Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 377: Moon landing plan

既然 "Since everyone is here, the meeting will officially begin."

Chen Lang glanced at the crowd, said something, and then took out his notebook.

"Today's meeting is very important. I think all of you sitting there are already mentally prepared.

Alas, even if you are mentally prepared, the things involved at this meeting will still make you feel incredible.

I can understand your feelings, but I make a request that no matter how unbelievable you feel, you must not be distracted.

Be sure to keep a clear record, because the next period is our rapid development. This period will last from one to two years. After this period, you will see a whole new world. "


I was sitting all over, a little confused, but they nodded.

"Well, let's go straight to the topic, I said, you record."

Chen Lang said lightly, "The first thing is to talk about education reform first. This time I participated in the education reform conference in Beijing for more than half a month. With the consent of our Huaxia town government, the scholars and experts from all walks of life in China By voting, we obtained the main power of education reform.

Next, the club will create a virtual campus platform, and at the same time carry out educational information transmission for the secondary intelligence we donated to the country, so that secondary intelligence can complete high-quality one-to-one teaching work that can easily educate students and social adults. This incident will definitely cause uproar and cause shocks from all walks of the world.

At that time, we are not only concerned about the people at home, but also the people around the world and the towns and cities of countries around the world.

This matter requires an individual to hand over and match with our town government. This work is simple, but the same, although simple, cannot be left alone.

You take a stand first, who will do this? "

"I come!"

Liu Liu raised his hand directly, saying, "The virtual campus platform belongs to the virtual world and is part of the industry in our second world. It should be me to promote this thing."

Chen Lang nodded.

"The second thing is that the time for the gene repair agent has passed so long, but there are still some backward countries that have not achieved the popularization of the gene repair agent for all. Lin Bei, you are responsible for this matter. Recently, I have gone abroad Run, if those countries still say they are not willing to buy for the people, you can sell them directly to the people.

Do n’t worry about the obstruction of those countries. You are a super-scientific person. They dare not move you. Even if you do not follow their regulations and sell things wantonly in their country, they still dare not move you. Understand? ?

Including those countries that are still in the war, I don't want the process, I want the result.

For one month, within one month, it is necessary to thoroughly popularize gene repair agents.

I authorize you to mobilize a robot team of 100 people to protect you. Can you do it? "

Zhe Linbei heard that although he was a year old, he was still a little excited, but after all, he was not dizzy and could not help asking: "What if the other party really has no money?"

那就 "Let ancient technology work."

Chen Lang glanced at him, then looked at Wei Wuyou, and said, "For that kind of person, you continue to act and make a contradiction, and then your ancient technology is to continue to wash the original Go and spears as welfare, Give them away for free. "

Wei Wei worryed and heard his mouth twitch.

Because of the price reduction, he is still the object of secret scolding by countries such as the rice country. If there is another wave of free gifts, he may think that it is not only the rice country and other countries.

He even took his dog's blood dripping with his grievances, and he was scolded by five hundred countries such as Rihan who bought the potion here.

Alas, Chen Lang said everything, so he couldn't help it.

He nodded and Wei Wuyou said: "Relax boss, we are always waiting for Lin Beilin to contact you."

Zhe Linbei heard the statement and quickly said, "Boss, one month is enough."

Chen Lang nodded.

"Let ’s talk about the third thing. This is the main thing. The basic framework of our Super God Technology headquarters in the Pacific has been completed, and the follow-up processing is now underway. After one month, the follow-up processing will end, and the entire headquarters will be completed by then .

In-house manufacturing is a long-term thing, at least another year, so we don't wait, and start relocation one month later.

工厂 The factories and industries located in China are not moving, but then we will all move to the headquarters to live. You can go back and ask the company's employees, who are willing to allocate housing, and stay here if they are not willing.

Similarly, at that time, we will establish a business country belonging to our Super God Technology at the headquarters. Once the business country is established, subsequent immigration plans will be launched.

The business country is different from the nationality of other countries. Our nationality allows one person to have two nationalities. That is to say, we are people of the Super God Technology Business Country and also Chinese people.

As for the town government, do you disagree?

方向 For your direction, I will negotiate. Commercial nations like us do not participate in civil wars, they do not participate in politics, and they are absolutely neutral, so they will definitely agree.

You will definitely need to include the nationality of the business country at that time. After the meeting today, after you go back, you can discuss with your family and make preparations. "

Business country?

Everyone was shocked at this moment.

When Ge and Spear established the ancient commercial nation before, they thought it was just to confuse audiovisual, to wash Bai Ge and Spear, and even for subsequent layout and planning.

But now, they suddenly realize that their future is really different.

No wonder the boss just said that even if it is unbelievable, he should not be distracted.

No wonder.

Wu Jianguo!

I really did not expect that Chaoshen Technology will soon establish a nation.

一 Liu Yishou, Xiao Xiaoai and others all showed a slightly confused expression ~ ~ Even if they all felt like they were in a dream.

"The fourth thing is very simple. After a period of time, after the end of education reform, when we establish a commercial country, I will announce the establishment of a global science and technology research support plan, and at the same time, establish a virtual scientific research platform to achieve a real virtual world. All known research borrows artificial intelligence and supercomputers for calculations.

Even borrowed the next stage of light brain for calculations.

平台 The specific information and situation of this platform will be sent to you by Xiao Xiaoai in the future. You do not need to intervene in this matter. Telling you is to prepare you mentally.

Let me just say the fifth thing.

This is the most important thing, and also the main direction for the development of our super technology.

今天 From today, all industries under Chaoshen Technology have made concessions to Xinghe Aerospace.

In the following, Xinghe Aerospace will become our priority development enterprise under Chaoshen Technology, with priority on resources, talent, and capital.

In a month, I need Xinghe Aerospace to build at least three Xinghe battleships.

After the establishment of the business nation, we need a shocking enough thing to let the world know us and know us brand new.

And for this matter, I mean, landing on the moon! "

Moon landing?

Everyone froze.

Fortunately, the previous things are quite shocking, but what the **** is this moon landing? This stuff is almost rotten by all countries.

怎么 Why is this shocking enough? ?

"We will dig out prehistoric civilizations on the moon and let people around the world see a whole new world!"

Chen Lang said slowly.

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