Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 182: Alien technology?

Click, click, click!

Outside the Xinghe fighter, Chen Lang kept taking pictures with his mobile phone. After taking pictures around the Xinghe fighter, he sent the picture to Zhao Kai in WeChat.

开 Zhao Kai just got on a private jet that had been abandoned by Chen Lang. He looked at the picture sent from his mobile phone and couldn't help showing his bitter face.


Don't even think about what the boss means.

I thought about it, he dialed a phone number, discussed with the other party for a while, and then sent the picture to the other party.

Lihang city in a mysterious base.

Several people were carefully looking at the Hangzhou route in the display.

"Is there any trace of Go and Spear ?!"

Among the few people, the oldest man had gray hair, he was unsmiling, his face was serious, and his body was full of temperament.

He stood in the room, and several middle-aged men around him heard the pressure and felt pressure.

"Head, no trace has been found so far."

One of them smiled bitterly and said, "According to the news we got, Ge and Spear did indeed enter our country, but they completely lost their tracks the day after they entered, let alone destruction or the like. Now It is circulated in the underground world that it is said that the people of Lengo and Spear are also looking for the team. "

The old man was surprised, a little puzzled, and said, "You have been looking for half a month, and now I have been here for a week, but there is no news at all, can these kings and spears of Go and Spear still have wings Can't fly? "

我们 "We suspect it has something to do with Super God Technology!"

The man hurried to reply and said, "According to the information we have, the first goal of the team of Ge and Spear after entering the country is Chaoshen Technology, but for so many days, not only Ge and Spear have no information at all. , Even Super God Technology did not have any movement, so we suspect that Super God Technology secretly resolved Go and Spear. "

"Super God Technology ?!"

The old man said something in silence, with surprise in his eyes, and said, "If you told me before, it is very likely that Super God Technology made it, then I definitely don't believe it. But the boy Chen Lang recently came up with a gene repair agent, and now it has begun It is popular to law enforcement officers of the entire army and society, so that makes sense. "

"Head, gene repair agent, is it really so useful?"

One of them couldn't help hesitating and asked curiously.

The old man nodded, glancing silently at the pinhole marks on the back of his hand, and smiled: "Don't you suspect that Chen Lang got alien technology? The genetic repair agent made by alien technology is not easy to use. What? Like the written data, this thing is really amazing. Don't worry, according to the agreement, these two days will be the days of large-scale delivery of genetic drugs, and you will have the opportunity to inject within three days. "

别 "Don't say that he has got alien technology, I have some doubts about life now."

Suddenly, a man standing in the corner quietly opened his mouth.

Everyone froze, and looked around at the same time.

The man's mouth twitched and looked at the old man and said, "Chen Lang's kid got another plane. He sent the picture to Zhao Kai, and Zhao Kai sent it to me again, saying it was to help their boss apply for a smooth domestic flight. A license plate that can take off and land anywhere, without restrictions on domestic flights. "

"I got another plane? Didn't the kid have a private jet?" Someone couldn't help wondering.

The old man smiled and said, "Just like buying a car, do you still have money if you have money? A plane's license, only gene repair drugs, he is for our country and even for all human beings. It has made a ground-breaking contribution. Let's approve it, take a special channel, and first integrate it into the national defense system, so that it will not be locked by anti-aircraft missiles. If you have a certificate, you can go back to Zhao Kai. "

"No, Chief!"

The man was helpless, and then slammed a few times to transfer the picture to the big screen and display it in front of everyone.




A few people at the same time could not help but swear.

Even the calm expression of the old man is strange.


到底 What the **** is this guy doing?

"Look, this is not an ordinary airplane, just this thing, how can we approve him, and let him drive around with a fighter all day?" The man was helpless.

The old man drew a corner of his mouth, and then he bit his teeth and said, "Approve it. I'm in charge. The kid is now worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and he has the trillion-dollar assets of medical insurance. His security is indeed a major issue. Fighters are fighters. That kid is better than anyone else, he can't do anything ridiculous. "


The man nodded, then entered the identification code to start contacting the special relevant department.

另外 The other person saw the problem in the pictures of the Galaxy.


Suddenly, he was excited and pointed at the fighter. "Look, this is a vertical take-off and landing fighter. This is the cutting-edge technology in fighters in the world. Where did this kid come from? He couldn't have developed it himself?" As we all know, vertical take-off and landing fighters are too expensive, and basically do not have long-range navigation capabilities, but this kid's fighter is obviously different. Shall we send him a message to ask or buy his technology? "

"Don't have any contact with him in private!"

The old man shook his head and said, "No matter how super technology develops, it is a good thing for us, and now we are not afraid to start a war with any country. Therefore, if technology is not science and technology, do n’t worry, just take your time.

That kid understands better than anyone else. If we really need this thing, you do n’t need to say that he will contact us.

So don't go to him in such a place.

Also, the technology contained in the vertical take-off and landing fighter is not as important as you think. Nowadays, the technological level of various countries in the world has reached, and it is easy to make such a fighter.

The only limitation is energy!

Because it burns oil, the vertical take-off and landing of fighters cannot become mainstream, but this kind of things need not be rushed.

After a while, UU reads www. Tianke Energy will soon be able to build a factory and start production. At that time, using super batteries, our fighters can also be equipped with vertical take-off and landing technology. "

"Yes, chief, I accidentally got stuck!"

The man suddenly burst into cold sweat when he heard the words.

The old man sighed, looked at a few people, and said, "After all, science and technology is just a joke. You must understand that any civilization develops independently. The foundation is different, the technology tree is different. You really think that the earth has no foreign Xingren Technology?


But we can't crack it at all.

科技 Technical barriers between different civilizations are not so easy to break.

Compared with alien technology capable of navigating the universe, our level of technology is still very low. Cracking alien technology is like the ancients cracking modern people's smart password locks.

破解 If you want to crack, you must master the technology level with a small gap, otherwise it is impossible.

You can't even crack the rice country with national power. Do you think Chen Lang can crack it?

Relatively speaking, our senior management even thinks that Chen Lang is a genius, unique in the world.

You should never underestimate genius. Real genius can really make you doubt life. "

Ps1: Please subscribe, monthly ticket, add more crazy.

Ps2: It ’s Monday. I will get up early in the morning to update my ticket.

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