Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 126: Early Evolution


Chen Lang was dumb at first, and then couldn't help laughing.

Taking a step forward, Chen Lang pressed Zhang Meilu's shoulders and pressed it against the wall, sneer: "How do you think I found you?

Because I miss old feelings? So I investigated you?

You think too much, if it were not because Ge and Spear sent you a new mission, I would never think of you. "

"What do you mean?" Zhang Meilu's face was a little ugly.

Scolding people does not expose shortcomings, beatings do not face.

I know you scum, but can you not be so direct?

不起 I ca n’t remember my wife, but what do you mean by saying it directly?

老 Isn't your mother in any position in your heart? How about ex-girlfriend?

我 "I mean, not only do I have the sharpest spear in the world, I also have the strongest shield in the world."

He said, Chen Lang took Zhang Meilu to his basement.


"Hello master, what do you need?" The ball sounded, and the entire basement display was on.

"Show again those who threaten me."

"Yes, master!"

The shuttlecock executed the instruction, and then the information that Chen Lang saw in the morning appeared on the display.

Zhang Meilu looked at the monitor in shock, and looked back at Chen Lang with an incredible disbelief.

"As you can see, artificial intelligence!" Chen Lang said lightly.

Suddenly, the sound of the ball sounded again.

"Master, according to the yellow warning, there are three signals in these islands that show threats to you. The source of the threat is the Go and Spear organizations. The three signals mobilized one hundred and twenty elite mercenaries. These people are now riding. Take a freighter to Modu and expect to arrive tonight. Will it be wiped out? "

As the ball sounded, the map also appeared on the monitor, and even the enemy's road map.

"Is that the so-called mercenary in the nearby waters, right?"

Chen Lang looked at Zhang Meilu with amusement.

Zhang Meilu was completely stunned at this point and could not say a word.

"Pretend to be Zhang Meilu to send a message to the other side, let them come to Hangzhou directly, all arrested tonight!" Chen Lang said to the ball.

"Yes, the instruction is executing."

"what are you doing?"

Zhang Meilu turned back, her face changed, and said, "You pretend to be my identity and send them a message to let you fall into your trap? If you do this, I am a traitor to Ge and Spear, and they will not let me go. . "

"Ha ha!"

Chen Lang couldn't help but smile, and said, "You still don't recognize reality. What is Ge and spear? With artificial intelligence, the world's strongest shield, no one can do anything to me without knowing it, and I have The sharpest spear, at least at this stage, no one has ever hit me. "


Zhang Meilu looked at Chen Lang and smiled bitterly after a long time.

"Yes, you really don't need to be afraid of anyone now, and I'm wrong, wrong. You are still a person with awe for life. With these, if you really expand, then the world is nothing. People can stop you. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Meilu was as if she had given up her struggle, sitting on a chair with her buttocks, biting her lip, looking up at Chen Lang, her eyes were complicated.

"How?" Chen Lang froze slightly.

"The so-called helper does not help, since I betrayed, I betrayed completely."

Zhang Meilu took a deep breath and said, "I do n’t even know where Ge and Spear ’s headquarters are. It ’s the most mysterious thing, but there are two chiefs of Ge and Spear, one named Ge and one named Spear. They existed decades ago and still exist today, but almost no one has seen them, so it is not known whether this is the name or the code name.

Below it, there are eight more, distributed all over the world. Each of the eight leaders is a legendary character in the underground world. They exist like gods in the underground world. They can never die in battle, and can even modernize at will. Killed in a ten thousand-level war, the outside world has a lot of legends about them, but they have no internal information at all.

曾经 I was fortunate enough to have met the deputy leader of one of them. I do n’t know what his name is. I only know that he is a Chinese, like you. About 30 years old, he can lift a car with one hand. "

Speaking of which, Zhang Meilu still felt shock in his eyes.

Lift a car with one hand?

Isn't it ... the first-generation genetic evolver?

There was a hint of disgust in Chen Lang's eyes.

的 Even Chen Lang didn't know much about the specific information about Ge and Spear. After all, Ge and Spear existed when the earth died in the previous life, and they did not turn into history, so they could not find information about Ge and Spear.

Although the artificial intelligence of later generations definitely knows Go and Spear, but that artificial intelligence is in the hands of the Commonwealth, and Go and Spear can stand in the future. The high level of the Federation must be people with Go and Spear. Under the circumstances, Ge and Spear's information will naturally not be exposed on the Internet that citizens can query.

But on the Internet at that time, although there was no specific information about Ge and Spear, there was information about the first-generation genetic evolver.

The first generation of genetic evolvers is the name of the later generations of gene evolvers of peace.

In theory, it is impossible to have a genetic evolver in this era.

But the sky is invincible. Although there is no perfect biological energy and genetic data in this era, there are still very few people who have completed genetic evolution.

人 This kind of person is called the first generation genetic evolver.

When the genetic enhancement was officially launched in the Pingxinghe era, the gene maps of the first-generation gene evolvers that were captured were used for reference.

The word represents inhuman blood and cruelty.

怎么 How to do genetic evolution in the peace era?

There is no genetic map, no genetic data, and genes can only evolve if they want luck. First, let the human body reach the limit, and then use the stimulation of the machine to force the genetic evolution to allow the genes to adapt to changes in the body. Not one in 100 people may survive. .

It's just being cruel to oneself. If you want to evolve genes, you must be cruel to yourself, you have to be cruel to others.

Because there is no biological energy, the evolution of genes is simply not tolerated by normal people, so the reason why the first generation of gene evolvers could evolve was to find alternatives.

What is a substitute?


A substance produced by a pregnant woman during pregnancy that requires only a trace amount to shape the baby's brain and bones.

CPH4 is secreted by pregnant women in the sixth week, and the amount is very small. For babies, the energy it contains is like an atomic bomb, and it is this substance that provides the necessary energy for the formation of a fetal skeleton.

物质 This material contains great biological energy, which is the energy needed for the birth and growth of life.

And this is what the first generation of genetic evolvers found instead of biological energy.

Use hundreds of pregnant women to extract CPH4, then use it to replace biological energy, and then use machines to stimulate genes to get a success rate of one percent in gene evolution.

It can be said that any one of the first-generation genetic evolvers was created by the dead baby of the dead. .

This is the first generation!

The so-called evolutionist created by the miserable blood and cruelty.

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