Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 285: Chen Lang's card

Although in future generations, combat robots have been completely eliminated.

Due to material constraints, robots that are more powerful and can withstand the explosion of huge energy sources cannot be manufactured, but combat robots have left a strong mark in human history.

In the Xinghe era, all wars that broke out on the earth were basically robots fighting.

In the era of fleeing, all dangerous places in the starry sky are robots to open the way.

Until after meeting the mechanical civilization.

Those mechanical lives hold the strange energy source that assimilated the robot, like the source of fire in Transformers.

It is also since then that robots have gradually been abandoned by humans, and gene warriors have officially entered the stage.

It can be said that if it were not for mechanical life, the earth in the future would probably belong to the era of robots.

Of course, although abandoned at that time, it was not really completely abandoned.

Later, as human beings encountered magical civilization, alchemy combined with magic arrays, and robotics, humans once again brought robots with magical powers to the stage. Such robots can even be compared with genetic warriors.

However, with the subsequent development, the gradual genetic warrior is getting stronger and stronger, but the robot technology is limited by the reasons of the material, and then stop.

In the end, robotics technology has completely transformed into industrial robots and service-oriented living robots.

Only these two kinds of robots existed on the earth in future generations.

"This ... these robots, I have never seen them before." Sun Tianhong suddenly spoke, staring at the robot in the projection with amazement.

Of these four types of robots, Sun Tianhong knows only simulated robots.

Because whether it is the Pacific Ocean reclamation project, the biological gene technology side, or the marine blue garbage collection center, artificial robots are used instead of artificial.

Even Chen's Mining, Chen's Steel.

Even the Tianhong Industry he masters, the grassroots workers are all artificial robots.

But in addition to simulation robots, the other three, whether industrial robots, living robots, or combat robots, have never been seen before.

It can be said that if Chen Lang hadn't brought him here today, he wouldn't have known that the stuff was still produced in his factory.

When Chen Lang heard his words, he looked back and said with a smile: "Before, in order to prevent these robots from being exposed to the public's field of vision, they have only been manufactured and never used. Now I guess that countries have also discovered robots. , Then naturally there is no need to hide. "

Then, Chen Lang looked at the virtual projection again.

There are the number of robots on it.

Simulation robot, with an estimated production volume of 100,000, has completed production of 32,477!

Industrial robot, with an estimated production capacity of 300,000, has completed production of 22978!

Life robot, with an estimated production capacity of 30,000, has completed production of 12,889!

Combat robots are expected to produce 100,000 and have completed production of 100,000!


Since the closed industrial base was established, Chen Lang privately allowed the ball to continuously produce robots. In this way, in addition to the 30,000 simulated robots dispatched, the reserve stock dug under the Tianhong Industry has already reserved close to Fourteen thousand robots.

Among them, there are the most combat robots, because Chen Lang thought about the worst result long ago. Once he intervenes, once the super-shen technology is exposed, it is definitely a war.

In the war, Chen Lang must also guarantee that he will win.

Therefore, in the case of absolute priority, the estimated production volume of 100,000 combat robots has already been completely completed.

Chen Lang believes that if these 100,000 robots are put on the battlefield, they dare not say that they will sweep the world. As far as a war is concerned, regardless of the scale, Chen Lang will be able to complete the victory with the potential of destruction.

"Ball ball, living robots are placed in all the industries under Super God Technology. By the way, ask the horses if their company wants them. This thing can replace the work of personnel such as cleaning and front desk. Those artificial capital is low. Go home and get the compensation for the 'New Student' plan. "

"Yes, master!"

"Suspend the production of simulation robots, put the already-produced into use, and put industrial robots into use at the same time, and fully produce industrial robots."

"Yes, master!"

"The words of combat robots continue to be hidden, but first send out some of the major industries under our Super God Technology to avoid being attacked by Ge and Spear."

"Yes, master!"

"Well, let's do this for the time being."

Chen Lang turned his head and looked at Sun Tianhong, saying: "The next layout of the group can't be delayed, so your factory should be expanded or expanded. Go and take me to the site to see."

"Yes, boss!"

When Sun Tianhong heard his words refreshed, he led the way and took Chen Lang to the minibus. Then he called and the minibus drove towards Tianhong Industry.


Pacific Ocean.

"Report, a piece of steel pipe was found!"

"Get it back!"


"Report, found a broken robot, only one head."

"Get it back!"



Thousands of people are busy in the ocean. The land reclamation project is Chen Lang's. It is super-shen technology. They cannot go up and rob. Whoever picks it up is who.

And while thousands of people are busy.

boom! !! !!

In the sky, gas exploded, and generals of various countries looked up.

See nothing.

However, they have realized in their hearts that Chaoshen Technology has shot. This is the incredible fighter that Chaoshen Technology showed last time.

"Did our drone keep up?" General Mi Guo asked.

"There was a destroyer behind that freighter, and the drone was aerial photography!" His subordinate saluted, and said seriously.

"Come on, export the picture."

At this moment, the generals of various countries are repeating this scene on the major aircraft carriers.

As the picture came out, the shadow of the freighter appeared in their sight.

At the same time, ~ ~, there was also a fighter-like fighter, which slowly dived down from high altitude and levitated in the air within a few miles of the freighter.

boom! !! !!



Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, a terrifying earthquake erupted, and the freighter exploded again with flames and dense smoke. At one instant, eight missiles rushed into the sky and blasted into the galaxy fighter suspended in mid-air.

"It's an air defense missile !!"

Some people are incredulous and lose their voices: "Their goal has never been that land reclamation project, they are to attract Chen Lang."

"My goodness!"

"Different from the previous missiles, this is the latest ground-to-air continuous air defense missile of the State of Mi. It is specially designed to deal with multiple targets autonomously, anti-stealth and anti-jamming, and achieve precise strikes. The Thunder-73 missile required for combat. "

"Is it done by Rice?" At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the aircraft carrier of Rice.

The General Mi was staring at the missiles in the sky as the eight smoke billowed.

what's the situation?

How could my family's missile be in the hands of Ge and Spear?

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