Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 728: 2 most taboo technologies in the Department of Science and Technology

Since the birth of the scientific and technological system in the universe, countless civilizations have joined it.

Even some high-level scientific and technological civilizations have created things similar to 'Seeds of Civilization', which can be incorporated into cosmic rays and radiated to the entire universe.

Every life planet on which life has appeared has a certain possibility of getting the `` seed of civilization. ''

The seeds of civilization will subtly influence a person, gradually make this person a scientific pioneer of a certain race, and finally lay a scientific and technological foundation for civilization.

And there is a foundation.

Basically, unless it is for special reasons, 99% of civilizations will eventually choose to take the road of scientific and technological civilization.

In the end, let science and technology civilization flourish in the universe.

Science is the collision of knowledge, the collision of thinking, the collision of creativity, and the understanding of universe knowledge.

Higher civilization is to use this seed of civilization to cultivate indigenous civilization and in-land civilization, so that this civilization can get out of the mother star and into the starry sky.

After entering the starry sky, sooner or later, you will be exposed to higher civilizations, and at that time, it is time for higher civilizations to harvest.

What they want is neither plunder nor oppression.

What they want is not colonization.

Because they look down.

What they want is the knowledge of this new technological civilization, which is used to complement their own science, and also used for reference.

This is the difference between scientific and technological civilization and spiritual civilization.

Cultivation of civilization values ​​resources, and scientific and technological civilization values ​​knowledge.

And billions of years.

With the rise of countless technological civilizations, it is natural to have born truly shocking technologies.

Of these technologies.

Two of them were blocked by the theology of the theology, and were strictly forbidden to study by the eight theology of the universe.


These two, or in other words, these two technological directions have become taboos, and also established the name of the most high-tech.

Different from other technologies.

These two technologies are things that can truly threaten the dominance of the divine civilization.

The first.

eternal life!

The longevity of spiritual practice depends on the evolution of the origin of life. The stronger the origin of life, the longer it can live. Normally, except for special races like the living tree family, normal humanoids, even if they reach the ninth-order pseudo God level can only live for tens of millions of years.

It is very rare to grow longer.

After all, it is man, not God.

This has been the case from ancient times to the present, except that occasionally some people get some strange treasures that increase their lifespan, so they live longer or longer.

But these are all within the acceptance of the divine civilization.

After all, tens of millions of years of ordinary people have looked at it for a long time, but for the divine civilization, it is only a short while in the long years.

After waking up, these ants naturally died.

The so-called longevity is only a little longer.

Long body and eternal life are essentially different.

The creatures with strong source of life can live for themselves. Although the genetic technology researched by science and technology can make ordinary people also live, this long life is also meaningless to the divine civilization and has little effect.

But eternal life is different.

Although eternal life does not mean immortality, accidents, deaths and the like will also die.

But even then, eternal life is just the privilege of the gods.

Longevity can be long-term.

I have lived for a long time, and I have seen more. Even if there is no faith in your heart, you will almost die.

But can't live forever.

After living a long time, even if it is a brain-washing serious creature, with more experience, naturally there will be no awe, no faith, and eventually weary and crooked, after all, we will embark on the path of antithesis civilization.

Long-lived ants are not terrible.

The immortal ants are very scary. The bank of thousands of miles is destroyed in the ant hole. Once time has passed, the ghost knows what these ants will develop into.

and so.

For gods, the people who dare to live forever are to be destroyed.

This is a potential threat.

The second.

Make God!

It's different from immortal civilization like eternal life, and it's different to kill it after discovering it.

Dare to create God's scientific and technological civilization. As soon as it appears, the **** will kill him as soon as possible.

The technical level of immortality may not be too high.

It only takes biogenetic technology to the limit to produce a potion that is immortal.

This taboo technology of making gods has terrible technical content.

It is necessary to gather the achievements of science and technology, all aspects have reached the limit of the limit, and obtain a lot of rare and god-level resources that the gods are envious of.

Use this to create God.

Simulate the rules and laws of the universe, and directly create the gods without the consent and approval of the origin of the universe.

This is extremely scary.

To the gods, this is heresy.

After all, everyone is following the path of spiritual sustenance rules and rules, but you have gone over this step and forcibly simulated Shinto by scientific and technological means, which is never allowed.


God-making technology is a technology that can truly threaten the civilization of the sacred system.

Once the god-making technology floods and a certain civilization creates a lot of gods, it really has enough headaches for the gods.


This is not the most important ~ ~ The most important thing is that all those who can play God technology have reached the limit of scientific and technological civilization. They are all top advanced civilizations. Since this top scientific and advanced civilization can To make God, that naturally has long mastered the technology of eternal life.

Dare to make God or dare not live forever?

and so.

Once there is a scientific and technological civilization that dares to create gods, it is absolutely necessary to join in with eternal life technology.

Can be ignored for a short time.

How long has it been?

After tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, billions of years?

How many gods will be accumulated in the long years of others?

and so.

Divine civilization will never allow this to happen.

Although the two high-tech technologies, such as the creation of God and eternal life, have been circulating among the top high-tech civilizations, few people really dare to play.

After all, this is taking risks for the entire civilization.

But this is a bright matter.



The ghost knows whether those top high-tech civilizations have played this set.

Just like with nuclear weapons.

Although Chen Lang believes that the threat of a sacred civilization will make those top high-tech civilizations dare not take risks, the same is true, Chen Lang is not convinced that no one dares to do so.

I'm probably not doing that in private.

But after all, they are the top high-tech civilization.

The earth is not yet, so Chen Lang cannot take this risk.

God's genes are already remembered by the gods.

God-making technology can't afford the earth today.

The only thing that can play is immortal technology.

But now the earth people have reached the point of longevity, it is easy to live for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years.

In this case, there is no need to provoke the taboo civilization to engage in any taboo technology.

It's better to do it when you really need it.

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