Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 183: God of Technology

"We see!"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

I guess they are also talents in scientific research, the elite, but when they face Chen Lang, they suspect that Chen Lang is an alien.

I can imagine that they have doubted life.

"You do n’t have to give up."

The old man glanced at the crowd and said, "Similar to this kind of genius, after all, it is only a very small number, and it is rare for a hundred years.

Tesla, for example, is called the closest scientist to God.

Isn't he just like Chen Lang?

Even for the time being, he is far more than Chen Lang.

Because it is too powerful, it was directly erased by textbooks. Even Chen Lang couldn't do this. "

Everyone was ashamed when they heard that.

As researchers, they are no stranger to the name Tesla.

The goods were not only powerful, they were even so powerful as to make people doubt the truth.

In the era when scientific research has just risen not long ago, the invented microscopes, televisions, and even a series of laser equipment.

In order to hit a well, he created a weapon, but it almost blasted the whole New York into flat ground.

In his lifetime, there were nearly a thousand inventions, more than 300 patents were applied for, and the rest were hidden because of the shocking world.

Before he died, he was monitored by the FBI of the country. After his death, even a few notes were searched by the FBI.

This is only on the bright side.

In the dark, according to special intelligence, those extremely destructive particle beam weapons in science fiction movies have been made out of this slug, called Death Light.

But death is an unsolved mystery after all, and it is unclear whether it is an old man or not.

After all, this thing is described in Tesla's manuscript before death, saying that it is mainly used to prevent alien attacks, or to destroy meteorites that may be harmful to humans in outer space. Killing weapon.

If it is made, it is reasonable. If it is not made, then the rice country must have mastered this technology.

I just haven't been thoroughly analyzed for the time being.


This product is so great. Even if some of the technology left is almost a hundred years old, many countries in the world can't analyze it and work together.

For example ... electromagnetic coil.

玩 This thing was made by Tesla a hundred years ago, but so far, no country can copy it.

In the "Red Police" game, the source of the electromagnetic coil technology used by the United Army is Tesla.

The electricity used by modern people was also invented by him. He invented alternating current based on Edison's direct current, and has since become the enemy of Edison's life.

That's what happened.

Tesla applied to Edison's General Electric Company.

Tesla was very respected and talented, which surprised Edison.

Edison then promised that as long as he could redesign the DC motor, he would be paid $ 50,000.

Alas, after he made it, Edison rejected him and said: Tesla, you don't know rice-style humor.

Tesla: Hehe!

Then he stepped back and asked for a salary increase from $ 18 to $ 25, but Edison rejected him.

Tesla: Hehe!

Do you even give me 25 yuan? Still want me to do it with you?

Get angry and leave!

Laozi started his own business.

Subsequently, the two went from love to killing each other. Tesla invented the AC motor. Because AC and DC are inherently hostile, no matter which one wins, the other will be abandoned by the times.

Then the two started to die 磕.

黑 In order to hack him, Edison opened his mind wide and bribed officials in the country to change the death penalty from hanging to AC electricity punishment. He even hired children and pupils to use AC electricity to stray the stray dogs and cats to promote the danger of AC electricity.

But Tesla is calm, Lao Tzu doesn't play with you, and kills you in a wave.

He invented the asynchronous motor, demonstrated the reliability and safety of AC power through the lighting project of the Columbia Expo, and won.

AC replaced DC, became the mainstream of electricity, and laid the foundation of modern electricity. Therefore, Tesla is the true father of the electrical age.

Tesla's life can be called aggressive.

He invented radio technology, first proposed radar, and even discovered X-rays before anyone.

Then, remote control, engine spark plug, neon light, modern motor ...!

He was nominated 11 times by the Nobel Prize and all refused to let Xian.

I slept for only two hours a day, never married, and devoted myself to scientific research.

He could have reached the position of the world's richest man within one year with patent fees, but he opened his research to society for free.

In addition, there are dead light, spherical lightning, artificial seismic oscillator, planetary defense system, unfinished anti-gravity aircraft, etc.

Some say he predicted the Second World War.

Some say he foresaw the sinking of the Titanic.

Some people say that he created the Tunguska explosion, which is 1,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb.

He also said that he could use electromagnetic to travel through time and space.

Some even said that his photo was always hanging in the top position of the confidential building of the FBI in the country.

wait wait wait.

He has too many legends.

Even, many of the things he invented were created without any theory before it was created, which is simply supernatural.

As a result, even though it is not recorded in textbooks, he still receives countless honors.

He is a scientific superman who has made great contributions to mankind ~ ~ He is called the man who created the twentieth century. He is a great man forgotten by the world.

Even modern society.

Almost all walks of life, still using his heritage, using his invention, or, on the basis of his invention, continue to move forward.

In 2003, a tech madman founded an electric car company named Tesla in honor of his idol.

This is a man who is truly a **** of technology.

I thought of all the legends of Tesla. For a moment, the room was silent.

Except for the old man, several people are skeptical of life.

They also doubted whether the legends of Tesla were true, but now they saw Chen Lang ... emmm, the original genius can really make people doubt life.

Although Chen Lang is far from Tesla, Chen Lang is now enough to sweep the contemporary.

He knows the Internet technology, he knows the biological gene technology, and he knows the industrial manufacturing, it is just a copy of Tesla.

There was no theory, and the gene repair agent was directly manufactured.

This Nima!

The global research on genes has just started, and you have all finished the product. Isn't this supernatural?

"Well, people are better than people ... forget it, he is not a person!"

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