Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 717: Seaville-Jones

Get involved in the Federal Special Operations Forces?

Chen Lang frowned.

Putting down the information in his hand, Chen Lang asked: "Who did you contact? That power?"

"Liang Chen, the Nordic Union Consortium!"

The ball sounded again, and at the same time, a projection appeared in front of Chen Lang. In the projection screen, it was Xu Lingling shaking hands with Liang Chen.

"Call up the network!"

Chen Lang looked at Xu Lingling's projection, and said after thinking a little.

Xu Lingling Chen Lang didn't know.

But Chen Lang, the Nordic Consortium, knows.

The so-called Nordic Consortium is a very large consortium established in northern Europe and other regions, mainly based on the Nordic consortium. If the level of the consortium is not to be compared with Super God Technology, it is enough to be compared with ancient technology.

It can be said.

After the era of each country, after the establishment of the federation, the world's major business groups followed and formed some interest associations.

The reason why Chen Lang was impressed with this consortium was mainly because the so-called folk industry returned to the people, and it was this consortium that took the lead in advocating it. It was they who created the Internet and at the same time, the leader of the federal high level, It is also inextricably linked with this consortium.

Even Morgan had more or less contact with the consortium.

When Chen Lang was thinking about this consortium.

The ball has listed the network of Xu Lingling, which is mainly based on the Nordic Consortium.

Xu Lingling, whose father is a wealthy businessman in China, of course, has limited assets. He opened a listed company in the peaceful era, and his personal assets are about tens of millions.

When Xu Lingling was in junior high school, she was sent to study in Europe, and she had a certain cooperative relationship with some European business groups.

After the establishment of the Earth Federation, some Nordic consortiums jointly established the Nordic Consortium, and Xu Lingling's father was absorbed by exception because of his business cooperation and because of his identity as a Chinese.

Xu Lingling accepted Scandinavian ideas from childhood and returned to Huaxia two years ago. She secretly contacted many people, but according to the relationship network, at a party, because of Liang Chen's buddies, the bar owner Zhang Xing inadvertently boasted that his buddies were Liang Chen gradually came into contact with Zhang Xing.

It happened that this time the earth set sail again, and people who worked daily in the starry sky ushered in the holidays, so this time they met with Liang Chen.

"Do you need a warning?"

The ball asked.

After getting along with Chen Lang for a long time, he naturally understands that although the first special warfare unit of the Federation is in the name of the Federation, it is actually a private force of Super God Technology.

In this regard, Chen Lang will definitely not let others intervene. The Nordic Consortium has obviously reached out too long.

"Being not!"

After a little thought, Chen Lang smiled and said, "The layout is so long, so many things are rushing, not just to contact Liang Chen, and then gradually intervene in the first special warfare troops, and the first special war will be in the future when the federal disintegration. Did the troops draw in?

In this way, you will send the message to Liang Chen, Liang Chen will naturally know, and remember, let Liang Chendu cooperate and urge Zhang Xing and Xu Lingling to have more children.

After all, the fertility policy has been around for so long. Neither of them, a single or a divorce, has actively cooperated with the policy to give birth to a new baby. At this critical time, this is anti-human.

Tell Liang Chen that giving birth to one minus one grade and giving birth to two are not guilty. It is up to them to choose what they choose. It is not necessary to conceal it deliberately, even if it is a warning to the Nordic Consortium. "

"Yes, master!"

The ball replied, and then the projection disappeared.

Hangcheng District.

In the bar.

Liang Chen and Zhang Xing and Xu Lingling were chatting happily and drinking a few glasses of wine. At this time, an unexpected news was transmitted directly to his brain through the bracelet.

That was Xu Lingling's identity, and Chen Lang's decision.


After reading the information, Liang Chen looked pale.

"what happened?"

Zhang Xing looked at Liang Chen with some wonder, while Xu Lingling, who was sitting on the side, was tight in her heart and already had a bad feeling.

"Are you from the Nordic Consortium?"

Liang Chen frowned, his eyes staring at Xu Lingling.

"Chenzi, what are you talking about?" Zhang Xing froze.

At this time, Xu Lingling nodded slightly, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not malicious to you."

"Yes, that's right, not malicious!"

Liang Chen took a deep look at her, then looked at Zhang Xing and said, "Brother, I don't think I should tell you this. Let her explain it to you. I only have one sentence.

Go and have children as soon as possible.

If you have one sin, reduce it by one, and if you have two exemptions, you do n’t need to explain it to anyone who wants to come. I have something, so let ’s go. "


Liang Chen got up and left quickly.

Zhang Xing also reacted at this time, looking at Xu Lingling in disbelief.

Xu Lingling's eyes were dim and she sighed.


Earth, Europe, a historic castle.

A group of brightly-dressed, extraordinary manners held another internal meeting in the castle's underground world.

There are many people, although only twelve of them are at home, sitting at the round table.

But hundreds of people were sitting in the audience below.

And among these hundreds of people, any one who stood out was a wealthy businessman who had enough influence to shock a party.

This is like a small national conference.

This is the Nordic Consortium.

"Sieville, we are exposed."

At the round table of twelve people, one of the bald white old men sighed ~ ~ and said lightly.

"Exposed, exposed!"

Sitting at the center of the round table is a woman, a woman with a powerful look all over her body, but this woman is very serious and unsmiling, but she is very beautiful, which makes her appearance and temperament somewhat mismatched. In this way, it is more attractive.

She is Shevil.

The earth excludes super-scientific technology, ancient technology, and federal townships. In secret, the world has enough power to rank in the top five.

Seaville was born into a long-established family.

Her family has been passed down for more than a thousand years, and she is the true king of Northern Europe secretly, but this family has always understood a truth.

A century-old kingdom, a thousand-year-old family.

So they never participate in the hegemony of any situation in any era.

Dominate the world and sit on the land.

Although this is enough to push a family to an unprecedented peak, it is also enough to restrain all the energy of a family, and even drag an unprecedented family into the abyss.

and so.

The family behind Heville, the Jones family that has been passed down for thousands of years, never touches the kingship.

They are the kings of underground Europe. At any time, any king needs their support, but they are only responsible for supporting them, and they are only responsible for reaping the benefits they deserve after their support.

But never again to control the survival of a royal family.

After the birth of the next royal family, it will be another cycle.

So millennium.

For thousands of years, the wealth accumulated by the Jones family is horrible, and the network in Northern Europe is horrible. In this generation, the Jones family did not have any boys. This family has only one girl at its core.

She is Shevil Jones.

Also today, the co-chairman of the Nordic Union Consortium!

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