Chapter 729: New Goal (For Subscription)

In the core laboratory of the Super Gene Technology's biogene technology business group, the research that has been focused on is the immortal technology.

Chen Lang didn't understand before.

I just knew that in the past life, mankind has been researching in this area since the immortal plan was started. During the period of divine war, it was even reported that human beings would be punished by gods because they touched taboos.

It is just that Chen Lang always felt that the core of the war of punishment for gods was more the cause of godheads. For eternal life, there may be some reasons, but by no means the main reason.

After all, Chen Lang had a low status in the previous life, and didn't know much about it.

But after the news came from the avenger Chen Lang, Chen Lang suddenly discovered that the earth in the previous life had really been madly testing on the edge of death.

after all.

This gene of God is enough for the Spirit to operate.

under these circumstances.

He also got the deities placed in the magic civilization.

Finally, he set foot in the field of taboos of the gods, began to study eternal life, and even got results.

In this situation.

The three reasons are all in one. The gods don't understand the hand to be really evil.

In the past, it might be that the gods would like to see the subsequent development of the earth.

After getting the godhead, the gods may think that it is good to let the earth try it. What if the ability of the godhead is turned on?

till the end.

Humans stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the gods, and the gods were angry.

Slap it down.

Humanity is dead.

If you think about it, this speculation, although funny and ridiculous, is the most realistic one.

Think so.

Chen Lang couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Therefore, he decisively let the ball block the study of the eternal life plan, and carried out a top-level blockade, and even matched the ball with the small crystals to erase some of the global memories of this.

no way.

The universe is vast. Some things are like this. It looks ridiculous, but it is actually taboo.

Not only can't do it, you can't even think about it. Once the news is disclosed, it will be a disaster.

Even if you want to do it in private, you can't leak the slightest news on the bright side.

Do this.

For anyone, it's a good thing.

‘Creating God? eternal life? ’

Chen Lang muttered silently.

After receiving the news from the Avengers Chen Lang, he could no longer calm down. In his heart, the words God and eternal life appeared frequently.

he knows.

In the future, human beings will eventually embark on this path, and they will eventually enter eternal life, and even create gods that belong to human beings, and finally realize that everyone will become a **** and the people will be detached.

This road may be difficult.

Maybe every step means catastrophic disaster, it means countless sacrifices.

But humans have no choice.

The existence of divine genes has been doomed whether the current gods do n’t mind if the earth continues to exist. In the future, after the earth develops, or for the gods, the earth ’s civilization will be destroyed after it has no use and observation value. .

Because the **** gene is related to the root of the divine civilization.

God's genes.

And it's not just the genes of a theological civilization, but eight.

The genes of the eight sacred civilizations converge in the body of the earth people. The earth is now a ant. The gods don't mind slowly observing it for a while, but in the future, after humans grow up, they will inevitably destroy the earth.

The existence of the earth touched their dignity and face.

How can mortals have the blood of God?

Moreover, what is the blood of the eight major deities? Cross?

Even if a few theological civilizations don't care, the eight major spiritual civilizations always mind.

In particular, this family-style divine civilization headed by Zeus and Odin, their importance to the bloodline of the deities far surpasses that of ancient Buddhas and spiritual civilizations.

Because of a **** gene.

Human beings are destined to be enemies of gods.

Either go against the sky and pull the gods off the altar and replace them.

Either just wait for death.

There is no third way.

In this case, there is no other way for the human category, the news brought by the Avengers Chen Lang, and the two technologies of god-making and eternal life will bring the future earth civilization into it.

Since it is destined to be the enemy, naturally it will not care about taboos.


Again, that is after.

The current earth is not enough. Although the current technology has reached the level of higher civilization, it is still far from the top, which is more than ten times more than the previous century.

Before the technology of God creation can be touched, even if the technology of eternal life can be implemented, it cannot be used.

This is provocation.

"Although it looks like the future will be miserable, in fact, even without touching these things, the future humans will still be miserable, isn't it? In this case, it is better to set a more ambitious goal for yourself."

In the Dijiang Garden.

After a year and eight months, Chen Lang returned again.

He stood in the gazebo on the top floor of Dijiang Garden and looked at the sky, and could not help but have something in his heart.


It can also be said to be ideal and ambition ~ ~ in the past.

He is used to being carefree, not too concerned about anything, and used to the prophets and omnipotence of rebirth, like an outsider, making a reasonable and reasonable plan from the perspective of God, and then gradually laying out and completing it, as if he was a general one step Step by step to bring the earth to where it is today.

This is his past goal.

However, it seems that this goal is actually very small. Under various advantages, this goal can be accomplished by even a fool.

For example, the rescuer Chen Lang, the military force that ruled the world, has now achieved all the goals set. Except for the small crystal, he has already begun to plan to take the earth to the galaxy.

Compared with this goal.

Chen Lang's current goal, in his view, will be much larger, more exciting and lofty.

"Then what is your goal?" The small crystal figure stood beside Chen Lang.

She is no longer a ghost, but a living person. She was born again, completely digested the energy swallowed in the sun, and completed the shaping of the divine body.

Although she is too weak nowadays, she is not as good as the physical body of the top-ranking ninth-order refiner.

But after all, the divine body is the divine body, which contains the foundation of Shinto and possesses the characteristics of containing laws and rules. As long as the fire is ignited again, she can re-enter the realm of the gods and regain new divine power.


Because it's a repeat.

Because she had prepared in advance, and even shaped the most suitable **** body for this derivative, she would light the magic fire this time much easier and easier.

"My goal, it's too big. I'm afraid you will scare away when you say it."

Chen Lang turned his head and heard a bright smile.

(End of this chapter)

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