Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 286: I'm not late

Hum! !! !!

boom! !! !!

In mid-air, suspended below the Star River fighter in the air, after the launch of the freighter's missile, a thing similar to a metal rod was detected almost instantaneously.

The metal rod was rapidly recharging, and a dazzling red light condensed quickly. After that, the metal rod and the surrounding instruments circulated and refracted cyclically, erupting in an instant.

The dazzling red light turned into a straight and slender light, almost instantly, and the dazzling red light immediately passed below.


There were no explosions, no harsh sounds.

The eight missiles were swept by the red light in an instant, and they were directly broken into two pieces. The front half fell from the air and was transferred into the ocean.

The second half was also out of balance. Although it was still flying under the impact of the tail flames, the direction of the flight changed.

And swirling back and forth in mid-air left a trail of smoke, and eventually fell into the ocean.

"Oh my **** !!!"

General Mi Guo looked at this scene in shock.

He didn't mainly look at the missiles cut into two by the light, he mainly looked at the freighter.

The moment the red line was crossed, the freighter was also crossed by the red line. The entire freighter had been completely cut into two pieces, and at this time it was slowly separated and sunk into the sea floor.

The waves set off, the sea water was permeated, and the huge freighter disappeared gradually.

In mid-air, the Xinghe fighter quickly rose to the sky as if it had completed its mission. The sound of sonic boom exploded, and it instantly disappeared into the eyes of everyone in every country.

"This ... it's incredible, how is it possible?"

"Laser weapon, this must be a laser weapon, but it is a perfect laser weapon."


At this moment, on the major aircraft carriers, everyone who was watching this scene from afar was silent, not only the generals, but also those ordinary naval soldiers.

They grinned involuntarily, and then ... weak.

This sense of weakness makes them uncomfortable.

As the average person, it is their mission to defend the country and defeat the enemy.

But looking at this scene, they suddenly felt that they were useless.

What does it feel like?

It is like with the advent of the age of firearms, those who practice national skills and martial arts were directly eliminated by the era.

Decades of hard work are less than others.

That's the feeling.

All the people present had a feeling of being abandoned by the times. They suddenly discovered that in the face of the black technologies owned by Super God Technology, they were all of no use.

what is this?

With this weapon, do we still need to be average?

Protect your home and protect your country.

Use your head and machine gun to hit others' laser weapons?


General Miguo sighed deeply, a very well-dressed, neat man, suddenly gave an old feeling.

"Passing the picture back, the follow-up matter has nothing to do with us, we ... maybe we should consider retiring."


On the road outside Tianhong Industry.

Chen Lang had received the message from the ball, and his face was a little gloomy.

I thought Ge and Spear just bombarded the reclamation and land reclamation project for demonstration, but did not expect that their target was themselves.

Over and over again.

This is already reaching the bottom line of Chen Lang.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Lang looked at Xiao Xiaoai and said coldly: "Ask when Wei Wuyou will arrive. I don't care what reason he has, within ten minutes, I want to see him appear in front of me."


Seeing that Chen Lang's face was not right, Xiao Xiaoai quickly contacted Wei Wuyou.

"Boss, Wei Wuyou is already on the road, and it is expected to reach Tianhong Industry in a few minutes."

"Give him a position and let him come straight!"

Chen Lang nodded.

At this time, the minibus stopped slowly.

Outside are three-story small buildings. In addition to three-story small buildings, occasionally six-story side-by-side diasporas and some ordinary private houses can be seen.

At this time, the location of the minibus is the center of this area, and it is also the most prosperous market in this town, which is more than 2300 households and more than 6000 people live in.

Of course, here is incomparable with the urban area, and even some suburbs are not comparable. It is already the most remote and poorest place in Hangzhou.

Get out of the car, a group of people who had been waiting for them gathered around.

Sun Tianhong stepped forward to introduce Chen Lang, and said, "This is Secretary Chen from the town of Hangzhou, and Liu Bureau in charge of land."

"General Chen!"

"General Chen!"

The attitude of the two was very low. They came quickly after receiving the notice from Sun Tianhong.

Chen Lang is now in a different position. Even if the boss comes here, he must be careful to wait, but because the influence is not good, the boss is not convenient to come, so let them come over.

It can be said that the two stood in front of Chen Lang and they dare not pant.

"This is the representative Li from Huilu Township. Regarding the issue of land occupation for our Tianhong Industrial Expansion, the above statement has allowed it. However, in terms of compensation, it is necessary to discuss with Li villagers and various village Huilu village representatives , And then have a second consultation with us. "

"General Chen!"

Representative Li is a middle-aged man. He carefully looked at Chen Lang.


Chen Lang nodded with a smile, and then said, "The above has been agreed, that is, is policy Z allowed?"

Liu Bureau nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Mr. Chen, as long as the two sides have properly negotiated the compensation, Tianhong Industry can start construction at any time!"

"What's your opinion on compensation?" Chen Lang looked at Li again.

Although Chen Lang's voice was very casual, representative Li was under great pressure.

He whispered, "General Manager, I hope you are not angry. The price you have given is really high, but after the village and regional representatives consulted everyone's ideas, the result of the discussion was that they did not want to sell, because the compensation was high, But in Hangzhou, you still ca n’t afford a house, and everyone is used to living here. Once the land is gone, they will be moved to the city, and everyone has no means of earning a living ..... "

"I understand!"

Chen Lang nodded and interrupted him, saying, "One is that there is not enough money to buy a house, and the other is that even if I buy a house ~ ~, I don't know what to do in the future, right?"

"This .... Yes!" Said Li Li with an awkward smile.

"Convene all the representatives, I will talk to them in person!" Chen Lang said lightly.

Representative Li froze.

Seeing this, Liu Bureau and Secretary Chen hurriedly said to him, "What are you still doing? Come on."

"Oh, oh, okay!"

Representative Li left quickly.

At this time, not far away, a BMW M Series coupe rushed over quickly, braking suddenly, but it was too late.

There is a minibus in front and a small ditch next to it.

The BMW made a sharp turn and then slammed into a wall. The wall collapsed on the spot, and the BMW M Series coupe also hardly saw.

The alarm sounded continuously, and the wall was covered with smoke and dust.

The people around were stunned, and Liu Ju and Secretary Chen, who had met the world, were aggressive.


A cough sounded and a bang, Wei Wuyou kicked the door and walked down.

He smiled awkwardly, walked quickly to Chen Lang and said, "Boss, I am not late."


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