Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 1005: Wanhua3, 3hua2, 2hua1

"Is that so?"

Chen Lang touched his chin and laughed in the eyes of Zeus' confidence and the expectations of the surrounding gods, "I chose to destroy the universe!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Many Tianzun hadn't recovered yet, and the Jade Emperor sitting in the void of the void could not help laughing.

"It's so funny, it's really funny."

Jade Emperor looked at the Tianzun sarcastically and said, "Do you really think that he is just my victim? You think too much, he is the core, and the "key" deity is on him.

Our universe is a universe with no consciousness and no thinking. This kind of universe responds to the ruthlessness of the heaven and the heaven, the justice of the heaven and the justice of all things. This is a good thing and the best for all living beings.

But for us, this is the worst.

If the universe is conscious, we can gradually erode the layout, or even replace it, thereby detaching ourselves.

But this kind of unconscious universe responded to that sentence. If you don’t want it, you just have it. This universe is invincible and impeccable. There is no way to detach yourself.

The "key" personality is the only key to detachment.

In the entire universe, only Chen Lang hopes to surpass the universe.

I want to be detached by Zhang Bairen, and I have to rely on him to be detached first, and then I can take this opportunity to be detached. Are you dreaming? "

"The key is on him?"

"Can it really be detached?"


For a time, many Tianzun changed their faces, all standing on the spot, their faces changing unceasingly, making people wonder what they were thinking.

But Chen Lang didn't take care of them.

Turned to the Jade Emperor.

"I have known the antecedents and consequences, and I have understood this void of emptiness. I have no intention of fighting fearlessly again. Let me carry it for you."

Chen Lang stretched out his hand slowly, grabbed the arm of the Jade Emperor, and then pulled it, pulling the Jade Emperor out of the void of the void and tossing it aside.


Chen Lang turned around and slowly sat down cross-legged, learning the Jade Emperor, blocking the void of nothingness with his body.

At the moment of coming here.

Chen Lang has a kind of throbbing from the depth of the soul.

That is a desire.

It seemed that this void of void was a great opportunity for him.

at this time.

Sitting cross-legged in this hopeless and discolored void, he clearly felt his own change.

Something inexplicable is eroding his body.

But unlike the Jade Emperor's being corroded, this inexplicable thing, what is called nothingness, seems to be disintegrating the various structures in his body, making his body gradually become simpler from the original complexity.

Spirit is spirit.

Matter is matter.

Energy is energy.

In this transformation, Chen Lang could not perceive whether he became stronger or weaker. He only knew that he enjoyed this feeling. It seems that the crystal kingdom in his body was born for this, his divine personality. The whole body is born for this.

This feeling is wonderful.

In this feeling, Chen Lang felt that his own power, as well as the power borrowed from himself in other universes, the Heavenly King level, totaling 66,430 powers, in this state of nothingness There was actually a fusion.

As if the obstacles and barriers between the universe and the universe disappeared.

More than 60,000 strengths, although they have melted a lot under the erosion of nothingness, but they are also real, what really is fusion.


There is no framework, no framework, or even composition. Is everything the most primitive? ,

Isn't it true that jumping out of the three realms is not in the five elements?

It turns out that the real jump out of the three realms is not in the five elements. In fact, it is to disintegrate all the frameworks, return to the original, and completely change from one to another!

Since birth.

The gradual growth of a person's life is gradually complicated, two in a lifetime, three in a lifetime, and three in a lifetime.

And at this time.

After simplifying and simplifying, simplifying and simplifying again!

The power of flesh and blood is gone, and the power of divine power is also dissipating, including laws, knowledge, divine power, practised exercises, its own genetic technology, indestructible principles, quantum bodies, and so on.

All the forces are gradually assimilated and fused at a slow speed.


Everything, everything, everything has been melted into the most basic spirit, material, energy, and at the same time, this three, there is also the opportunity to continue the integration of the two, one.

