Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 370: Master of the World

"Are you kidding me?"

General manager was stunned, and Wang Lao was also stunned.

Two of them stared at Chen Lang.

This is unbelievable. Although their level is not low, they are not professionals after all, and they are very busy, so I just took a look at those textbooks and did not go deep.

At this moment, when Chen Lang said this, they suddenly came to their senses.

哪里 Where is the teaching material?

Do not!

Or, this is the real textbook.

Textbooks for educating people all over the world, whether it is a young child who has just entered the learning age or an old and respected science leader.

I use all the textbooks.

The general manager saw that Chen Lang's eyes had changed. He couldn't help but said, "If you say that, wouldn't it mean that you have gathered all the core global knowledge and then wrote these teaching materials? In other words, as long as Everyone can be a scientist? "


Chen Lang smiled and said, "In fact, no matter whether it is a past textbook or a current textbook, as long as you study hard and are willing to learn, everyone can be a scientist, but compared with the complicated materials and textbooks in the past, I It is equivalent to a shortcut. It is a summary of knowledge. The focus is on a connection. All knowledge is connected to each other. Therefore, it is easier to learn and the speed of progress is much faster. Booklets, even if they cannot directly become scientists but have the foundation and background, they only need to find a direction, and then they can start research.

As the research deepens, they will learn more comprehensive knowledge, and gradually, everyone is a scientist. "


I always felt shocked.

After lingering for a long time, he digested Chen Lang's words, and then re-associated with the performance of the experts and scholars in the venue these days, he suddenly realized that this is where reform and education are.

"Sages with holes in the ancient times, you have Chen Lang today!"

In the end, Li couldn't help feeling a sigh.

Xiao Xiao Ai looked at Chen Lang aggressively and looked at President Li. She did not look at those books, but she felt that President Li ’s evaluation was too high.

The sage of Ping Kong is a true sage. The Analects of Confucius is a classic, a classic that has been passed down to this day. It has continuously influenced the entire Chinese civilization for thousands of years.

And Chen Lang, can you compare with the sage of Kong?

Is this too exaggerated?

If it wasn't for the long-time domineering CCTV news guy, General Manager Xiao Xiaoyi thought that the other party was crazy.

At this time, Wang also had a complex face. Looking at Chen Lang, he said, "If you say so, then these 180 volumes of textbooks are not just as simple as textbooks. This is a national treasure and a masterpiece of science and technology in the entire international community. Can this textbook really be made public? "

"of course!"

Chen Lang smiled slightly and said, "Since I took it out, it was going to be public. I do n’t want to care about how other countries choose it, but once we replace these books with the original textbooks in China, I believe it won't be long. It will far surpass foreign countries in scientific research, not only the bottom line, but even the existing strength. "

"How could people just look at it like this."

President Li reluctantly said, "The textbooks of various countries in the world have been studied by other countries for a long time. Once this textbook is available, believe me, in less than a month, other countries will never be able to sit still, and all will go to you and ask for authorization. use."

"Then authorize 呗." Chen Lang said indifferently: "I originally meant it, but I was too lazy to take care of them. They had better come to their door.

You also know the crisis of the sun's destruction. In the future, technological breakthroughs are the only hope for human beings to continue to exist. We do n’t care about them in small things, but in this big thing, in order to deal with the future situation, we still need to take the overall situation into consideration. Mainly. "


Mr. Yuanli gave Chen Lang an admiration glance and said, "I didn't expect your boy to have this kind of consciousness. Let's do it. Let's take a look at what those people inside say."

He said, Li always walked into the venue first, followed by Wang Lao, Chen Lang and Xiao Xiaoai.

At this time, hundreds of scholars and experts are making a lot of noise in the venue. They are in groups of three or five, each expressing their opinions, and no one is convinced. They are all talking about the textbooks. For a time, the entire venue is like the vegetable market.


I always spoke suddenly, interrupting the discussion of these people, and laughed: "It was originally decided to hold the meeting for three days, but now it has been half a month, everyone, should you all have the answer?"

Hundreds of experts and scholars all quieted down when President Li spoke, and when President Li spoke, they looked at Chen Lang fanatically.

With a stunned look, burning, and even worship, there was a faint feeling of swallowing Chen Lang into his stomach.

浪 Chen Lang could not help but feel cold.

"General Manager, Chen ... Mr. Chen!"

Professor Yang Xunyang took the lead in speaking. He looked at President Li and Chen Lang with an agitated expression, but the first sentence he spoke was a shock to Chen Lang.

Nyima, Teacher Chen?

What are you kidding? Not to mention my teacher who is unacceptable at my age, let me just say that Mr. Chen is a weird name.

"Don't do it, just call me Chen Lang, you can't afford it, your old teacher."

浪 Chen Lang quickly shied away.

But the crowd did not give him a chance, and one of the pale-haired old men stood up and said, "Mr. Chen, Lao Yang, he called you a teacher that is absolutely affordable, and the others did not say, just these 180 volumes of textbooks, You can be the teacher of the world. "


Another highly respected old man stood up and said, "This is a classic comparable to the ancient sages, a masterpiece of science and technology. These 180 books can save countless young people half their lives.

If we had this set of textbooks at the time, we wouldn't be too old to study hard and hold some information books to find the materials we need. "

"Really worth it!"

"No one can afford the word teacher more than you."

"Teacher Chen......!"

The big brothers who were present at the scene have started to speak ~ ~ Chen Lang who is engaged is a bit embarrassed.

The same is true of President Li and Wang Lao. In the end, Wang Lao couldn't bear it, and said, "Do n’t follow the blind and coax, Chen Lang is still young, but you ca n’t stand the old bones of you. Then, Chen Lang is afraid that he will not be scolded by the people all over the country. "


Professor Yang stared and looked at Wang Lao, and said, "You don't understand what you're talking about? Do you know what these books mean? Once these 180 books are popularized, ten years ... no, five years For at least five years, the entire scientist will undergo drastic changes.

As the author of these books, Chen Lang can definitely be called collectively by teachers in the world.

This is the foundation and the foundation of the future science and technology system.

And, do you know how much the knowledge points involved in these textbooks are for us?

You don't understand!

At least 50 of these 180 books are of great use to us. What do you think we are doing in the past half month?

We are learning.

Even so, we have only looked at the strategy, and want to study in depth, at least a year or two to get through.

And, with this rough look, many of us have new ideas.

All right. .

Don't say so much. These books are used as teaching materials. I agree. Hurry up and announce the results. Then we will leave.

I am very inspired now and can't wait to go back and do some research. "

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