Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 371: Do whatever you want

What the hell?

Your old boy, dare to murder me?

Wang Wang Lao looked at Professor Yang, only half a while back.

At this time, other people can't help it.

However, some of them have different opinions from Professor Yang.

老 One of the old men frowned, and stood up and said, "No, Lao Yang, I don't agree that these books should be used as teaching materials. Once they are taken out, it is equivalent to being published.

At that time, it's not just us, I'm afraid that scientists from all over the world will study these books in depth.

Moreover, I believe that once it is announced, it will not be long before other countries will list these books as textbooks, because these books are so useful, and I believe no country can sit idly by. "

"Education is the most important thing. Can we not use it because we are worried that others steal the teacher? If not, what is the significance of these books?"

"We can put them on top secret and only qualified people can study."


"Yes, these books start from the elementary knowledge point until we all use the knowledge point. If it is not published, then it is a real violent thing."


All of a sudden, the people present quarreled again, but the purpose of this quarrel was whether these books were suitable for publication and suitable for public use as teaching materials.

I watched them quarrel, one by one with blushing necks and thick necks, and Li finally couldn't stand it anymore.


If you sit back and watch, these people will not fight yet?

I really have a fight, then I really have fun watching it, I'm afraid that I won't be able to get international news tomorrow.

"OK OK!"

Qi Li always picked up the topic and said, "Don't start arguing, these textbooks are provided by Chen Lang. I believe no one has more say than him.

Moreover, when writing these textbooks, I believe that Chen Lang must have his own ideas.

Let's listen to Chen Lang's opinion first, how about it? "

This time, finally quieted down, a group of old men staring at Chen Lang, like children in the kindergarten waiting for the teacher to send a big red flower.

Old children, old children, this moment is really the same as a child.

浪 Chen Lang is the most experienced in dealing with such people.

How to coax!

Due to the problem of immortality in previous lives, in terms of mentality, human beings have gone through several ups and downs. The mentality of old children is exactly the first.

人 When people live to a certain age, especially when they gradually hand over trivial matters to intelligence, and gradually stop working for food, clothing, and shelter, their mentality will change.

转变 This change is normal, just like the world will be divided for a long time.

All things in heaven and earth, after all, can not escape a single word of yin and yang, solitary yin does not grow, solitary yang is not long.

In childhood, people's thinking is the simplest. As they grow up, their thinking will gradually become more and more complicated.

Is the most complicated period of thinking in middle age, but once they reach old age, they will gradually become like a child.

的 Heart change is here.

The mask has been worn for a long time, and it is going to be taken off. My brain is too complicated, after all, I have to clean it up.

When the age is over, some things will be taken lightly, and gradually let go. The ordinary happiness and sadness once again appear in the human mind.

This is a metamorphosis.

He said, as the Analects of Confucius, thirty stands, forty does not confuse, fifty knows destiny, sixty is pleasing to the ear, and seventy does what the heart desires.

Thirty-year-old faded all illusions and began to stand on her own and understand how to go her own way.

Forty-year-olds are not fooled by outside things, knowing what they want, what they can do, what they can do, and what they cannot do.

At the age of fifty, he understood the fate of the heavens, knowing that the world is not going against the trend, but is going along with it, doing more with less, and not tangling with those things that were valued in the past.

Tong Ming realized that attachment is meaningless and gradually let go of it, so that the whole person is simple.

Twenty-six is ​​pleasing to the ear, and is able to face all kinds of remarks correctly, not for the ecstasy of goodness, but for the troubles of badness, so that I will not feel any discomfort.

When I reach seventy, I can do whatever I want. Everything is just like a child, but because of life, I know everything, so I do n’t want to go beyond the rules at the same time.

Of course.

What these Speaking of Analects of Confucius is actually talking about the Confucian saint himself.

How outsiders can learn from this mentality course, but not from this time.

The more savvy people are, the more people they have experienced, the shorter this time will be. Even compared with the environment in ancient times, under the influence of modern network society, people's mentality will change faster.

Maybe someone has reached this state of mind at the age of 40 or 50.

After all, this is a mentality, not a science.

But not everyone is like this.

In the end, some people can't ignore it, or they are stuck in a certain mental process. Don't mention that they can't let go of the old, even when they die.

In the previous life, the experts of internal civilization and the external civilization from other civilizations, such as magical civilization, have studied the course of human mentality transformation in order to speed up this process.

Because the genetic warrior is different from the practitioner, the practitioner moves forward step by step, and there is nothing wrong with the state of mind.

But for gene warriors, many gene warriors have risen overnight, and some troubles have occurred because of this.

Someone is not in a good mood.

At that time, combined with all kinds of information and verification, the Federation unified the spiritual realm, and those who did not reach the realm could not perform gene lock unsealing.

对应 The mental realm corresponding to the first-tier soldiers is the righteousness. The so-called righteousness is to have a perfect three perspectives, know the rules, and do not act like impulsive behaviors like minors.

The mental realm corresponding to the second-tier soldiers is intentional. The so-called intentional means knowing what is awe, what is compassion, what is gratitude, and what is tolerance.

Because the second-tier fighters are already beyond the scope of civilians, this is a hard rule for the safety of civilians.

The third-tier warrior corresponds to not being confused. If you say that sincerity is owned by an adult, you are clearly educating your mind and letting them understand the truth, then it is a real mentality change.

的 A person who can stabilize his or her own mentality is not confused by outside things and knows what to do and what not to do. This is qualified.

Of course, in fact, this is not the kind of unconfident of ordinary people, but it is not qualified after you have mastered the power.

Fourth-order knows destiny, fifth-order Shuncheng, sixth-order freewheeling, seventh-order ...!

Layer after layer.

This is a requirement of genetic warriors in the late federal period. Of course, this requirement is actually used to restrict those big forces.

The great forces have the resources. This is done to prevent some situations that are not enough, but not short of resources, and eventually lead to the loss of self.

Power can be available at any time, but the spiritual realm is the top priority. As long as the spiritual realm is sufficient, it really won't take long to cultivate a genetic warrior.

So all the major forces also understand the intention of the Federation ~ ~ They also understand that basically no one has violated the regulations after this rule appeared.

Chen Lang, who has lived so long in previous lives, although he is not a genetic warrior, has experienced so many things in his state of mind, and has gradually stepped into the level of his own mind.

I can say that, similar to Chen Lang, the first group of humans in the early days of peace to the war of punishment, the level of soul is not low.

The lowest 也 also reached the fifth order.

As long as the resources invested are sufficient, you can become a sixth-order gene warrior at any time.

I just don't need it.

This is why after the rebirth of Chen Lang, everything is at will, and sometimes he behaves like a young man, sometimes like an old man.

At this level of the mind, the so-called psychological barrier has long been absent.

If you can't do whatever you want, you've gone crazy for so long.

Of course, this is freewheeling and not exceeding the rules, not the popular so-called freewheeling, popular freewheeling words, there is no awe, no compassion, no gratitude, and no tolerance in the heart. Is that still human?

Jain is no different from the beast.

This is the biggest difference between man and beast, and it is also the core of this spiritual level. .

The core of the puppet is first not to exceed the rules, and then to do whatever they want.

If it wasn't for this, Chen Lang would have had the power to sweep the world by force, not just to develop business, but to affect the world subtly.

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