For systemic reasons, Chen Lang can control the awakening of the superpowers he wants during the deep level of gene awakening superpowers.


浪 After careful consideration, Chen Lang did not choose the terrifying superpowers of the starburst star, but chose one of the most basic abilities, fire control.

As a posterity, Chen Lang naturally understands better than anyone.

After being excavated, the superpower will become stronger and stronger. Compared with the basic ability of controlling fire, the terrifying superpower of the Earthburst star is difficult to analyze and excavate.

That is doped with multiple attributes.

But Chen Lang is different.

Since there are eight kinds of **** genes that can be excavated to awaken superpowers, there is no need to engage in powerful superpowers.

after all.

The power is terror, and that's just a capability.

Instead, it is a basic ability. There is a system in it. It is easy to dig deep. After awakening a few more basic skills, any combination will have different effects.

After deep digging, it is easy to match horrible skills.

after all.

All capabilities come from the foundation.

If you have mastered the basics, you can develop into a skyscraper.

"I was only interested in the follow-up potential of this super power of fire control, but I didn't expect it to be so strong just after waking up!"

Chen Lang could not help feeling.

八 Normally, only one of the eight **** genes of the human body can be activated, and then the activated **** gene breeds a superpower. A weak superpower will give birth to a new superpower. A strong superpower is an enhancement of this superpower.


内 Within a **** gene, it is meaningless to awaken a variety of weak superpowers. Only truly powerful abilities are the core, which can continue to nurture and strengthen.

For example, Chen Lang belongs to a **** gene that breeds a kind of super power. Therefore, his super power is also the top powerful super power, and does not participate in other weak super powers.

Although the grade of fire control is extremely low, and it is extremely easy to be replaced by new abilities, Chen Lang was ready when he awoke to let the system help to reconcile.

诞生 At the time of its birth, although it seemed to be the same as ordinary people's fire control, in fact, the high-grade ridiculousness, like the ability to read the mind, also occupied the top ability of the entire God gene gene chain.

"Three-step fire control, four-step soil control, five-step gold control, six-step water control, seven-step wood control."

Chen Lang thought in his heart secretly: "That is to say, when you reach the seventh level, the five elements can live together. Everything in the world pays attention to a balance. Whether it is technology or spiritual practice, all are no exception.

According to the calculation, the five elements are in the most balanced and stable state in the universe. If the five elements are in harmony, the eighth order will awaken the ability of a life system.

Together we can work through time and space, and we may not have time and space in the future.

Life is guaranteed, five lines are balanced.

It is not necessary to avoid the collapse of the ninth-order gene.

That's eight **** genes occupying seven of them.

只要 As long as there is no genetic breakdown in Tier IX, and then to awaken a suitable ability, all the eight **** genes are awakened, and under the blessing of eight times, Tier IX can have the unmatched strength under the gods.

By then, the earth can be considered as a top advanced civilization. "

I think so.

Chen Lang sat down cross-legged again.

Began to mobilize his concerted super powers.

When he advanced to the third level of life, he felt that his super power was gestating, and when he was out of customs, he had already bred it.

So, he really wanted to try if his super power really connected himself.

If you can really connect.

In the future, fighting mortals as mortals may not be impossible.

After all, two people were connected in the second stage before, and in the ninth stage, there were nine people, plus ten.

In addition to themselves, other people have also cultivated the 9th invincible, which is equivalent to ten times the ordinary 9th.

Then if this is superimposed again, it is a hundred times.

One hundred ninth order and one hundred times ninth order, those are totally two concepts.

God is stronger than Tier Nine. It is the object that Tier Nine must look up to. People and tactics cannot win.

But the power of the gods, according to Xiao Jing, is just a hundred times that of ordinary ninth order.

This life.

Since there is a chance, Chen Lang does not want to let go.


Thinking like this, Chen Lang condensed.

画面 At the moment he sensed, a picture appeared in his mind.

That is a world that makes Chen Lang's face look very strange.

He is also human.

However, the background is completely different.

In this world, Chen Lang still exists and is still called Chen Lang, but he is an evolutionary.

In this world, there is no sun or moon in the sky, and some are just stars.

Under the stars, the earth did not look so dark, leaning towards a cold color system, and there were forests everywhere, all kinds of primitive trees stood up, stood up, and covered the sky.

Everyone lives under the tree.

But above the big tree, in the sky, occasionally a figure flashed by, as if flying.

"This is my profile, please introduce yourself!"

Just looking at the other person's heart, Chen Lang couldn't see the truth. After a little thought, Chen Lang actively contacted the other party and transmitted his message to the other party.

The other person seemed shocked, and the whole figure instantly stood still on a branch. ,

After a long time.

The information is transmitted.

"My name is Chen Lang. The world I live in is not called Earth, but mountains and seas."

Chen Lang, Laoshanhaijie hesitated, said, "I don't know how this world was born, and no one knows it. I only know that since the birth of mankind ~ ~ has been living in this mountain and sea world.

There are many creatures in Sheshan and Haijie, not just humans. Here, there are all kinds of creatures and all kinds of monsters.

There is a rule of nature. Here, killing other creatures can devour each other's genetic evolution, but it cannot be lower than their own level, because people who are lower than their own level have invalid genes.

Nun can not be higher than his own state, the high state of genes, the body genes will collapse.

世界 This world has existed for a long time, so long that no source can be found.

最 The strongest person in the world is the XIX Tier Xeon, but because of the rules of the world, in the long history, there can only be at most 2,999 Xeon Xeons in the world at the same time.

It is said that the reason is that after the number reaches three thousand, the road to becoming a **** will be opened.

Three thousand ninth-tier Xeons compete for the only qualification to become a god.

The loser dies, the winner detaches.

According to history, it appeared once before nine thousand years ago, once two thousand years ago, once once two thousand thousand years ago, and you do n’t know any more.

Because the war between the most powerful will turn all the forces in the mountains and seas into residues, and only some survivors can survive in the end. "

Chen Lang stunned.


Evolution? gene? Three thousand and nine steps to compete for God?

The true version of the universe to survive in the Jedi?

Is it because the world is too special, all have such rules, or is it a game of the gods? ?

"Small crystal, come out and discover!"

Chen Lang opened his eyes instantly.

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