thousandth of a second searching for this movie and watching it before he understood what An Lan meant.

The rabbit in "Pet Wars" is the leader of the Abandoned Pet Alliance and has been planning to take revenge on humans. It looks cute and adorable, but is actually more ferocious than a tiger. Even poisonous snakes can only be reduced to skipping ropes if they fall into its hands.

"In your eyes, sister, am I such a dangerous person?"

Angel Yan put his hands together on one side of his face, his eyes flashing affectionately, and he pretended to be weak.


An Lan nodded and said with a smile: "You fell from the sky and came with unknown intentions. You are much stronger than me. If you put yourself in my shoes, I don't think anyone can avoid being nervous."

"Ye Gong likes dragons?" Angel Yan asked.

"I'm not Mr. Ye, and you're not a dragon." An Lan shook his head.

"It seems that you don't have a good impression of angels and the order of justice. Can you tell me why?"

Angel Yan was a little curious. If he remembered correctly, angels were synonymous with beauty in the entire universe, especially Blue Star. The angel civilization had come here to spread their faith.

Although the little boy in front of me is the future male god, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a native of Blue Star. Why doesn't he have a good impression of the angel?

An Lan opened the drawer and took out the Switch. After turning it on, she pointed at the "Fire Emblem: Romance" that she had played recently.

Angel Yan's face turned gloomy.

An Lan opened Steam on the computer again, clicked on the "Final Fantasy 10" he was playing recently, and turned the computer screen to Angel Yan.

Angel Yan's face became gloomier again.

An Lan took out his phone again, opened iQiyi and found the movie "Hell Detective" starring Keanu Reeves, and put the phone in front of Angel Yan.

Angel Yan's face has become uglier than a bitter gourd.

An Lan took out his spare mobile phone again, opened the Qidian Reading app, found the famous work "Pan Dragon" by I Eat Tomatoes, and looked at Angel Yan.


Angel Yan slapped the table and stood up, saying angrily: "Conspiracy, this is all a conspiracy of the devil and the scum of heaven!"

In the above-mentioned games, movies, and novels, the church, angels, the Lord of Light, and other camps that can be related to angels all play very disgraceful roles.

In layman's terms, they are all fucking villains!

"Ha ha."

An Lan laughed, leaned on the back of the chair, looked up at the ceiling, and said nostalgically: "I remember when I was very young, online novels were just emerging, and Western fantasy themes were very popular at that time.

In most works, the Holy See, the church, angels, and the God of Light are all villains, enslaving ordinary people to harvest their faith. They are hypocritical on the surface but are actually despicable villains who secretly plan some conspiracy every day.

Demons and demons are all upright and true men. They clearly distinguish between good and evil. They value brotherhood more than anything else. They will never do anything dirty if they don't accept it. "

What a nostalgic time.

"These are just artistic processing!"

Angel Yan put his hands on his hips and said angrily, "It must be the demons and scum who have visited the earth before, trying to discredit the angel civilization and our just order in this way."

"Is this all fake news?"

"That's right, we angels are strong but not powerful!"

Angel Yan calmed down the anger in his chest, glanced at An Lan, and said, "Let me tell you what angels and their righteous order are."

An Lan made a gesture of invitation.

Angel Yan got off his chair and paced back and forth in the cafe. After thinking for a few seconds, he introduced softly: "Angel civilization is composed entirely of female angels, and every angel is a super soldier.

With at least 10,000 second-generation super soldiers, we are the highest and most powerful civilization in the known universe, and the Queen of Angels, Holy Kesha, is the most powerful god in the known universe.

Under the leadership of Queen Kesha, we spread the righteous order of angelic civilization to every corner of known civilization.

On the premise of respecting life and respecting the development of civilization, we are willing to help all weak people in the universe, and we have the courage to fight against all evil in the universe.

From the perspective of higher civilizations, we guide the development and progress of lower civilizations in the universe and provide them with spiritual guidance, but we will never directly intervene in the management of civilizations.

This is the angels, and the order of justice! "

"It sounds like a beautiful version of the space police." An Lan complained casually. In fact, he didn't dislike the angel civilization in "Super Seminary".

"Space police?"

Angel Yan subconsciously checked the information of Blue Star again, and understood what An Lan meant. He curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Angels are different from them.

We respect the autonomy of all civilizations other than demons. If you don't trust angels and refuse the help of angels when encountering an invasion of higher civilizations, we don't have to intervene.

This is, powerful but not authoritarian."

"Pa pa pa pa..." An Lan clapped his hands.


Angel Yan snorted proudly. Now you know how powerful and perfect angels are, right?

"But you still didn't tell me why you came to me." An Lan asked, this is what he wanted to know most.

Angel Yan said openly: "Because the angel civilization is indeed powerful, and every angel is willing to sacrifice everything for justice and order, but Queen Kesha does not want the angels to become such an emotionless civilization.

Queen Kesha said that every angel has the right to pursue the love of his heart and to pursue eternal love.

The lifespan of angels is much longer than that of ordinary super warriors of Shenhe body, so when angels choose a spouse, they will also give priority to super warriors of Shenhe body, at least the lifespan of both parties will not differ too much.

After fighting for thousands of years, it is the dream of every angel to retire and spend the rest of his life in the mountains with the male god he loves."

"I have fought all my life, can't I enjoy it?"

An Lan echoed, vaguely understanding what Angel Yan meant by coming to him.

"That's the reason." Angel Yan nodded.

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