Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 733: Take the initiative to declare war

That's a millionth or more seventh-order, a three-level or more sixth-order.

how to spell?

哪 Where do you feel confident and confident?

I even said so straightforwardly, one dare to say steady win, one dare to take the initiative to fight, are you crazy?

General Manager Li and others stared blankly at Chen Lang and the ball.

After receiving the instructions from Chen Lang, the ball directly issued a war announcement to the world without any hesitation.

After the announcement of the war.

The entire earth, all people, are also timid and dazed.

I, especially the leaders of the six major forces, Xiweier and Gu Fengyin, are even more wrong.

What is the situation?

Doesn't he mean to set off for another galaxy to develop? This is still on the road, why suddenly declared war on others?

They can't believe their eyes.

Because the announcement clearly states that it is the earth that declares war on a medium civilization called mechanical civilization, not that the earth is intercepted by another civilization to cause a war.

These are two different things.

If it was intercepted, everyone is surprised, but in general it is still within the acceptable range.

After all, they have heard Chen Lang's mention of the dangerousness of the universe, knowing that there is no need for any reason for the war between civilizations.


This is not being intercepted.

Instead, the earth took the initiative to stop and declare war on other civilizations.

Look down!

Regarding Gu Fengyin, they were all shocked, and felt that they couldn't understand Chen Lang's operation, not only them, but all the people in the world were aggressive.

What's going on?

Isn't he running away? Why run away and take the initiative to declare war on others?

Isn't it reasonable to avoid war?

After all, the earth has just stepped out of the civilization on the ground and into the universe. Is it just going to start a war with others?

And, is the earth an invader?

Uh .........

No matter what the outside world is talking about or what other people ’s mood is, at this time, Chen Lang is very happy.

After all, the previous life of mechanical civilization is the enemy of the earth.

Earth and mechanical civilization have a deep sea of ​​vengeance, but the earth ’s new home was too far away from mechanical civilization in the past, and half of the broken void area was separated in the middle.

But this time is different.

Once again, Chen Lang really wanted to see the reaction of mechanical civilization in this world, but also wanted to feel the details and details of mechanical civilization.

"Xiao Yin!"

At this time, Chen Lang dialed Xiao Yin's call bracelet.

A small virtual projection appeared, and Xiao Yin's upper figure appeared in front of the crowd. At this time, Xiao Yin was standing solemnly on the starry prison platform, waiting quietly for the instruction of Chen Lang.

"Big Chief!"

Xiao Xiaoyin solemnly opened his mouth.

Chen Lang nodded slightly, glanced at the starry sky, densely packed, and the fast-moving mechanical civilization battleships and mechs, he said lightly: "Release Lizhao and Kazlon, and tell them that the time for their performance is coming, If they perform well, they won't have to stay in a specific cage battleship in the future, they will become the guardians of our star superstar galaxy battleship. "


Xiao Xiao nodded, and then the projection screen disappeared.

Behind Chen Lang, they were in a hurry immediately.

"Wave ... consultant!"

President Li hurriedly said: "Non-my races have different hearts. We have learned that the mechanical civilization has three eighth-order demigods. These two eighth-order monsters are timid and afraid of death. When people surrender, if they surrender again this time, we will be a dozen or five. "


Morgan couldn't help but said, "Consultant, it's better to be cautious. If I can tell you, let's run away, or let our own fleet go up to test the strength of the other side.

If you directly let Li assassinate them, if they surrender, then we may not even have the chance to escape.

虽然 Although you are an eighth-order, but after all, we only have you one eighth-order! "


I'm Tier 7!

Chen Lang rolled his eyes and said silently: "Can you give them a little confidence in the assassination? They are from a high civilization, after all, we have no way to surrender, but you said that they surrendered to a medium machine With civilization, the odds are very small.

After all, the eighth-order can be called demigods, and they are all mainstream high-end combat power in the universe. All the eighth-order powerhouses have their own dignity. "


I believe in your evil!

You said they have dignity from the assassination? Did you forget how they surrendered?

众 Everyone present was speechless.

At this moment, Chen Lang smiled again suddenly, and said, "Just rest assured, even if they really surrender, there is me and star annihilation. We can escape without any problem."


Everyone heard the words a little relieved, and when they saw Chen Lang insisting on it, for a while, they were helpless.

"Let ’s go, the distance is too far, even if it has evolved to this level, but it is not possible to rely on a clear battlefield to see with the naked eye. The ball, dispatching a small and real-time monitoring of the Yaguang battleship, we have to watch live!"

"Yes, master!"

Cricket ball follows the instruction to open.

The helpless people went towards the control room one after another, and they also wanted to see if the assassin was really betrayed ~ ~ Following Chen Lang, Liu could n’t help but asked in a low voice: Boss, aren't they really betraying? "

Betrayal? Ha ha!

Chen Lang sneered.

Although Liu Yi lowered his voice with one hand, as an evolutionary, the five senses were extremely keen. Naturally, his inquiries could not be concealed by others. Everyone raised his ears in silence and wanted to hear Chen Lang's answer.

Chen Lang, naturally, will not do anything to hide in such trivial matters.

He simply said sharply: "To be honest, my strength needs to go a long way, but without high-level biological energy, it is difficult to get it in a short time, so this is the opportunity I gave them, and I also gave me Your own chance.

Whether they betray or not, it has no effect on us.

If they do n’t betray, then we have two more guardians. Although Tier X is not the top power in the universe, it is also a master of the top beams and pillars. This kind of master is placed in higher civilizations.

You also know that the superstar battleship is easy to use, but it can only be attacked from a long range and cannot be melee. Once the enemy drills a crack, it will be easily destroyed.

I have two eight-step guards, which is good for us and for them. .

Of course, this is the result of their not betrayal. "

Chen Lang smiled slightly, and then said, "If they betray, it will be even simpler. I need higher biological energy for evolution. As long as they dare to betray, I guarantee that the two of them, including the three steel ancestors, will be split. Eighth-level demigod dominates, none of them can run away, they all have to die! "

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