Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 378: passionate

Tap for prehistoric civilization?

As soon as this remark came out, all the high-rises who were sitting there froze.

"There are still prehistoric civilizations on the moon?"

Liu Yi took the lead in revealing an incredible expression.

I know a lot about the prehistoric civilization. After all, they basically know about the ancient giants of Ge and Spear in the Hals Islands, and Chen Lang also said that under the Hals Islands is a With a dragon corpse suspended above the sea.

These things are incredible, but they have already happened, so they have accepted them.

Especially sitting in this position, each of them is no longer an ordinary person.

Don't mention the genetic evolution agents that transcend the outside world. In terms of status, they are already comparable to the governors of some small and medium-sized countries.

每一 Each of them is one of the big names in business.

It's just that everyone is together on weekdays, so the halo is not so obvious.

After all, even an old horse, sitting in the conference room at this time, is also a member of the crowd, and is not too prominent.

However, in this position, their secret understanding of nature is not comparable to ordinary people. There are prehistoric science and technology creations on the earth that make people feel incredible. These are not secrets.

There is a team that conducts research on these things in Area 51 of the State of Rice and Rice, and even some hidden departments in Huaxia.

Of course.

Although it is research, it doesn't actually mean much. Those technological creations have either been scrapped because of too long, or because they aren't any technological products, they are just weird things that do not look like ancient people can make them.

It is basically impossible to dig out technology and technology from it.

The so-called research is actually studying the time of his existence, some things that happened in prehistoric civilization, and the like.

各国 And countries also understand this truth, so no one really puts too much energy into studying these things, more is to develop their own technology.

Prehistoric technology may be strong, but at least countries have not benefited from it, such as technology.

That is, after the declaration of ancient science and technology, countries have increased their research and investment in this area. At the same time, they are also digging around the world to try to dig out ancient science and technology relics.

But unfortunately.

Although all countries in the world have screened and excavated the world, there is no benefit at all. So far, no country has heard of the remains of prehistoric civilization.

Now I heard Chen Lang talk about digging up prehistoric civilization on the moon and revealing a whole new world to the world. All of them are a little fascinated.

Countries are still searching and mining the world. Are you always staring at the moon?

Is the moon really a prehistoric civilization, or do you always think that every country on the earth is digging now, we have no chance to go now, so we turn our heads to dig the moon to try your luck?

Do not!

Everyone knows Chen Lang very well. As a subordinate of Chen Lang, in this world, apart from the enemy, they have the most thorough research on Chen Lang.

They believe that Chen Lang will never make a joke on this occasion, nor will he say that he is lucky. Since Chen Lang dare to say, it must be the relics of prehistoric civilization that really exist on the moon.

I think so, they all looked up at Chen Lang.

Chen Lang nodded slightly and said, "I have used technology to explore the moon long ago. On the back of the moon, there is a huge energy reaction field under the mountain layer. If there is no accident, the moon definitely has a shocking prehistoric The ruins of civilization, and according to my speculation, the size of the ruins is absolutely enough to shock the world. "

"Does this relic of prehistoric civilization mean that we will acquire the technology of prehistoric civilization?"

Suddenly, the old horse couldn't help asking questions.

Chen Lang shook his head and said, "No, any technology needs to have a foundation and a foundation. Although the formed technology is easy to analyze, but if this technology far exceeds our technology foundation, then we have no way to analyze it. We can learn from it and use our own foundation to make it.

This is like the difference between cultivating immortals and magic. Of course, a cultivator who has obtained the basic products of magic civilization can be analyzed and manufactured by himself, but if you get artifacts of magic civilization, you have no way to analyze it.

If you want to analyze the products of other civilizations across the barriers of science and technology, then at least we need to surpass each other's products by one civilization level.

So for the time being, you don't need to think about it. What we really need is some materials that are stored in prehistoric civilizations, those that are rare, or even materials that are not on the earth. "

The old horse nodded slightly after hearing the words.

The others looked at Zhao Tingyun without a doubt.

Zhao Tingyun was a little aggressive. She knew that the Galaxy Aerospace she controlled would definitely be a pillar industry under Chaoshen Technology in the future, but she did not expect this day to come so fast.

Under the whole group, all industries concessions to Galaxy Aerospace, giving priority to resources, funding and development.

怎样 What kind of attention is this?

This is unprecedented.

Even Chen's Mining and Chen's Iron and Steel have not received such treatment before.

Xinghe Aerospace, this is going to be developed.

She could not help secretly muttering in her heart.

The same is true of the others. They all looked at Zhao Tingyun with an envious expression.

But there is no way.

This is the boss's layout and planning. It is up to the boss to develop the item first. Since the boss has spoken, it is no doubt that everyone must follow it.

"Well, Zhao Tingyun stayed, you are all dispersed. In addition, I would like to remind you again that a commercial country will be established in a month. I hope you can get your business done as soon as possible. As you all know, I disclosed the matter at the meeting yesterday. Although this news will not be passed on to the people, countries should have received the news now.

Next, our development will never encounter obstacles. In the face of such things, countries may not do their utmost to help, may sit idly by, or may be salted fish. They will remain completely indifferent until the moment of crisis.

Alas, but they are not stupid.

In the face of such a global, universal crisis, they will never give us any trouble.

Come on, I believe you.

I also ask you to believe me.

The future is destined that we will step out of the solar system, and this time is not as long as you think ~ ~ It is time to talk about heroes.

的 The source of prehistoric civilization, even alien civilization, cosmic civilization, all kinds of unbelievable civilizations and creatures are waiting for you.

Longevity, **** of the starry sky, vertical and horizontal universe, all these things you would only dream of when you watched science fiction anime movie novels as a child will be realized one by one.

At that time, it is time for you to truly exert yourself. I hope you can strengthen yourself before that time.

Don't let yourself be crowded.

To make ourselves a super-scientific technology, let us China, let us all be proud and proud of all human beings.

Now you don't say what your ability is. As a member of Super God Technology, you are proud and proud of being in Super God Technology.

Everything from you comes from Super God Technology.

But in the future, I hope that all the glory and glory of Super God Technology will come from you.

I hope that Super God Technology is proud and proud of your existence.

Don't feel like you can't do it.

As long as you dare to think and act, I believe you are omnipotent.

Come on! "

Chen Lang solemnly looked at the crowd and said slowly.

For a while, everyone's heart was boiling with blood, even though the old horse was a heartbeat accelerated by Chen Lang.

They followed Chen Lang's words to fantasize.

Future galaxy era, future cosmic starry sky, future interstellar warfare, future dominate starry sky. .

Look down!

I'm so excited.

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