
The small crystal figure instantly appeared in front of Chen Lang.

However, it was not an avatar, but a ghost image. When her last avatar was in Chen Lang's retreat, her play collapsed.

According to Qiuqiu, she is making a system for herself, which is not perfect yet.

"What's wrong? What a discovery?"

Xiao Jing looked at Chen Lang gazed at her eyes, but almost instantly, she blushed instantly.

"Why don't you wear clothes !!!"

The little crystal was anxious.

"Stop pretending!"

Chen Lang glanced at her and said, "What is there to avoid suspicion of the physical body? Can not your gods see the origin directly through the surface? Is there a difference in your eyes between wearing and not wearing clothes?"

The small crystal was dumb.

Then helplessly said, "Isn't this what you do in the countryside!"

"Don't beep!"

Chen Lang rolled his eyes and asked, "Do you know the mountains and seas?"

"What mountains and seas?" Little Crystal stumbled slightly.

Chen Lang thought about it, and described the information transmitted by Chen Lang from Shanhaijie to Xiaojing, and Xiaojing's face changed suddenly.



"Farm farm, what you said is not a mountain or sea world at all, it should be a farm!"

Xiao Jing's face changed greatly, saying: "I heard of this place. In the beginning, some major civilizations resolved some small collisions. Later, after the emergence of science and technology, they were transformed into breeding farms. The major civilizations seized some Civilizations or races have been put into farms for countless years and are said to be versatile.

One is the use of major ethnic civilizations to study the genes of various ethnic groups.

The second is the potential of the major theological civilizations to observe all ethnic groups.

The third is to use it as a trial ground for the potential genius of the major protoss.

There are many other uses.

All in all, this place is called a farm by the outside world. The divine civilization raises other civilizations in captivity, and breeds them as animals, and like the legendary breeding crickets in your earth, let the races inside fight each other. By.

The ninth-ranked strong among them gathers the genes of all ethnic groups, which is definitely a natural high-quality gene source, and the major protoss will conduct some Tianjiao trial contests for the younger generations. In the end, about 100 people will be eligible to enter the farm.

These days, when Tianjiao entered the farm, a nine-tier battle at the farm will be started. Normally, all of them will be crushed. These hundred people crush the other thousands, and eventually kill all the nine-tier indigenous people, and devour their genes. The last genetic improvement before becoming a god.

Because there are many and many races in the universe, the genes in the farm can be said to be the most comprehensive in the universe. Tianjiao, who takes any path, can swallow the genes that can enhance its genes.

Therefore, for the Tianjiao of the major theological civilizations, being able to step into the farm is a kind of growth and also a kind of creation.

Almost every 10,000 years, it is turned on once, and no matter who it is, there is only one chance to go in life. "

"Every time, it must be the descendants of the gods who enter it to win? Does the indigenous people have no chance?"

Chen Lang frowned.

This is not right.

Although Xiao Jing said that although it is very similar to the mountains and seas, the mountains and the seas are all three people in one step, instead of being entered by outsiders.

"Yes, but you can say none."

Xiao Jing pondered and said, "As far as I know, I have heard people come out of it, but not every time, someone will come out. Only the true strong will be born, and those descendants of God who step into it will look good. The other party can get out of it.

But say so.

In fact, those descendants of God are more proud than anyone else, and they don't look down on those indigenous people, so one person may not come out of it ten times or a hundred times.

Of course.

This is my age, and I do n’t know now. The more developed the gene, the more perfect it is. Maybe the ninth step in the farm is very strong now? Strong enough that those descendants of God will rush to rush for it? Does this mean? "



Listening to Xiao Jing's words, Chen Lang immediately confirmed that it must be the mountains and seas.

But why the earth where Chen Lang lives?

Even Chen Lang, who is in the mountains and seas, does not know about the earth. Obviously, the earth was in the mountains and seas long ago. It is estimated that it was before or at the beginning of human beings.

That is why no one knows the earth and only thinks he is a native of mountains and seas.

Think so.

Chen Lang knew it.


Different from the known universes, the universe in which Chen Lang lives in the mountains and seas may be the major gods ’civilizations who have completed their experiments to think out, remove traces, or want to see miracles. Thrown into the mountains and seas.

So there are follow-up things.

It seems.

Although many universes are similar, many are different.

The theory of parallel universes can be abandoned.

Although the avenger Chen Lang and the savior Chen Lang are similar to the parallel universe where Chen Lang is located, except for the timeline, the development of things is similar, but the appearance of Chen Lang in the mountains and seas is enough to prove that not every universe All are similar.

That means that this is not a parallel universe, but a true multiverse.

The multiverse means that what is known and what is unknown is included, and everything is reasonable.

And so calculated.

As usual.

Theoretically, the more similar, the less energy should be consumed when connected, and the more dissimilar, the energy that is consumed is gradually increased.

According to this theory.

I came from the world of the avenger Chen Lang, so I contacted him first, and then, the world where the saver Chen Lang is more similar to this world, so he connected the saver Chen Lang.

The third time was Chen Lang's turn.



Thinking about this, Chen Lang suddenly stunned.

If you count according to this theory.

Doesn't that mean that in the future, connected selves will become more and more off-track? Would that connect to a monster Chen Lang? No way?

Not right ~ ~ According to the theorem, at least if there is an earth, can we have ourselves? How could you have yourself without Earth?

Chen Lang in the Shanhaijie can also be said to be because the earth was thrown into the Shanhaijie long ago, so he is indigenous to the Shanhaijie.

That monster word.

It is impossible at all. After all, the environment like the earth cannot raise monsters, and the dark energy content is too scarce.

Thinking so, Chen Lang couldn't help sighing.

"Okay, it's all up to you, I know, you can go." Chen Lang waved Xiao Jing away.

Xiao Jing looked at Chen Lang in amazement and said, "What about your big discovery? That's it? Neurosis? Just call me over for this? Let me get out of here after asking?"

"What do you want? I didn't wear any clothes, do you still want me to send you?" Chen Lang raised an eyebrow.

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