Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 526: Disaster Response Global Conference

At this time, hope island.

National mobilization.

后 After the news of the end of the world came, no one could escape the rule, especially the rich.

For a while, many hopefuls on the island began to spend money to inquire about the news and asked whether Super God Technology had any hope for spacecraft such as the Ark.

I asked and how much money can I get for tickets and the like.

I can say a lot of jokes have been made.

But it also proves the impact of this incident.

At the Internal Research Center of Wangshen Mountain behind Dijiang Garden, Liu Yishou and others stood behind Chen Lang with a serious face. Chen Lang was holding a device to study the crystal skull at this time.

"Ball, check the energy response of the crystal skull."

"Didi Didi ..."

The sound sounded, and then the ball said: "After the test, there is no energy reaction. At the same time, according to the test, the crystal skull has no material reaction and it seems to be absent.

does not exist?

how can that be?

浪 Chen Lang and others watched the crystal skull lay on the test bench. Even if the ears are heard as false, what is true?

And, even if the eye does not count, the feeling of touch still exists.

研究 This kind of research has been carried out for a long time since returning.

However, in the end it was unresponsive.

He shook his fist, Chen Lang sighed, and said, "Seal it first, store it, and look back."


The shuttlecock returned, then a robotic arm protruded, placed the crystal skull in a brocade box, and sealed it in a secret warehouse of Chen Lang after sealing.

Chen Lang took off the super glasses, took off his gloves, and turned to look at the crowd.


Liu Yi came forward and said, "Now all countries have responded, and the leaders of major companies have also made statements on the Internet. It can be said that it has detonated the world. Tomorrow's meeting is expected to bring many people. At least tens of thousands of people, I mean arranged in the central square, what do you think? "


浪 Chen Lang shook his head and said, "This time is not the last time. The last time they came was to observe the ceremony. We hope the island was established. This time, they came on behalf of their respective countries.

Therefore, national flags and the like are indispensable.

It's nothing directly in the central square, but our flag is imprinted on the central tower. What will happen when their flags are erected underneath?

It's irrational to fall in love with reason.

Even if they don't say it, the respect they deserve is still to be given.

So, I remember there are several large gyms in the living area, right? Pack up one and use it at the venue. "

行 "OK, I see."

Liu nodded his hand.

At this time, Xiao Xiaoai also stepped forward and asked: "Now all circles are paying attention to our island of hope, and countries are also worried that during this period, there will be some scammers wearing immortal demon monsters or eschatology due to the crisis of the last days. Slamming, do we need some positive publicity in this regard? "


Chen Lang nodded and said, "Although the end is about to come, when it fails, everyone will die together, but there will always be some people with cramps in their heads who will help to do some things at this time. You preach.

As to whether it actually happens, it doesn't matter to us.

I believe that in such a sensitive period, if such a situation really occurs in that country, it will definitely be punished severely. No country dares to condone them at this time.

Is definitely a means of thunder. "

"I understand."

Xiao Xiao Ai nodded and retreated.

Looking at the crowd not talking, Chen Lang thought for a while and said, "Do you know why I had to name the industry you are in charge of as a certain technology group?

What I want is now.

From tomorrow, after the meeting, global companies will need a leader to lead them in a unified planning development.

Your business groups will be commanders in time.

At that time, I will let the ball serve as the supervision, and perform disaster economic management on the companies that have paid for it globally. Under this management, even if all the family members are taken out, then the part that belongs to them will still belong to them, even because of the effort How much, you will definitely get more in the end.

No economic problems, no disputes over interests, then it will be considered a real business group.

Global business is a business that responds to the emergence of disasters.

It is very likely that you will become the leader of all major business groups, but again, I hope you will be able to prepare for the strong and the weak. As a member of our Super God Technology, you are not weaker than anyone .

I don't want a group of people I don't know to come out. "


Everyone heard the words in their hearts, and all spoke solemnly.

After the crowd left, Chen Lang began to contact the heads of the world with the ball and directly started a private meeting.

The meeting specifically told what nobody knew.

He only knew that many people were against it at the beginning, but when Chen Lang told the latter, they were silent.

In the end, they all agreed.

I also expressed my own opinions and requirements.

After Chen Lang considered it, after refuting several requirements, he adopted most of the requirements and suggestions.

Uh .........

the next day.

A bunch of Xinghe fighters continued to appear over the island of hope. These were from various countries and major enterprises. Since the technology was popularized, basically the Xinghe fighters dedicated to the island have been dispatched.

Only used occasionally.

After all, the price of Xinghe fighter is not expensive. What is really expensive is technology. After the technology is popularized, I hope that the big tyrants on the island will already have a hand.

管理 And the management of the Xinghe fighter route is the ball and the secondary intelligence of each country.

These intelligences are interconnected, and the ball is in charge of management, so there is no such thing as collision of routes.

Even though the speed of Xinghe fighter is very fast, it is impossible.

Time passes slowly ~ ~ Some people come early and others come late, but there is no doubt that people who live on Hope Island are fast, and even Many people who are not big bosses have rushed to the outside of the gymnasium specially arranged in the living area.

When the time was close to ten o'clock in the morning, big brothers from various countries also arrived.

浪 Chen Lang, as a landlord, naturally welcomes these people. Those in the enterprise have the following people to greet them, but these big men need Chen Lang to greet them in person.

Say hello to each other, and the time arrives at 10:30 in the morning. Finally, the personnel are here.

At this point, the stadium closed its doors.

In the infield, the staff has already made all the preparations. In the large round venue, the front row has been divided, and a country has a large row.

旗帜 A flag is hung at the front of the area represented by each country. That is the national flag.

抵达 Arrived over time.

Chen Lang, dressed in formal clothes, walked to the central podium, stood on the podium, and began to speak into the microphone.

this moment.

Global live broadcast, all people's attention. Under the data of the ball, at this time, there are nearly 6 billion people watching the live broadcast regardless of time zone and location, regardless of day and night.

Stay up all night? Not afraid. Under the gene repair agent, the old man and the old woman may not be as mental as the young.

Except for young children, young people, middle-aged people, and even the elderly, all pay attention to this moment.

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