Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 527: We will finally have eternal life!

"My colleagues at the scene, friends who are willing to pay for the hope of all mankind, and fellows who are watching the live broadcast of the meeting at the moment, Hello everyone, I am Chen Lang!"

Chen Lang calmly opened his mouth, facing the microphone in front of him.

He looked around the people with serious expressions all around, and continued, "The reason why I use the word siblings, I don't need to explain it, everyone already understands me, right? In the face of the crisis of extinction on the planet, everyone in the world, all human beings We are all fellow citizens.

Super God Technology was born almost three years ago.

Why is Super God Technology born?

Because I discovered the disaster that the planet is about to face.

I am a salted fish. I am more inclined to live freely, without stress, without sorrow, or suffering.

My family also allowed me to do this. Before I started my business, my family had billions of assets. It can be said that I could achieve the life I want.


After I found the doomsday crisis, I hesitated again and again and decided to stand up.

I would like to dedicate my wisdom and the technology I have mastered in this unprecedented disaster, because this is our common home.

Although the dead Taoist friends do not die, but in the face of such disasters, no one can hide.

So I stood up.

I established Super God Technology. It took nearly three years for Super God Technology to stand at the top of the world. Before the news of the last days appeared, there must be many people who did not understand me.

They think that technology is a means of making money. If technology advances a little, you can make a lot of money. If you have technology, you should not take it out. You should keep it. After others surpass it, take it out again.

The product is constantly updated, so that the energy source is constantly making money.


This is normal market behavior.

However, this cannot save a world that is about to perish.

Therefore, in the understanding of everyone, Chaoshen Technology has come up with one technology after another, constantly surpassing the past, surpassing others, and even surpassing itself when standing at the peak.

Because I firmly believe that only constant technological breakthroughs can truly save the entire world that is dying.

I think I did some. "

Speaking of this, Chen Lang paused slightly.

Applause rang from below, a moment later, when applause fell, Chen Lang continued to speak.

"Yes, I did some.

In the prophetic picture, the first picture is self-evident. In the second picture, although humans have passed the crisis of planet collision, they have suffered heavy losses. effect.

The puppet planet is swallowed by us, and the civilization of the earth has entered a period of rapid transformation.

The big explosion of science and technology.

With it, we humans are driving the earth to flee the solar system.

Although failed in that picture.

But we have already dealt with it well, haven't we? Believe me, as long as we continue to work hard, as long as our technology continues to break through, then we will be able to survive this difficult time.

It ’s nothing if a planet hits the earth. It ’s an opportunity for us.

The sun's destruction crisis is nothing. It is the driving force that drives us forward. If it is to be destroyed, then we change places.

As I said last time.

We should be confident, we should be optimistic, and we should face it with a heart where there is no place for the grandfather. "

Howling! !! !!

The applause rang again, this time, more violently than the last time.

In the background, the senior executives inside Super God Technology looked at the live broadcast and couldn't help but be amazed.

Even in the venue, like pony brothers, Lao Lei, Lao Ma and others couldn't help whispering.

"This is too handsome, right?" Lao Lai sighed.

"Langgeer is really awesome. After this time, the world cares about the young and old. No one really doesn't know him. His appearance will be imprinted on everyone's heart." Lao Ma nodded.

My elder brother was impressed and said, "I never thought of working with this boy any further."


No matter what other people say, Chen Lang smiled confidently on the podium.

He continued: "Before this meeting, I sincerely invited global leaders to a private meeting. During the meeting, I proposed the Earth Emergency Federal System.

That is, in special times, special management.

The next period of time is not just Super God Technology, including Rice, Huaxia, Goose, Eagle, Japan, Dekor, Cold, etc.

所有 All countries in the world.

Will undergo a one-month grand convergence phase.

融合 After the integration is completed, the Z bodies of all countries will be temporarily merged into the federal town hall, and will run for a federal consul general, three deputy consul generals, and dozens of federal consuls for global management.

The earth will enter a new era.

At that time, there will be no economic restrictions, no regional restrictions, no development restrictions.

Everyone can go to any region of the world at any time, and all regions of the world can lift external restrictions.

All enterprises can develop in any region at any time, anywhere, and eliminate tariffs and restrictions on all global trade.

But, the same.

The lifting of all restrictions is to save our world. I hope that everyone can make every effort to contribute unlimited power in a limited time.

后 After this speech, we will discuss the federal system in detail.

At the same time, formulate a clear division and integration method for global enterprises and undertakings, without jeopardizing the personal interests of everyone, consolidate all forces into one, and make every effort to develop our future and save our world .

please believe us!

各国 Please countries, major companies, people, believe us! "

When Chen Lang said here.

Except for some of the big brothers who already knew it, the others had opened their mouths to reveal incredible expressions.


The Federation is coming out?

Although this is a matter of course, they still can't help feeling shocked and unexpected.

But Chen Lang did not care about their expressions.

We solemnly said: "We have the most advanced technology, the most advanced technology, the largest resource reserves, and at the same time, we also have the largest army of robots.

We can change the world, we can turn this world into an iron bucket and a paradise and refuge that belongs to our future.

Earth is not only our home star, but in the future, it will be a spaceship that 99% of our people ride on.

Please trust me!

Perhaps many ordinary people can't help you at this stage, but as long as you support us, that's enough.

Our project is very large ~ ~ During this period, your land may be used, your house may be demolished, or your personal property may be violated.

But trust us.

We will compensate, and at the same time, I can make it clear that in the future, these assets in front of you will be nothing.

As long as we survive the crisis, we have the future.

As long as we survive the crisis, we have the resources to allow the world to enter the great contemporaries, not worry about food and clothing, worry about living, safety.

As long as we survive the crisis, we will have a new era.

Our Super God Technology has developed the Yaguang battleship, and the real virtual online games you expect will soon appear.

Our Super God Technology has also developed a resource collection fleet. As long as you wait patiently, we have unlimited resources.

Our Super God Technology has already carried out research on genetic medicines combining genes of water bear beasts and monsters and living too old, gene strengthening agents, re-evolution agents, and even long-life agents that can make us immortal. These are all in intend.

please believe us.

Our planet will never go extinct. As long as we work hard and dedicate our contribution, we can survive the crisis.

Earth civilization may not be worth mentioning in the universe.

But as long as each of us gives enough strength, then we can continue to make progress and never stop.

In the end, we will have eternal life! "

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