Jade Emperor finally left the void of nothingness!

Chen Lang fell into a wonderful state of fusion, just like before, I don't know the time.

of course.

When Xiuwei reached the point of Chen Lang, he already knew that there is no such thing as time in this world, everything is the natural operation of everything, so that the spirit has the concept of time.

But in fact, everything is just the natural operation and extinction of everything, and it has nothing to do with time.

Gods are immortal, their core is not lifespan, but they have achieved their own perfection, and their dignity remains unchanged, so that they can live forever.

In the universe, there is an essential difference between God and Fan, but the most obvious difference is in persistence.

Everything cannot survive forever and will eventually die out.

But the foundation of all things, the most basic particles of the universe, are constant.

So no matter how all things die, for the universe, its mass will never change, and the universe will always survive.

Everything that is dying is just a change of elementary particles.

Only God!

The word "god" not only describes the gods, but also the divine material.

The most essential difference between divine matter and all things is that divine matter has an essential structure that is immortal and will not die out naturally, so as long as divine matter is not destroyed, it can exist forever.

Just as if the gods were not killed, they would never die.

Perfect structure, perfect self-circulation, this is ‘God’!

In Chen Lang's view today.

After all, mortals are mortals, whether they are first-order or even non-advanced, such as the original human, or the ninth-order venerable, the grand venerable, the supreme, in fact, they are the same. The essential structure has not changed, no matter how strong the mortal The source of life is ultimately dying.

This is the first stage in which the source of life will naturally die out.

For this level, Chen Lang named it decayed essence.

Further up, is the level of the gods, this stage is the level of immortality, Chen Lang named it the immortal essence.

Decaying essence, immortal essence, this is the most fundamental level to distinguish all beings.

When you reach the immortal essence, you already have the ability to live forever in the space of survival.

And then go up.

That is not what ordinary gods can pursue.

In Chen Lang's view, there are still several levels up.

The immortal essence of ordinary gods is only the most basic immortality. For example, the gods living in this universe, once the universe is destroyed, they will die instantly. This immortality is a fake immortality, so Chen Lang divided the immortality into several Levels.

The first level is false immortality. False immortality can only live forever on the plane where it is. Ordinary gods, even some gods, but creatures with longevity, such as heaven and man, are false immortals.

The second level is named true immortality. True immortality already has immortal characteristics. For example, the **** system connected to the symbiotic network and the immortal gods who have become quantum bodies are still immortal in the universe, but this is basically There is no solution yet. The deity system of the symbiotic network allows the deity to have a life as a god. Rebirth is the pinnacle of infinite rebirth. The Quantum Body also gives the immortal gods the ability to communicate with the soul and realize the level of unbelief and immortality. This immortality is already the highest level in the universe.

The third level is named the immortality of the true spirit. This level is a level summed up by Chen Lang based on the Jade Emperor’s statement and his own perception of the future. The true spirit is one, the third is three, the second is three, the second is one, and the spirit is realized. The fusion of matter and energy also realizes the thoroughness of the true spirit, thoroughly understands itself, masters everything, does not rely on any foreign objects, and can only be immortal by relying on the true spirit.

But this level is not the ultimate, at least in Chen Lang's view, this is not the ultimate.

For example, what the Emperor Yu said was the destruction of the floods before the pluralism. How many Luo Jinxian were there at that time? Da Luo Jin Xian is the eighth step of existence, and each of them has achieved the unity of the true spirit, the unity of all the things, and the casting of the supreme fruit, but in the end?

With the destruction of the flood, not to mention the big Luo Jinxian, even if they are the heavenly saints, aren't they all gone?

Although according to the Jade Emperor, all immortal gods who reached the level of Daluo Jinxian will not die completely and will return gradually, but this kind of demise in a certain period of time, isn't it not?

The universe has no time.

But there are floods.

If this were not the case, there would be no time.

There is no time in the multiverse because the destruction of the wilderness leads to the extinction of time, so the operation of everything becomes the natural movement and extinction process of everything, but this does not mean that there is never such a thing as time.


In Chen Lang's view, there must be a higher level of immortality above the third level, and that is the real eternal immortality.

Sitting cross-legged in the void of nothingness.

Chen Lang constantly feels the process of assimilation into nothingness. In this process, Chen Lang does not know how long it has passed. He only knows that one day, he suddenly wakes up.

He found.

Only half of his body is left, even worse than the former Jade Emperor, his body and blood were completely eroded, and even the bones were eroded by half, and now only a pile of seemingly decaying bones is propped up A shirt.

So is the conscious soul.

Thinking consciousness has also been eroded by more than half, and the power of nothingness has begun to erode his core of consciousness.

In the core of consciousness, there is something very important for Chen Lang, such as group chat.

Although the system has already been assimilated into his own thinking consciousness because of his uselessness, group chat has always existed.

Hesitated slightly.

Later, Chen Lang opened the group chat. In the group chat, it was vaguely visible that there have been many people's hot discussions and chat records, but from the chat information of other Chen Lang in the group chat, the time seems to have passed for a long time. , Group chat is almost deserted.

"How long has it been?"

Chen Lang spoke in the group chat.

"Group owner? You finally woke up?"

"Two billion years, my God, I never expected to see your speech one day by the group leader."


The group chat suddenly became lively~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Lang looked at the record in amazement, and for a time he couldn't help but feel complicated.

Two billion years.

Although Jade Emperor said last time that it takes nearly five billion years to deal with things in the universe, Chen Lang is also mentally prepared, but when thinking of the past two billion years, Chen Lang still has a complicated mood, and he does not Know how to speak and feel emotion.

Two billion years.

Parents, sister, and friends and brothers, how are they?

Two billion years.

The vicissitudes of the sea can change too many things.

Two billion years!

Perhaps, I really should go out and take a look, and walk away.

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