Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 125: Sharpest spear

"Everyone said that money can change a person. I used to believe this sentence, and I have seen many people who changed their mindset because they became rich overnight. But like you, after being rich, it is like completely changing people. Yes, I haven't really met before. "

Zhang Meilu put Coke on the table, raised her arms, stared at Chen Lang with a frown, and said, "Although I haven't been together for a long time, I know who you are, and I have also investigated you. Your scum is a bit scum, but others There is nothing wrong with it. I have awe in life, enthusiasm in my friends, and love and sympathy in my weakness. Although you played a little smart in front of me, I was too lazy to expose it and perform with you. Even when you dumped me, I knew what you wanted to do in advance, but I agreed.


Because I know who you are.

At least at this stage you are not a person who can end in one, and because of my destiny, I can't really get a love that can grow old with ordinary people, so I chose you. Although I know that the future will break up, but Still enjoying it.

But why do you now look like this? "

Zhang Meilu was inscrutable, biting her lip and staring at Chen Lang. After a while, she continued to say, "What about your awe of the unknown and the power?

Was he inflated because he was rich?

You know Ge and Spear, and you know from me that Ge and Spear control nuclear weapons. This organization that kills people without blinking, why don't you have any awe?

就是 Is it because of money?

Do you think money can solve everything?

It has taken decades to develop Ge and Spear. Do you think there will be fewer rich and politicians who died because of Ge and Spear?

Rich money is indeed a kind of super power that can put you above ordinary people. But do you think that rich money can give you peace of mind?

Not to mention killers, spies, agents, etc. Maybe you can hire enough bodyguards, but firearms, shells, troops, and even nuclear weapons?

Do you think that a real small-scale war can be solved by numbers?

If you think so, then you are very wrong, not to mention far, the Go and Spear branch troops hidden in the nearby sea area can pacify all your industries overnight and even kill you directly.

At that time, what do you think your money means to you? "

"If that time comes, money is meaningless to me!"

Chen Lang heard that his face was dull, and turned to look at Zhang Meilu, saying, "But, after that, even now, for me, unless Ge and Spear directly threw a nuclear bomb at me, otherwise Ge and Spear would only be ants in my eyes. Grasshopper, if it doesn't bother me, may follow him, and once they block my way, I can let them be destroyed in an instant. "

Speaking of this, Chen Lang suddenly shook his head and laughed.

"No, I'm wrong. First, now that I'm developing in China, Ge and Spear absolutely don't dare to throw a nuclear bomb at me. Second, even if he dare to throw a nuclear bomb, unless he transports it by hand, swims in the sea, and then The nuclear bomb was buried in my yard and detonated manually, otherwise he would not have the chance to detonate. "

"You are too arrogant!"

美 Zhang Meilu's expression was complicated. She felt that she could not understand the man in front of her. What had he experienced during the year? Why does it look like this?

"It's not me being arrogant, but you know nothing about true power."

Chen Lang sneered, then got up and walked to the door, shouted Zhao Kai, reached out to Zhao Kai and said, "Give me the gun."


开 Zhao Kai stunned for a moment, and then horrified: "You can't make it, boss, husband and wife, quarrel at the bedside and the end of the bed, how can there be a knife and a gun, and the gun goes down, you boss must go to jail."

"What do you think?"

浪 Chen Lang rolled his eyes, reached into Zhao Kai's waist, and pulled out the previously concealed firearm which was custom-made for the ball.

外 The appearance of this firearm is a pistol, pure black. It is very similar to the pistol of this era, except that some functions have been removed, leaving an intelligent system and an energy system.

Of course, because the gun type has become smaller, the power is naturally not as good as those of large-scale intelligent energy firearms. The only advantage is that it is easy to carry.

Chen Lang took a pistol into the villa and took Zhang Meilu to the back garden of the villa.

The rear garden has areas such as a pool and a separate garden, and in the corner of many areas is a small shooting range.

Of course, this was temporarily renovated to make it easier for Zhao Kai and others to practice guns while Chen Lang was at home.

"Those targets are pure metal, you know?"

浪 Chen Lang pointed at the target pile in the shooting range and gestured to Zhang Meilu.

Zhang Meilu frowned slightly, bewildered, because the targets were covered with holes, and the holes were not transparent, which means that there was no penetration, but Zhang Meilu was unbelievable because there was no penetration.

After all, the caves are more than ten centimeters deep. What targets need more than ten centimeters of steel?

I walked closer and looked, and touched, Zhang Meilu could not help but startled.

Is really a steel plate, and it is a pure steel plate with a thickness of half a meter.


Zhang Meilu just turned back and had time to speak in the future. Chen Lang had already fired.

A dazzling red light burst at the muzzle, shot instantly, and bombarded the steel plate, and the steel plate gave a roar, trembling slightly, and then stabilized.


Zhang Meilu was unbelievable. She suddenly turned her head to look at the steel plate, the size of a fist on the steel plate. The cave more than ten centimeters deep from is glowing with red glow, and steel juice is flowing around.

Boom! boom! boom!

He did not hesitate, and shot three more, all in the same position, and the steel plate was shot directly.

惊人 The molten steel flowing at an amazing temperature, Zhang Meilu was completely deflated.

what is this?

"This is an individual energy weapon produced by our company. Of course, this is only a simplified version. The normal version of the individual energy weapon can penetrate this half-meter-thick steel plate in one shot."

Chen Lang said lightly, and then threw the energy pistol on the table aside.

"This is still only a single weapon. If I want to, I can make energy cannons for war at any time. Once it is fired, whether it is a fighter or a cruiser, it is directly turned into molten iron.

Of course, this is just a single-shot energy weapon. If you really want to start a war, I can also create a cluster energy laser weapon. Even an aircraft carrier will cut it into several minutes for you.

Do you think I need to be afraid of a go and spear? "

Do you need it?

No need!

Zhang Meilu already had the answer in her heart at this moment.

This is a revolution in the weapon industry, just like the transition from cold weapons to hot weapons. Energy weapons are extremely powerful.

With these weapons and mastering this technology, Chen Lang no longer needs to be afraid of anyone.

Zhang Meilu has a sense of frustration. .

感觉 She feels that her preaching is completely wishful thinking, and what she thinks is very important is not worth mentioning.

She was a little embarrassed, uncomfortable, and couldn't help but say, "No matter how powerful the weapon is, it's just the sharpest spear. It can make you strong, but can it protect you from being assassinated?"

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