Feel a moment.

Chen Lang gradually separated his consciousness from this state.


Everything in front of him made Chen Lang stunned.

Because, in front of them, there are only two people, one is the Jade Emperor sitting cross-legged on the side, and the other is the homecoming standing in the void with his back to Chen Lang.

From the back view, it is the return.

But the breath in him complicated Chen Lang's mood.

Is it sad?

No, after all, he didn't have much contact with Gui, even though it was his father-in-law, but they only met two sides, and to talk about feelings, there was really no deep feelings.

But isn't it sad?

No, Gui Gui was silent, even though he wanted to give Chen Lang a horse at the beginning, but he was after all a little crystal father and Chen Lang’s father-in-law. In the dimension of the sea of ​​laws, he also helped Chen Lang.

"he died!"

At this moment, Jade Emperor opened his eyes, gave a complicated look, and sighed: "Although according to the layout, eventually everyone will die and the universe will be destroyed, but, because of this disaster, he fell in advance, this I didn't think about it."

Chen Lang was silent.

He didn't know what to say.

"But okay!"

At this time, instead, the Emperor Jade comforted Chen Lang, put away the body of Gui, and sighed: "Although it was a bit early, but because of the previous layout, he has been left with the mark of the true spirit for a long time. After that, it can be resurrected."

"How long has the time passed?"

Chen Lang asked for a moment of silence.

"Three hundred thousand years!"

Emperor Jade glanced at Chen Lang and said: "Your state, I can't see good or bad. Although you are also eroded by nothingness, I feel that your breath is gradually expanding and strengthening, not weakening, and therefore, I Didn’t disturb you, I’ll be waiting for you after solving those people.”

Has it been so long?

Chen Lang was a little surprised because he only felt a moment.

However, hearing the word erosion, he couldn't help but glance at his palm.


Just like the former Jade Emperor, although the trace of the palm is not clear, it has obviously begun to corrode, some dander has melted, and the entire palm looks very dry, as if the blood is gone.

However, this does not seem to be a bad thing for Chen Lang.

He could feel that he was getting stronger. Although Wanhuasan only reduced a small part, the three origins were like arm swings, and they also had a little taste of fusion, and the little power of fusion, or ' The'self' has a compatible effect on the nothingness, the power of the nothingness has no sense of melting the slightest strength.

I can't tell what it feels like, what power it is, but it's amazing.

That kind of power made Chen Lang feel like he was incompatible with this universe.

"Are you dead?" Chen Lang lowered his palm and asked again.

"Some died, some surrendered. They began to try to believe me. In general, it was just to beat them and admit their fate. It is a good thing to be able to be resurrected.

Jade Emperor said rather helplessly.

"What are you going to do next?" Chen Lang asked again.

"How long can you persist?" Jade Emperor thought about it and asked rhetorically.

Chen Lang felt himself and felt the influence of nothingness on himself. UU Reading said: "For a long time, for a long time, nothingness seems to me to be a bad thing. I can feel that this is a transformation, Not what you call erosion."

"I also feel weird!"

Jade Emperor Ning Shen looked at Chen Lang’s changes and said, “This was something we hadn’t thought of at the beginning, but the transcendental universe, after which the transcendence was faced with nothingness, early transformation may be an essential step.”

With that in mind, Jade Emperor thought about it and stood up.

"The seal outside the Shenyuan battlefield has been resolved by me, and the information can be transmitted. Since you have no problem here, then I can safely go to the eight major gods to solve the subsequent layout. If there is a problem, please contact me as soon as possible. Come here, think of it to be able to withstand the erosion of this void of nothingness.

If there is no problem, it will take about 5 billion years for the cycle of belief of a generation of gods to completely solve the gold body problem and the subsequent layout. By then, I will come to the peak, and that time is our moment of detachment. "


Chen Lang closed his eyes slightly and fell into that wonderful fusion again.

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