Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 716: New era, new life

Destination: ancient broken area.

Sailing time: one year, eight months and three days!

With the start of the interplanetary voyage of this behemoth of the earth, the Ize galaxy, and even the edge of the Tuli galaxy, but with civilization, you can see a bright meteor passing quickly.

This meteor is faster and brighter than any previous one.

Civilizations in the land are like gods, some people pray, others make a wish.

Extraterrestrial civilization is aware of the unusualness of this planet. Under that bright light, there is great terror, so no one dares to peep.

With the start of sailing on the earth, except for the industrial system inside the earth, the industrial systems outside the Earth Skynet have stopped. At the same time, the resource collection fleet has fallen into silence and the cruise ships have returned.

The entire earth is dormant, hibernating.

Within the earth.

Suddenly, there was a lively excitement around the world. The voyages and patrols returned, and the main forces on the Earth Skynet had returned to the earth. The atmosphere of the entire earth changed instantly.

The streets are crowded with people, and some people are talking about the wonderful events encountered in the starry sky, and some people are bragging about the daily life when they watch the sky.

Couples are noisy, and middle-aged people are shopping happily with hordes of wives and sons holding newborn babies.

The major restaurants are full.

Talking about games, talking about life, looking at the stars, even participating in discussions about the future of humankind, and so on.

As if everything is getting better.

Although people still live their own little lives, in this magnificent era, the smiles on people's faces have obviously increased.

Don't worry about medical, illness, education, and even life trivia.

People just need to live the life they yearn for leisurely.

Or a vigorous love affair.

Or struggling to achieve their dreams.

Or, find what you are interested in, do it, and learn.

Over the years, the world has changed too much.

But people clearly prefer life now.

They can go after their own dreams, they can go after their own hobbies, some people have learned music, some people have learned technology, and some people are addicted to games, but they have learned a lot in games.

It's like in a dream.

this world!

"I haven't been back for a long time?"

In Huaxia District, Hangcheng District, in a small bar with a very tasteful decoration and a quiet environment, Liang Chen is sitting against the corner. On the table in front are some delicate snacks and two bottles of brightly colored wine .

As soon as he sat down and took off his trench coat, the boss came over with a smile.

The boss is also a young man.

In other words, in this era, it is difficult to find people who seem to be very old. After the old people thoroughly digested the elixir of life, they have also returned to their appearances in their forties or forties.

And middle-aged people are more than ten years younger, just like their mature models in their thirties.

Young people have completed their youth forever.

Liang Chen looked at the buddies in front of him, and silently calculated in his heart. Since the birth of Super God Technology, almost ten years have passed.

Although the elixir hasn't appeared for so long, the buddies in front of him are as handsome and handsome as they were ten years ago, but with a low-key humor.

Sit down.

Picking up the bottle and pouring two glasses of wine, Liang Chen nodded and smiled: "Yes, I remember when I came back last time more than two years ago."

"I heard that your heroic team has disbanded? Where have you been transferred? How did you say that it was also an instructor-level captain, shouldn't it be bad now?"

The bar owner said curiously.


Liang Chen's mouth was humble, but the smug smile was embarrassing.

"The main position is Captain of the First Special Operations Force of the Federation, and the deputy is the Deputy Dean of the Super God Gene Warrior Academy."


The bar owner was speechless for a while, then said with emotion: "I used to think that a person of your character was a hero, but I really didn't expect you to go that far. In the blink of an eye, so many years passed, you It's you, but I'm not me. "

"what happened?"

Liang Chen frowned and said, "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing!"

The owner of the bar shook his head and said, "I don't know you, you are in a good family situation, and you have helped me a bit. The industry at home is now worth hundreds of millions of coins. I opened a bar and lived my life. The thief is chic, what can happen? "

"Don't hide me if you are a brother. What happened?" Liang Chen heard his words and frowned even more.


The bar owner hesitated, then smiled bitterly and said, "Well, in fact, this thing is not shameful. After all, it's all over the street. Your sister-in-law ran away."


Liang Chen was stunned and said inconceivably: "Just like your appearance, character, family background, sister-in-law can run away with someone? Who is the other person?"

"An ordinary person!"

The bar owner reluctantly said, "The times are different. In the past, everyone looked at money, but now when all aspects of life are satisfied, everyone is pursuing feelings, stimulation, and dreams.

Doesn't she always have a musical dream? Earlier, the bar invited the band ~ ~ and went to it once, and then ran away.

You also know my character.

Although very angry, but helpless.

After all, the feelings are gone, it's too late to say anything.

Revenge or something, I thought about it carefully, it is not necessary, and it will not be. "

Liang Chen opened his mouth, then patted the bar owner's shoulder, picked up the wine glass and said, "Come, drink, I will accompany you drunk for a while. Why is my eldest husband without a wife? Where is the world?

She ran away because she was blind. I'll introduce one for you, okay? Have been a hero before, okay? "


The bar owner wanted to refuse but couldn't say.

Liang Chen frowned slightly, wondering what he meant.

At this time, a pure and petite figure appeared at the bar door. The bar owner glanced at him and immediately trembled. He quickly got up and said, "Brother, drink first, I'll go as soon as I go."

As he said, he trot all the way to the door, and the innocent girl smiled immediately after seeing him, and they hugged directly.


Liang Chen, holding a wine glass, was stupid.

"Introduction, my girlfriend, Xu Lingling!"

The bar owner led the girl to Liang Chen, smiled, and then said to the girl, "This is what I told you from my childhood to the big buddy, hero Liang Chen, you know? It was famous before."

"It's famous now, right?"

Xu Lingling was a bit shy, she stretched out her hand and shook Liang Chen.

Liang Chenchen's cooperation.


In Dijiangyuan, Chen Lang processed the last batch of information at hand, and at this time, the ball sounded loudly.

"Master, someone wants to get involved in the Federal Special Operations Forces!"

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